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Posts posted by atypic


    Uh-oh we're getting a little closer to Fenriz's oeuvre


    You say that as if it's a bad thing! :dadjoke: learnt a lot about music because of his myspace and interview recommendations and later the BotW's, and now the radio:



    Only kidding - I'm a big black metal fan myself.




    Loving the new SC stuff. What year do you reckon for the teac tracks?


    i wonder what aphex will do once his warp contract expires, i'd like to think he'd take a different approach and start releasing music on smaller labels and not release on warp again.

    i wonder if he even has a contract with warp, they didn't seem to have a problem with him releasing on rephlex.

    i'd love for him to release his more experimental stuff through smaller labels tough



    I'd guess he has a contract with Warp that covers deal terms/percentages, but not one that requires X number of releases at this point.


    Seems like SoundCloud blocked the Chrome browser SoundCloud downloader extension recently. Anybody know anything more?


    if you use chrome -


    go to a page with the track you want, but don't play it yet

    right click - inspect element (anywhere)

    go to network

    in the "filter", put in mp3

    hit play on the track

    the track will appear in the list, usually named with random letters and numbers

    double click on it

    it'll open in a new window

    right click on the player > save as



    Cool thanks. But I think just using one of the auto-convert websites is easier.

  4. old time aphex listener here. after much ear pounding of tis album ive distilled my favorite moment on Syro. Its pure aphex.


    Circlonta6a. A track that spends it's first 2:40 minutes in tension then gives that classic aphex release. it's bliss.


    Totally agree on that. When I first heard it I melted like Amelie

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