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Everything posted by Leonod33

  1. Hate to break up the toke party, but I'm still in the stage of thinking "He hasn't really come back, some arse has just found out how to restore the account and moved in, like an advanced squatter". Don't really know why, just the whole thing with people switching about SC names/accounts, the tracks that were posted on the "old account" in the last day or so...it's all a bit fishy.
  2. Ahhhh, thank fook for that. Let the countdown to Drukqs outtakes begin again. Woot.
  3. Slothscrape, Ibiza Spliff and Medieval Rave 2 were standouts to me, not just of the last batch but of the whole dumping. Give us closure Rich! And by closure, I mean more music.
  4. Assemble outside Warp HQ with pitchforks and signs. Also get Joyrex to act as a go-between and do the old "Man I got these cheeeeseburgers, I just need some more tracks man!!" routine for Rich.
  5. Sheeeeit, I've seen many name changes & panics, but this one's looking pretty bad.
  6. I just went back to read the "early days" of the Soundcloud stuff, when people where in disbelief that we had 19 new AFX tracks for free. Good times And now we have 205 and very likely more to come. Superb.
  7. I've been keeping up to date most of the day, I stop for an hour and there's 5 more, which judging by the 1st I'm listening to (Cornish spreek5b), are going to be immense. What a fecking great day.
  8. I think I might have been thinking of parts of VBS.Redlof.B from the Analords. There's bits in there that have some similarities, though they are completely different tunes. Maybe something else in the Analords that's even more similar, I'll have to do some re-listening I think.
  9. that might be my favorite bit of this whole batch right there. agree it's familiar it was played live, melbourne i think? yes. Nice find! But I think it reminds me of something else too...I'll find it eventually, I'm sure it's something recent.
  10. That detuned descending tune in "custom break acid" sounds very familiar, but with so much to digest musically lately I can't place it. Anyone?
  11. Says he's "not even close" to getting up to the Drukqs tracks yet. Going to need a sit down, maybe a hug.
  12. Wow, I've been very impressed with the recent uploadings, but this latest one, Ibiza spliff....it's giving me Ageispolis style shivers. Beautiful sound.
  13. Woot, number 200 ("officialy")! And it's.....absolutely gorgeous.
  14. And another... <iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/204004180&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe> Up to 198, I think it's looking likely we'll hit the 200 mark today. Party time! Let's just say that Mike was kidding too towards that commenter. Of course, I would say it's "banter" but then I'd have to hit myself.
  15. Love this one, nice and chilled. He posted it before as Watery Big Ez....but yeah, it is nice and chilled. New one up too! SubbassjzzYvEntolin. Jazzy Ventolin. Nice!
  16. Some funny comments from the man too, like cheekily calling Mike P a nazi for threatening to ban a commenter :) So maybe the fabled "Jessica" is safe for now.
  17. Nice, very very nice. Woke up, checked SC right away to see 2 more....made a coffee, there's another! We've had a lot the last week or so, I didn't think we'd see this sort of uploading pace again but very glad to be proven wrong.
  18. Brings a tear to my eye, what a humble legend.
  19. + Ziggomatic 16. But seriously...I think Rich is going to release Melodies from Mars, but the twist is, the songs will actually BE from Mars. Reading the "document" about the Pyramids he posted while listening to tracks like Fogbeak and Slothscrape, I almost feel like we're seeing into RDJ's soul. In all seriousness, over the years, listening to things like SAW2 has always put me in a reflective, 'thinking about possibilites/life/universe' mood. I wonder if that was partly the intention with some of his stuff, or maybe the other way round, the music he makes itself makes Rich thoughtful afterwards. I don't know. But I bet he gets better quality buds than me.
  20. Absolutely cracking. Perfect tune for a friday night too, nice one Rich!
  21. Winding Road sounds a bit more recent to me, in fact some of it sounds very recent. Haven't a clue about Flabbard but I'd guess at mid/late 90's.
  22. Got to say, really loving the direction the uploads have been taking. A new batch of classics in the making, should never have doubted.
  23. On the plus side - new track up! Woot! Piano-y one.
  24. There's now a link to a Youtube vid on the profile too. Which leads to a video about "E.T. Warfare" and predictions. Gonna be one of those kind of days eh? We're going to spooktown. https://www.youtube.com/PnuVpU5sdcU
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