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Posts posted by olo



    I don't see anything other than new music being worth being excited about. Unless WATMM becomes the official portal of everything RDJ related.

    No, trust me - this will be very exciting - when (if) this comes to fruition, it will blow peoples' minds - it blew mine!


    And you thought druqks was quite good!... I wonder if my mind will explode lol



    no, but you'll be able to do this






    I don't see anything other than new music being worth being excited about. Unless WATMM becomes the official portal of everything RDJ related.

    No, trust me - this will be very exciting - when (if) this comes to fruition, it will blow peoples' minds - it blew mine!







    an AMA with Aphex Twin would make watmm implode



    It will end badly. Corpses everywhere.

    Would be awesome... but can the server space this is hosted on handle such a thing? Would be FLOODED.


    Watmm crashed twice during the announcement of Syro and the release of Minipops, and that was just with 700 users being logged in, not to mention the lurkers


    OK, just so nobody wastes their time...


    Probably no announcement today - still in the works, no idea when things will be in a state to make any sort of announcement, etc.

    It is NOT MFM - not even any new music - SYRO just came out!

    An AMA would be nice, but not sure if Richard would be up for it or not - time will tell. But it's not an AMA, either.







    an AMA with Aphex Twin would make watmm implode



    It will end badly. Corpses everywhere.

    Would be awesome... but can the server space this is hosted on handle such a thing? Would be FLOODED.


    Watmm crashed twice during the announcement of Syro and the release of Minipops, and that was just with 700 users being logged in, not to mention the lurkers



    all this.





    Joyrex mentioned 'other surprises' or whatever....


    eznzea is on the way.


    Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned.


    This made me involuntarily say WHAAAAAT at work in a really loud and embarrassing whisper


    haha. I'm at work too. My reaction was a little gasp followed by a head-shake, like I just got terrible news. (terribly awesome news)



    i probably looked something like this



  6. OK, here are some questions for you, regarding Syro, which for me, and I am sure you, form part of the charm and excellence of Aphex Twin.


    On Syro...


    -Where are those tingy, verby sharp hats he is famous for which flick you inside your mind?

    -Where is the musicality on the level of the piano parts of Drukqs?

    -Why is there a cheesy looped birds-chirping-in-the-garden sample behind the piano on aisatsana?

    -Where is the on-the-edge-of-control, red hot full of electricity production with a devil may care attitude to convention and stereo? Syro is the opposite of this.

    -Where is the arrogance of putting a giant hum behind the beats like at the start of Acrid Avid Jam Shred, or even more so, Ventolin?

    -Where are the huge otherworldly synth lead motifs, and why have they been replaced with that acidy noodling thing he does now?

    -Where is the track long development of ideas and emotions?

    -Where is the loneliness, and the sadness displayed in ICBYD?

    -Where are the absolute next-dimensional chemical bangers like Come On You Slags, Start As You Mean To Go On, and Wax The Nip?

    -Where is the 'I have no idea how he made this' feeling?

    -Where is the feeling of being bourne along on a vast and rapid sea of hallucinogenic electonics through the dark British countryside?

    -Where are the heart wrenching strings of 4?

    -Where is the fucking sheer velocity and car door panel vibrating resonance of Girl/Boy Song?

    -Where is the mind warping bleakness

    -Where is the hyper detailed poise and balance of Vordhosbn?




    Fucking nowhere in Syro, that is for sure.




    I said the same shit after metallica's black album. a real pisser that was. I feel ya man, I like a lot of what you mentioned too. But really, that era's been long gone for a long time. Expecting him to pick up right where drukqs left off wasn't going to happen. But, on my home system, I feel many of the points you listed are there in a more "polished way". If you transcribe a lot of Syro to stringed instrumentation, It'd be some of the funkiest shit around. I kind of consider Syro as a fusion record at times. Some wicked electronic jam. James Brown, God rest his soul, would be doing a double take & mutter "Da-fuh...a whiteboy..."

    I've been wondering the same things about ole' Tom Jenkinson, longing for the old days. But again, the ship has sailed & just enjoy what I can for whatever direction he goes with a new release. Go through the 5 stages of grief & maybe you'll get to where I am with Syro. Refer to signature below.

  7. That's true.


    I would have just loved something new from the off... A double album would have been fun. :-D One side 'Syro', the other side new things.


    Don't worry eznzea will be on it's way within a year. We are entering a period of Aphexual awakening.



    got my blerp vinylz today (Monday) in flyover nowheresville midwest usa




    I'm not pre-ordering from Bleep again. I live in LOS FUCKING ANGELES and my package tracking says…


    • "Expected Delivery Day: Thursday, September 25, 2014"


    That's what I get for pre-ordering the instant it goes live.

    If it doesn't come with crazy swag, I'm gonna raise hell.



    I pre-ordered about 10 hours after you, I live in LA, and mine is supposedly out for delivery today. It's being shipped via UPS Ground and the tracking originated in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I dunno wtf



    ypsi, Mi. that's an interesting spot for shipment origination. Lotta drugs up in that town, so maybe makes sense.


    on reddit

    "Yesterday when I went to my record store to reserve my copy of Syro, the owner of the place told me that when he calls me on Saturday to let me know that it is in the store, he's going to tell me about something else that will be available either on the same day or soon after.

    He told me that he's not allowed to say anything about what it might be..."

    i think we all know he meant his penis mate.


  10. Testament (1983)




    Focuses on the aftermath of a holocaust in a small California town. A take on the red scare in the early 80s. Focuses on the aftermath from a families perspective. The film has a made for TV vibe, but the way it depicts the events after the nuke attack is a much different take than what you'd expect. No anarchy or crazy effects, just a town still trying to persevere. Radiation poisoning slowly starts to take effect through the town & into the family unit the film focuses on. There's no escape for the fallout. For folks on here with kids, there were some gutting sequences of a mother doing the best to keep her children alive, but in the end cannot do anything about it. A scene where her son starts shitting blood in the middle of the night was a rather tough watch. A hopeless situation which leads to a hopeless ending as you know no one is going to survive. An interesting watch for a quiet take on a holocaust scenario along the lines of Grave of the Fireflies. A depressing watch really.

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