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Everything posted by Leonod33

  1. So 2 of the "old" tracks back up now. If another 5 or 6 pop up in the next few days, I'm going to take a guess that he's hinting at a playlist for release. Either way, glad he's active, good times.
  2. "Stop refreshing the page every day" they said. "He's not coming back!" they said! I don't know who they are, but they're wrong! Prime your ball for punching, the air stinks of imminence.
  3. Just saw that myself. Exciting! Couple more back up and I'll be in full on booty shaking mode.
  4. I had a dream I stole a purple Pimp Hat from an abandoned seaside shack. It was a nice hat, felt good.
  5. First they came for the soundcloud tracks, and I said nothing because I'm not a soundcloud track. Then they came for Rich, but Watmm stopped them and asked if they had a zip file of the most up to date tracks, so Rich is fine. So how long has the profile been updated? Wasn't there this morning, might have to start flexing my F5 muscle again. Nice Organ cover btw!
  6. Thought someone said the last "1 year subscription" lasted until 27th Jan 2016? So as it's now late on the 29th and he still has the little pro user badge, does that mean he accepted the latest gifting? Hope so!
  7. Just to add to the post mortem love in, I think Medieval Rave Mk2 is my overall most memorable tune from the whole batch. No point going into detail again about why, let's just say it's pretty lush. I'm also very partial to the Fogbeaks and Slothscrapes, because they have the same effect as some of the SAW era tracks had on me, which I didn't expect to happen again. I really hope Rich is like some kind of human Jukebox, where if we pop some dollars in now and then the records will keep spinning. Greedy? Selfish? Yeah a little bit, but life is short and I just want more good music from someone who I know is constantly producing it. If that means paying £15 for a new record or £300 for a big batch of stuff then count me in either way. Just gimme the tuuuuuuunes!
  8. Man, this imminence isn't imminent enough. Been a shitty start to 2016, I needs me some Aphex.
  9. Without actual closure, I have to keep refreshing the SC page periodically. Like somoene who's pet has gone missing checking the back door every night and morning.
  10. I miss the excitement of an F5 binge being greeted with surprise Aphex. Can't begrudge him getting bored of it, or bored of the possible troll nonsense he was getting sent, but it's still sad to think it's over. Can't wait to see whatever is next in the pipeline.
  11. I don't really mind the gap in action as long as he doesn't leave us alone for another 10 years. The mind gap. The mind gap. The mind gap.
  12. Given that he said he expected the account to disappear, then all the songs went missing again, I'm not expecting happenings. I guess it could be elaborate trolling, but I think not.
  13. "Ok, that's been removed, funny that. Expect this account to dissapear". Ruh-roh. I'm guessing he didn't remove it himself, but the actual song is gone too now. Would someone really try and "grass him up" to Soundcloud for having a video on his page they didn't agree with?? When will the madness end.
  14. To be honest (very honest even), I agree. It's like religious vs atheist or liberal vs conservative or anyone vs anyone, as soon as someone starts scoffing and spitting I lose interest in their opinion, despite my own views. The internet makes it easy to shout at each other without feeling the same human emotions you would feel if you did it face to face. The evolution of the keyboard warrior! And yes new track is a beauty, funnily enough my speakers didn't pick up on the youtube link in the metadata, so I just heard the song!
  15. Couldn't or wouldn't have said it better myself AFX 4 Life u slags
  16. Not just you. I've listened to these tracks all year and I'd still jump at the chance to preorder a selection, or multiple selections, of them as a release, and I'm sure most folks here are the same. Man, can't wait to see what Aphex Adventures are in store for 2016. WOOT!
  17. And the 10 tracks now says 270, hooray! Hope it's not just a Soundclog glitch, will be nice to start 2016 with the best page on the net back to it's former glory. Edit: aaaand it's back to 10.
  18. "bak in the room" Hoping this comment is the equivalent to "Prepare your anuses for happenings".
  19. SAW3 imminent. But whatever the reason, I'm really curious as to the reason for these. SAW2 is one of my all time most special recordings, anything related to it is pantaloon spoiling worthy these days for me.
  20. Well now the SAW2 track has been renamed to include Harmonicon 13 at the start. This feels like some kind of drunken Saturday night ARG. Find the clues, earn the acid.
  21. Track called Harmonicon just popped up for a sec, too late to play it though :( Wonder if this is some Festive Phexy Hijinx, or just plain old Soundclog Shizzle. Need to know what Harmonicon is!!
  22. Leaving Home - Bradley was one of my "top 30" tracks before the big track disappearance, I'm glad it's amongst the few to return so far. It's a creeper, if you leave it on as background music it seems innocuous, but it's got that magic formula of a track that infects your mind and stirs your emotions without you realising. I agree with Herr Jan, I know we need to keep the hype alive in between releases but speculating about "Jess" isn't the healthy option; there's 250+ tracks still to fully dissect + absorb, that's the (more) healthy option. Same. Easy to get complacent after the excitement of Syro, CCAI2, ODS and Soundcloud, but I for one am still in need of a constant supply of pantaloons to brace for the possible future stuff.
  23. Lovely to see Rich digging around in his drawers again, no matter how briefly or sporadic. I love Aphex Xmas Goose.
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