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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by peace 7

  1. :( both out of stock


    If you look it up, there are circuit schematics for older or even current versions of the elektrosluch.  Also, Hackaday did a tutorial on something similar a few months ago.  MAKE DA TINGZ YURSELF~

  2. I think smoking up has recently helped me realize that a synth's "actual tone" is dependent on intended tone shaping.  I've written about the korg minilogue and other synths sounding thin "but could sound great with some overdrive", and then all of a sudden recently after months of working on my electric guitar tone and focusing on making it sing, I realized that a synth is much the same way.  Cuz I've been keeping eyes and ears out for some idealized simple synth for like 10 years, but now I realize that I can only access what I'm willing to create myself- just like an electric guitar.


    AND SO, I've recently concluded that I can buy an ok keyboard, put it through reverb and overdrive guitar pedals (or rack multi fx whatevz), and THAT is one set.  A keyboard cannot stand alone!!!


    Actually, I guess I also just want a Fender Rhodes electric piano, but they're like $3,000 and weigh 100 kg.  So I did a test at a music store comparing the Yamaha Reface CP to an actual Rhodes electric piano, and they're close (not really).  If I find a nice hammer action 61-key MIDI keyboard for input, I'm thinking that maybe if I plug in the Yamaha Reface CP into a valve guitar amp, the choobz will summon lush gods, and then after I douse that in reverb it'll sound like an actual Rhodes electric piano being played in pure vapor.  But then by that point, it's like dude- just buy a fucking Fender Rhodes electric piano.

  3. Thanks, man~!




    The highlighter accents and handwritten pen additions are quite nice.  The only real constructive criticisms I could give about it are maybe practice ultra tight origami folding (subtleties!), and also, staples!  I dunno if other issues have staples, but mine has no staples.  Find someplace with a long stapler or buy one if no place exists.  Cuz pages almost fall out when not held parallel to the ground.


    Anyway, nice first issue!  I like the inside design, back is pretty cool, cover is not so strong (pointless points, from a marketing perspective).  Just because it's a photocopy zine, doesn't mean that it also can't be tight as fuck.

  4. It'd be cool if you do the Konami Code on WATMM, then next to members' avatars you could see a pic of their rolled joints/spliffs/blunts. Cuz a lot here are good at clinical mixing with music, but somehow I feel like 40% of WATMM members roll the saddest rolls of all time. I don't know why they do, though. Prolly too much convolution reverb.


    Also, "Konami Code", autocorrects to "Alfonso Code", so that code might also work.

  5. lol, careful the heat doesn't get to your head. I'm sure there's ways to cool off without angering mother nature


    head for the cool pools of an onsen!


    The heat has obviously gotten to me.  I wrote about having sex with Gaia, dude.  But yah- cool pool sounds cool~!  I thought about taking a cold bath at home, but I didn't want to get sick from being too cold.  BAH~!

  6. I've lived through the blazing ghost towns of Joshua Tree... and the hot raw nights of Cairo... But fuck that- Tokyo has some of the worst Summers ever. So I'm not complaining here-- my achievement is in realizing why Japan got really good at being an escapist society. I have AC off, fan on, room is hotter and more humid than outside, and THIS is actually Tokyo. It's harsh, unforgiving, and the vibez are making me test my patience and anger. Modern man is sort of escapist in general, but you live in some parts of L.A. or Hawaii, and it's fucking Spring time 365 days a year. Yah, so- I'm sitting here fucking gross but taking it and realizing that all this tech and VR sex robots are not to escape humanity-- it's to escape Gaia and being unwilling to tolerate the ultimate mother.


    So my achievement here is chillin' and not murdering anyone. I'm basically having sex with Gaia, and I'm happy I've finally reached such a level after decades of meditation.


    Holy shit- I just realized I'm actually somewhat serious about having sex with Gaia... (!). Tolerating and accepting the weather is part of the love we can give back to Gaia. Much like a fucked over girlfriend, though, if you cross her and disrespect the weather too much, she'll key your Lamborghini Countach and throw your clothes in the gutter.



    What's fucked up is that most people don't realize how alien every single non-human animal form is, so it's not likely that average humans can recognize an alien from lightyears away.  "OMG, it's an alien!"  "No- it's something new we discovered that lives at the bottom of the ocean."  "Oh."  (just because it lives on the bottom of the ocean, does not mean that it does not also have a vacation condo many lightyears away)


    Everything is alien.  Humans are on an alien planet, living with a shitload of other aliens.  If you cannot see this, then you cannot know aliens.


    In that room the LEDs also react to music that felt sort of like that slowed down Jurassic Park theme. It was surprisingly comforting and life-inspirational, giving a feeling that it was okay to die, etc.-- basically an LSD trip in 3rd person and 27th person. Also, lotta panties, so it was also erotic. I didn't want to leave... It brought to the forefront that I really need to work on my interior design for my own spaces. The shit that I've conceptualized, mothafuckaz are actually doing it. It's also noteworthy that all these high-level spaces were produced by DMM- a company that originally made its money from producing porn.



    I know what you mean - I wanted to paint my entire house when I owned it in a really abstract manner but keeping it real, just highlighting bits & shading bits here & there, enhancing the space in a nice way...   Im renting now but got so much art I need to put up..  Need to get on this - I wish I had more DIY in my bones I wouldnt be so bothered about just hacking into things


    edit* thats spurred me on, going to get all my tools & put up some artworks asap

    Get on it! Interiors and feng shui, etc., super fucking important. It's one reason why I checkout studio setup threads and battlestations on Reddit. Even looking at pics of nice interiors feels good. I spent 6 hours cleaning my room the other week, and it still looks like a homeless setup under a bridge. I did put away most of my electronics, though, but due to the sheer amount of components, I realized I could very well be part mentally retarded.



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