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Posts posted by atypic

  1. you can't be sued for sampling something unless you're trying to sell the tracks surely?


    You definitely can. Copyright infringement even if no damages. But more likely they wouldn't but that wouldn't stop someone from sending a demand letter.


    yeah, i thought it was warp related as well.


    Warp might have some beef if they have exclusivity on Aphex Twin-named content or remixes of stuff they've released, but thing would have to get pretty desperate for them to sue their biggest name as it would ruin their relationship permanently. And anyway he's asking recently for them to put out SOSW2 so it's unlikely to be Warp.

  2. I'm gonna send him a nice message to fix everything.


    me too


    Sent him a quick message then saying he should ignore the fools sending shitty messages. I wonder who was considering suing him?


    We don't know of course, but I kind of doubt it's Warp (though a few tracks probably gave them pause). His publisher might have exclusive publishing rights, although they'd rather not sue a client. There are lots of unlicensed samples throughout the tracks, so that seems a little more likely.

  3. 'to all the people asking me for money, music or all the other things, or attacking me for my beliefs, please be nice, ive just got quite a lot of vile messages from people,

    thyre in the minority compared to all the positive messages but still pretty brutal to read, look im sorry if people have died etc, dont take it out on me, im risking getting sued by doing this anyhow.

    I had to take this down once already, really dont want to do it again, a lot of people are getting a lot of pleasure from this so dont fuck them all off . be nice , be nice.to all the people asking me for money, music or all the other things, or attacking me for my beliefs, please be nice, ive just got quite a lot of vile messages from people,

    thyre in the minority compared to all the positive messages but still pretty brutal to read, look im sorry if people have died etc, dont take it out on me, im risking getting sued by doing this anyhow.

    I had to take this down once already, really dont want to do it again, a lot of people are getting a lot of pleasure from this so dont fuck them all off . be nice , be nice.'


    added to his profile message


    Yikes - and this is why we grab the downloads when we can people!

  4. I know that track voting is the currently in vogue topic, but I've been thinking about my own management of all the SC tracks. As it grows, it's getting a little out of hand. I have been tracking them numbered by upload order, but I'm starting to question that. It seems that upload order doesn't mean that much to RDJ, and having 200+ sequenced tracks isn't ideal. I've started moving some to subfolders (the SAW 1.5 list, and my own made AB6 folder, Bradley Strider, and SAW 2.5 based on the ones he indicated or were obvious). For the SAW 1.5 folder though, I can either use his ordering or the order of upload, but it seems like his ordering of the playlist is better.


    What do you guys think?

  5. part of me doesn't fully understand why this would need to be narrowed down in any way. Look no further than the label Vinyl On Demand who specializes in massively inflated vinyl box sets. Surely Warp is capable of something comprehensive like this? Why is everybody saying 'mastering 200 tracks is an impossible task' its not at all, mastering engineers work fairly quickly they just like being paid a lot (and that would cost a lot of money but money that can easily be made back in profit). I am opposed to the idea of making a 'best of' thing here, i think the only way to do this justice would be a fully comprehensive and continuing vinyl series with an indefinite end. It could even be a subscription services you buy into from the beginning to offset all these costs. If Warp doesn't have the willpower or time to focus on a project of this magnitude, they should pass it onto someone who does (like vinyl on demand)


    How about the other part of you?


    Just had a quick scroll down the tracks and it looks like he's been going through them making likes and plays visible? There's still the odd one that has the stats hidden but looks like xf's project could be a goer for the poll


    Mad to see Utopia, the 1st track, has 260k plays compared to most others 15-40k. Bloody tourists popping in for a gander and wandering back the way they came I suppose.


    Also the fact the account has 66k followers but the majority of tracks have under 40k plays, meaning half of the followers either aren't listening to most of the tracks or are just getting the "all in one" zip files. Not really important I suppose, just an observation.



    Utopia is one of the best tracks still



    Also - very exciting stuff xf

  7. Finally got some really nice headphones over the weekend and listening to Syro were amongst the inaugural items played. The album is a revelation and it was great to hear bits I hadn't noticed before.




    I hope he means a lot of other releases planned on warp, by him.


    That's how I took it


    I really think it's too premature to do a voting thing. Tracks are still coming. We could end up with 1000 tracks for all we know.


    Let the man do his thing! When he finishes (yes, he has to stop someday....I hope he goes on forever but that's impossible!), THEN we can do a vote. But seriously, if we get him to start mastering stuff and focusing on a release, then he might stop uploading tracks, which would be a travesty. Just enjoy what's there guys...and what keeps coming! There will be an entire lifetime to vote on shit, press shit, make physical shit, etc. I would rather have more songs than anything else...and wouldn't want this to end prematurely for any reason.


    I reluctantly agree


    What if as he added new tracks to the SoundCloud, they'd appear on a page to be voted on? It would be kind of neat to have a dynamic page where at any time the top SoundCloud tracks could be seen, either by community votes, or by plays/favourites from SC...




    Is there value of figuring out amongst the WATMM community which SC tracks are the favorites? Maybe so (although we could probably guess that correctly as well). But trying to implement the public poll that RDJ mentioned might be ill advised for the reasons Haggar mentioned, at least at this time.


    I hope he means a lot of other releases planned on warp, by him.


    That's how I took it


    I really think it's too premature to do a voting thing. Tracks are still coming. We could end up with 1000 tracks for all we know.


    Let the man do his thing! When he finishes (yes, he has to stop someday....I hope he goes on forever but that's impossible!), THEN we can do a vote. But seriously, if we get him to start mastering stuff and focusing on a release, then he might stop uploading tracks, which would be a travesty. Just enjoy what's there guys...and what keeps coming! There will be an entire lifetime to vote on shit, press shit, make physical shit, etc. I would rather have more songs than anything else...and wouldn't want this to end prematurely for any reason.


    I reluctantly agree


    Comment re: Polygon Window album 2 playlist - yes please.




    i remember always joking around about SOSW II and how i wanted to break into afx's house just for this album, now its a reality and no laws had to be broken, lol, :aphexsign:



    technical nit, but the SC dump might break laws of relativity

  11. its cute when Joyrex acts like he knows the actual eras the tracks are from sometimes, as if RDJ would be giving him completely accurate information :wink:


    or alternatively joyrex is a badass who already heard a bunch of these tracks a while ago


    My opinion on that differs depending on whether his opinion suits my own : )

  12. Yeah, PAE2B is mega dope. Loving it on first listen (haven't gotten to the others yet). I agree this has got to be more recent!


    Did you see the comment "yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa soooooaoaaaaaahhhhccie" on D14?



    Pretend Analog...Tuss era?


    God the two newest are soo good

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