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Posts posted by Tatdylf

  1. All these old tracks really reveal a side of Richard that he hasn't really shown much before. Although every 'type' of track has some approximation to something thats already released, I just get this overall sense of tenderness and cheerfulness that it seems he played down in the past. He said in an interview he isn't tied to the idea of an identity but that he felt the need to assume an identity to sell records and he kind of took the identity of a bad boy which is a little counter to some of this stuff. Just a thought, but this new material is really a revelation and a more rounded view of his work seems to come into view.

  2. I can't speculate too much but I can imagine aphex releasing a bunch of stuff incognito around the time of a release just for bonus material as he did for Syrobonkers because he has tons of music and he likes to be nice but doesn't want people to think he's too nice, so it's gotta be incognito...


    Also I imagine he would enjoy people pulling their hair out trying to figure it out, but who knows. I do think there are people out there who are talented enough to fool people into thinking it's afx.


    also I think it's bs these were made in the early 90s, a lot of the percussion are modern styles like the high hats on parking lot, bimbongo and Suzanne



    That Quad Rave TEAC track is really f'n good.


    It all is, just finished the last track. Really good. Do you buy the 'oh hey we're the same age and I was making tunes just like yours back in the early 90s but didn't know about you then!' story? This person was that good back then and just left the DATs lying around until now before uploading to Soundcloud? And Aphex happens to reply to the comment on SC? Nah


    Exactly what I thought


    So you guys are saying this is SAW III

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