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Posts posted by Tatdylf



    Anyhow is there any code monkey here that could put an ongoing poll page together, maybe part of the watmm site to avoid abuse? It is the second time Richard has mentioned it, it's the least someone (else) could do :happy:

    Heres an idea...


    I just made a poll with this free "easy poll" site.

    I dont know how to enter all the tracks with out just copy/pasting each one in...one at a time...



    dont really know where to go from here...

    Ive made a throwaway email and account so i dont mind giving out login info.

    anyone got some free time?



    xf is working on this dude


    I thought xf was aggregating all the soundcloud stats, I was thinking we start a poll with everything at zero and people put their top 20 or 30 or whatever and just plug new songs in as they are uploaded. I guess there is still a weighting issue, but less so than the soundcloud stats.

  2. Did anyone catch the notice on sound cloud right now that says...

    "We are experiencing some intermittent issues with uploading and deletions. More info on our Status Blog"




    While we wait for the inevitable restoration, what are your favorite from the last batch? It was a great batch, super consistent, but probably mine has got to be Triple D

  3. Good times for sure, and I think we can count ourselves lucky to have been there while it was going on, the whole thing pretty much went under the radar, I think relatively few people got in on it.


    Also I'm sure it's not the end of the story. If it was a legal issue I'm sure he can just release these (or forthcoming tracks) as albums though it would take a bit longer, be more work.

  4. and, interesting:




    In a mid-ninties interview he said he hadn't released his best tracks because people weren't ready, so I'm sure some of these uploads just weren't suited for release but some were his babies he didn't want to let go. I don't think it's quite accurate to say these are b-sides.

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