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Verdant Hickies

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Posts posted by Verdant Hickies


    All of my idiot music friends keep saying Syro has leaked and have been downloading whatever they come across. Can't people just wait? They can't tell the difference between the fakes and Richard's real stuff. They don't even know about the live tracks that will be on the album. This is kind of aggravating.

    There won't be any live tracks though.


    or are you talking about Metz, Manchester, Singapore, ATP?

  2. All of my idiot music friends keep saying Syro has leaked and have been downloading whatever they come across. Can't people just wait? They can't tell the difference between the fakes and Richard's real stuff. They don't even know about the live tracks that will be on the album. This is kind of aggravating.

    There won't be any live tracks though.


    i really hope someone doesn't end up leaking some shitty cell phone recording. don't feel like avoiding discussions due to people dropping info on what every track sounds like, been too long of a wait.

    this will happen obviously !

    there is nothing you can't do, unless you shot down the internet util the 22nd



    or just don't listen to any of the leaks?

  4. awesome interview with oor so far, i wil buy the magazine for the first time just for this lol

    it's sad about rephlex, but Rich didn't say it was RIP


    and fucking lol about the cover of Syro, he opens a gossip magazine, reads that kanye puts golden toilets in his mansion, finds a shampoo sample next to it and goes "OMG HOW MUCH WOULD IT NOT COST TO MAKE THIS SHIT "??

    i like the cover a lot more now :biggrin:


    wow and i wanna know what's in the fucking box, he says its gonna be worth the $$$!!

    what box? the limited edition vinyl?


    'RDJ teases fans with talk of more music to follow Syro. You won't believe what jasondonervan did next!'


    If we have to wait another 13 years now...




    "Watch this electronic pioneer's kid compose its first songs will make your day!"

  6. Wonder if he did more with a swing and microphones on both sides on Syro. Probably sounds pretty cool with electronic music as well. perhaps similar to the rotating speaker stuff he does on the tuss records.


    Preordered vinyl and cd today :yeah:

    • photo-17010.png?_r=1408706288




    Miley?? lol


    It started out as a selfie then i put a spiral effect on it and deleted the middle part of the face (because of syro).

    Not too disappointed with the outcome haha

  8. I saw in the WATMM Facebook group that Metz was "confirmed". I didn't see any actual evidence of it, so I had just written it off.


    I could do with a nice tasty single right about now, Richard.

    I was thinking this too. If Metz isn't Syro there might be at least a second release coming up. I can't imagine he would miss the opportunity to release it as its one of the most sought-after unreleased tracks.












    selur eht daer





  9. Do you remember "silkroadvb5piz3r"? I mean, same with SYRO, that's just how an address is generated in those deepwebz, so no trilogy, apparently.

    my thoughts exactly. also, that avatar is a win.

  10. Have I missed something since allusions about another possible imminent album pop out here and there? On IDMForums some guy claimed that there wouldn’t be only one but two albums coming this year. Then again there have been so many informative ‘’very close to Warp’’ posters so I don’t know what to believe. Very stoked to get even this one.

    I think that's just speculation based on just that person on reddit and the tor link (syro2eznzea2xbpi.onion). Some think it suggest there will be two more albums after Syro: Eznzea and Xbpi. I think Richard is very likely to release more on Warp in the coming years, but another release this year or early next year is wishful thinking imo.

  11. anybody else from Germany having problems on amazon.de? It says "sign up and we'll email you once the article comes a available," It doesn't list anything for it except for the german rlease date 19.09.2014

    It just isn't on the german amazon yet. It will be sooner or later.

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