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The Green Kingdom

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Posts posted by The Green Kingdom

  1. I've got 1 to 5 of the podcasts. I'll be happy to upload them whenever I get the chance, just can't say when it'll be (I usually takes ages) as I've got loads on at the minute. Bear with me and I'll do my best not to take too long.

    You sir, are my hero! :beer:

    No problem, my friend. I have uploaded them here, but it seems that the file's showing as temporarily unavailable. Hopefully just a matter of the server sorting itself out, but if it carries on I'll try and up them again (it's a 200+ mb zip, btw).


    Incidentally, I'd normally PM the link, but as these were free downloads in the first place I wouldn't have thought Joyrex would have a problem with me linking in this post.


    EDIT: Link seems like it'll work now.

    Thanks so much! I shall grab these when I get home today.

  2. I've got 1 to 5 of the podcasts. I'll be happy to upload them whenever I get the chance, just can't say when it'll be (I usually takes ages) as I've got loads on at the minute. Bear with me and I'll do my best not to take too long.

    You sir, are my hero! :beer:

  3. Any of you good fellows have the Cafe Kaput podcasts or could you possibly point me in their direction? I seem to have misplaced my mp3s and it looks like Jon has taken them down for the moment...

    Actually found the first one on my iPod (wasn't tagged completely). Must say it's one of the best mixes I've ever heard, Jon's commentary is great as well. I definitely need to track down the other podcasts somehow.


    Hopefully number 6 is ready soon!

  4. Good news from the GB newsletter:


    Next month we'll have the Advisory Circle's incredible Mind How You Go (Revised Edition) on CD and check our website and blog soon for news of new releases, new collaborators and news about the next Belbury Youth Club night.

  5. Flying Lotus and the rest of the LA beat/Brainfeeder crew would be nothing, NOTHING, without J Dilla :music:


    One of the best producers in history, listen to him now


    Listen (in order):

    1. Donuts

    2. The Shining

    3. Champion Sound (Jaylib)

    4. Welcome 2 Detroit

    5. Fantastic Vol. 1-2 (his albums with Slum Village)


    then go on from there

    YES! Start at the Beginning with Slum Village, Jay Dee / J Dilla was Detroit's finest! R.I.P. Baatin and J Dilla...




    ^ If this track doesn't make you lose your mind you don't have a pulse!

  6. guardian+waap.jpg

    Saw this on the blog. I know as a designer I definitely like to look through things for "inspiration" but this might be a little much- at least they changed the font, right? :huh:


    And those House prints are awesomeness! Wonder how much they cost?

  7. Basically please stop saying Chill Wave it's made up by idiots who don't know shit at Wire Magazine, it's not a self-label.


    the genre name in and of itself does seem like it was invented by idiots, the music sounds nice but why does it have to have a genre name so fast? who comes up with this shit?

    Exactly, I would really just call it something more vague electronic pop music or something like that...

  8. That said I actually like what I've heard so far, with some exceptions. I really like Memory Tapes/Cassette, whose kind of the first guy to get hyped and easily makes the best composed stuff. I've enjoyed what I've heard from Toro Y Moi, Washed Out, and MillionYoung. I don't like Neon Indian for some reason...

    I agree with your thoughts here (I think I said something along the same lines in another thread). Didn't care for Neon Indian at all. Real Estate is pretty good if they can be lumped into this "genre".


    This label also has some nice hazy BOCish tunes (some of which can be downloaded for free). Also

    Sumsun is sounding pretty chillin' :cool:

  9. Ok. The Jon Brooks Podcast is going to happen. It's available from this Sunday evening at around 8pm (give or take an hour or so). It will be weekly on Sundays and there will be 6 episodes in the first season. The playlist is everything and anything, no thoughts on making the running order smooth or any such devices, but will mainly feature library music, psych-pop, girl group / singer stuff, OSTs, electronics, new things... just good music. It will be available to download from my blog:



    Saw this yesterday- should be a diverse and interesting listen for sure!

  10. now you need the advisory circle's other channels and belbury's the owl's map (infinitely superior to from an ancient star imo)

    and if you like fucked-up loops, everything the focus group (my favourite gbx) have released

    also go read some arthur machen and lovecraft, it helps

    You are a wise man

  11. Sorry I keep posting in here (my new favorite "Featured Artist" subforum :happy: ), but I just happened to read this interview with Jim Jupp and he spoke to what the next release(s) on GB will be- it's better than we could have imagined!


    Right now, Jupp and House are working away together on a new collaborative project, along with John Brooks of The Advisory Circle, whose 2008 album Other Channels has been the most explicit attempt on Ghost Box so far to create a wholly plausible, yet horrible, television broadcast. Their new alias is The Elsewhere Quartet. As Jupp explains, it will be “slightly new territory for Ghost Box but we think it will also really fit in… It’s got a lot of early ’60s electronic sounds and jazz elements, so it will be a bit like Joe Meek, and John Baker’s stuff for the BBC, electronic jazz. A sound palette from a world that could be about 1962.” Don’t expect them to be cracking out the tenor saxophones any time soon, though. “None of us are jazz musicians, so we won’t get in over our depths with that,” Jupp advises. “We’ll put a toe in the waters. But it’s electronic music and we’re not pretending it’s anything else.”


    2009 will be busy year for Ghost Box, with an album release by either The Elsewhere Quartet or The Advisory Circle, “whichever is finished first.”...

  12. In other Moon Wiring news, anyone notice that The Wire also offered a free ep to download along with his mix? Nice!


    Also found this great mix by Ian for Bleep43's podcast.


    What do guys thing the next GB release will be after the Mind How You Go vinyl? New Advisory Circle maybe?

    No! Thank you for the heads up, you've just got me very excited, I never knew a thing about it. And I found the podcast a while ago, I agree it's shit-hot. As for the next GB, I'd be interesting to hear the next step for The Focus Group after the Broadcast collab.

    No prob, that older podcast has really helped me get through work today- I'd love to take a look through his record collection for sure! I agree on The Focus Group- would love to hear something new from Julian. I think "Witch Cults" gets better with every listen.


    There really should be a forum for this stuff somewhere...

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