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Verdant Hickies

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Posts posted by Verdant Hickies

  1. This past year has been difficult for me. I've been feeling really lost and lonely, like nothing good is ever going to happen for me. I feel stuck in a crappy job that I've outgrown, with a dumbass boss who has no idea how to do his job and it's really insulting to me. I have had no luck in finding other work, and every day I sit at my desk getting so angry and I worry that I'm going to do something stupid. When I get home, I can't seem to concentrate on creative endeavors or classwork (I'm currently working on a Master's), so I just sit here and either screw around on the net or .... just stare at the screen. I'll play a video game or like an hour or something and then get bored. I'm always alone and my phone never rings. My family doesn't give a fuck about me unless they want something. There's just a lot of crap going on and I feel that I need to break out of it somehow. I just don't know what to do.

    To me it kind of sounds like you're lacking balance. I don't know what your private life looks like, but I'd suggest you to socialize more or exercise.

    I know this sounds like shitty advice but everything changed like me when I started running . I lost weight, got more confident, had more self control in other things as well and I just became more optimistic. I hated sport of any kind but the now the best feeling I know is when you run for over an hour and you feel like you could continue for the rest of your life. It also inspires me and motivates me to get shit done, which might help you with your lack of concentration.

    Hope this helps.


    The more this album grows on me the less I actually care about a new afx release. The guy has already released so much good music throughout his career, I sometimes feel it would be greedy to ask for more. It took me like 4 years to listen to most of the tracks available to the public and some of them I wouldn't even recognize anymore, because there are just so many...


    So, because he's made so much great music, you don't care if he doesn't release new stuff...? I don't understand this reasoning to be honest. "I don't need more great music." Does not compute



    Jeez, just trying to be grateful, that's all. There's nothing I would be more excited about than new material, it's just that I don't /need/ it, because every time I dig through his discography I can find something new, unnoticed before.


    In short, in my opinion CWLP is one of his best works



    Yeah, I was expecting that reaction... One of his best does not mean top 3, more like top 10-ish.

    It's no match for ICBYD or Drukqs, but I think it competes quite well against against most of RDJ album and SAW 1. It just deserves a better quality.

    My view might be distorted by how excited I am to be able to listen to this in the first place, though. ;)

  4. At first I was scared that the tracks we knew were on the LP would be the only good ones, but now they're actually my last favorite...

    Fingertrips is amazing, that part at 1:30 :music:

    Fluety, Squidge in the fridge, Airflow and Revpok are also pretty neat.

    Mumbly isn't bad, but a bit overrated in my opinion.


    The more this album grows on me the less I actually care about a new afx release. The guy has already released so much good music throughout his career, I sometimes feel it would be greedy to ask for more. It took me like 4 years to listen to most of the tracks available to the public and some of them I wouldn't even recognize anymore, because there are just so many...


    In short, in my opinion CWLP is one of his best works and it was absolutely worth the money. :emotawesomepm9:

  5. I love how with exai, autechre shattered everything I thought to know about music. It's the most innovative music heard in years.

    However I think the songs are a little too unemotional. How I perceive the music depends a lot on the cover art, though. I thought that the tracks on L-event had a lot more color, but maybe that's because the cover art is colorful. Also, I listened to Exai in winter, in school. No wonder I associate blandness, boredom and stress with it.

    I would love if they would mix what they're doing atm with move of ten or tracks like Rae, so I can actually listen to it without being depressed or questioning my existence.

  6. Maybe it's because i listened to Exai in school and I can't listen to music that's negatively connoted, but I think I like these 4 tracks better than all tracks off the album.

    They're not too complex in structure but I think they do a much better job at pulling you into the ambience, especially the last track. I'd definitely buy it, if I wasn't broke.

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