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Posts posted by Tatdylf

  1. Cheers Jefferoo for the explanation.....


    I wanted to chime in to say I also hope it's not an end to the archives, but again it's been so special just want to give a big


    T H A N K Y O U ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


    I feel like sometimes what is past is past and it's tricky to reconjure it, though this has really been a great way to do it. I'm looking forward to whats on the horizon, what's been brewing in the studio lately in addition to any old projects that hopefully get to see a release in the future. Always ready for some Aphex Twin.

  2. surprised very few have been been posting masterings of these. some people may not have read richard commented that many of these songs need eqing, seemingly inviting us to do it. sline seems to do quite well with some eqing. will post what i did eventually.


    This seems like a brilliant idea. Maybe someone can start a thread for eq'd tracks? Honestly I feel like 99% of the soundcloud tracks are suitable for release, I mean they *are* released and I am enjoying them very much, it's too excruciating though maybe necessary to choose between some and others for a release. Anyway my only thought was if you are mastering certainly you want the originalest recording, the tape or dat whatever the case may be. However, if the download is of a certain threshold of quality it's probably just as well also considering it may not be done at all otherwise.


    Spent the morning trying to convince some clients that they wanted a 64kbps MP3 and not a 64kbps WAV file. Apparently, someone must have told them WAV files are better than MP3s, but a 64kbps WAV (8kHz x 8bit = 64kbps) file is certainly NOT better than an 64kbps MP3.


    Then, after 11 months, I finally receive my work computer. A brand new MacBook Pro. I then ask around for our Adobe license so I can install Adobe Audition. I end up at our HR guy who then starts going through all his documents and he can't find anything. He then says, "Oh, but 2-3 weeks we're going to hire a new graphical guy... and he's going to need that Adobe license". Well, duh, you fucking moron, I need the license now so I can work. He couldn't make up his mind on what to do, so he ended up saying that I should ask my boss what to do. My boss tells me to buy the license. Easy as that. I then ask our credit card girl if she knows if we have an App Store account. She doesn't. She then passes me on to the HR guy again, and he doesn't know either, so he passes me on to my other boss, who says we don't have an App Store account, but that I should ask my other boss about it. I then ask him, then he goes back to my other boss and asks him what to do, which then leads to him going to our finance guy who tells him what to do.


    Jesus fucking Christ!!!!!!





    The new batch is almost completely downloadable :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

    Wow, I was just listening a few oldies and scrolled back up and saw it, thought I was imagining it! OH YES :music::music::music:


    I think only Phlid is missing, but yeah, already released so no suprise there :)


    ...And Cheetah7 in .wav too!



    Thanks Richard!

  5. what exactly is Chrysalis anyway? is the company who handle the music licensing side of business or something?

    eg - the people who use afx music in their films(etc), are they mostly talking with chrysalis instead of warp?

    Yeah I always had the impression Chrysalis owned his music rights and Warp published it or something like that. So maybe it's like Chrysalis make sure he gets his percentage every time one of his songs is played on the radio, Spotify, TV etc. This is conjecture.



    Some detective work trying to track down this book:




    The links to The Skythian Society Press (http://www.wetheskythians.com/) are all dead. Apparently there was an ebook version of this book as well as hardback and paperback prints. There is a mobile number and a name mentioned on there in association with 'The Skythian Society Press'. Further googling led me to this which seems to be the parent company of the now defunct Skythian Society Press and it also has the same mobile number listed for contact as well as an address for a bookshop:




    Bookshop address in County Durham




    I guess they'd have infos about tracking down a copy of the book and possibly have an ebook copy for download too maybe? The book doesn't seem to be listed on their website though. It's like all trace has been wiped off t'internet. *dramatic conspiracy music*

    also, this is David Ritchie's facebook.


    Looks like hes pretty active. maybe hed be nice enough to point us in the right direction...


    Skara Brae


    Bard's tale!

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