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Posts posted by NED

  1. some details from the mixlr-chat that i haven‘t read here (found over at ILM, already a week old or so):

    Autechre :

    pretty sure warp are going to want to do a physical release so the date = ? 

    but the stuff is done, by pure coincidence a few weeks ago, at the moment we're living with it and tidying up tiny things, but not touched it in 2 weeks so it's basically done 

    rob and i were both thinking of bringing it sooner but idk 

    need to talk to warp 

    was orig planned for late this year/early hext 

    also seven onesix recordings drop in less than a month

     Paperbag raita (ledge), Monday, 23 March 2020 10:21

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    Ok so i always love when the normie bystander comments on my music, especially of the Autechre flavor, but this happened this morning and i'm still smiling..


    I was pumping gas and had c16 deep tread (fave from elseq, those fuckin twangy snares are just uughhhh) blasting from an open window (apologies, i'm sorta the type that enjoys showing unwilling people what i listen to) and a truck pulled up on the other side, some early 40's white-collar dude


    After a while he's like "man what kinda stuff are you playing?" so i laughed and said "oh it is a bit a loud sorry, it's a group called autechre". Then he asks where they're from, such interest catches me off-guard. So i tell him and he's like "it sounds like this kind of techno...club...dark..." and i interjected "yes! It's like death techno, pretty experimental stuff" and he says "yeah i kinda like it"


    I told him to look em up, have a good day, and then i left. I'm realizing encounters like this give me some of the purest feelings of joy anymore. He may have gone and listened to the whole album, he may have forgotten the name as soon as i left, but like at least he knows that song exists ya know?


    In conclusion: death techno  :cool:


    Lmao death techno.  Yeah I'm sure lots of people who like metal would love AE_LIVE and elseq, and even Untilted


    I played PlyPhon with my sister in hearing range once and she now thinks I listen to Skrillex, lol, oh god.



    check this out:




    pretty decent review imo

  3. "AE_LIVE trimmed down to elseq"


    to me it's the other way round, more like AE_live extended...

    heavy 90's-frippertronic-vibes @ the end of pendulu hv moda!

  4. AE_live and elseq seem to stem from a different set-up than Exai.

    More as if they were done completely within one system or patch - didn't sean hint at the process in one of the recent interviews?

    Sounds to me like the product of a single form of synthesis (?) with very elaborate parameter-controlling /sequencing/ modulating whereas Exai sounds to me more varied in terms of timbres/ tonal colours, more as if they combined different sources back then.

    With these new ones they seem to achieve a similar result but from just one source if that makes any sense...


    btw - just find it interesting, not judging the quality of either release as i love all of 'em!

  5. wow. what a different experience on second and third listen. sticked to elseq 1 today and it totally clicked - once adjusted to the vastness of the format its really deeeep listening, strangely engaging yet relaxing.

    can see this growing a lot!

  6. hi everyone.

    passively enjoying the forum for a long time, so thanks!


    to me this very much feels like an extension of AE_live, using the same set-up or patch or whatever.

    ExtendedLiveSEQuences then?

    so far i only made it through once with 4 and 5 being early favourites... kinda prefer the more driven/ less noodly AE_live i must say.

    might change with repeated listens obv...



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