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Everything posted by Ohm

  1. Would love to see that if anybody has it. Really enjoy the freeform nature of it all but it'd be nice to give it all some context.
  2. Aaaanyway, I was wondering, is there a generally agreed chronology to all the Soundcloud material? Thinking I might playlist it all up and burn some CDRs for the car.
  3. Ohm

    Cheetah EP

    He's gettin old :D Somebody has obviously killed him and locked themselves in his house.
  4. The whole lp sounds great. I'm not sure p-string was a standout track for me, but it fits with the rest of the stuff. The Bjarki track is very nice.
  5. No idea of the titles or eras of any of these tracks, but the whole shebang has been on random rotation on my iPod for days and I can't get enough of it. Am purposely holding off on this week's tracks until such a time as my brain is ready. Have also revisited ICBYD, AB3 and The Tuss album, all of which I bought at the time but for some reason didnt connect with in that moment. All great. I do hope this might give a few other artists ideas, all the way up the tree. Since these dumps began I've bought two AFX things I'd either missed first time round or just fancied a bit now (SYRO on vinyl), so it evidently works as a promotional thing if nothing else. Big Beatles fan too, a few freebie bootlegs and I think I'd probably find myself buying that ridiculous mono vinyl box set.
  6. I gave up on remembering track names 20 years ago. Just listen and enjoy! Same here! i keep reading posts about drum patterns from this released track and melodies similar to that released track, and I know the names but couldn't possibly pick the tune out of a line-up. I could probably pin down any RDJ recording to a rough two or three year period, but the 20+ years of brain abuse have rendered track titles meaningless since sometime around 'I Care....'. And I'm happy with that. It's a strange sensation, having just been gifted 150+ tracks by somebody you've been listening to for so long but finding yourself thinking 'Well come on, where's the rest?'. Sorry RDJ. This shit be addictive.
  7. Good Lord, so many killer tracks, this is going to take months to digest. And I'm loving the live recording of 'Pulsewidth' posted earlier, and the 'Heliospan' live version on Soundcloud. AFX live album? I dug out '26 Mixes For Cash' this week on the back of all this, I'd forgotten what sweet stuff is on there too. Did that ever come out on wax? At the moment the idea of listening to anything that isn't RDJ seems laughable. Why would you? Like having Nescafe when you know you've got Millicano in the cupboard.
  8. It surprises me to read so many calls for a traditional release, and efforts to somehow categorise this and seperate the tracks into years, aliases etc. To me, this past week has been the exact opposite of that, and something I've been waiting for for years. Somebody embracing the web and breaking free of that ancient 'twelve songs on a disc for a tenner' mould entirely. For me, this IS the album and the delivery method. It's new and unexplained and chaotic and unwieldy but isn't that everything RDJ has always been? I'd much rather hear him move on to his next project than wait six months for this stuff on a bunch of discs. But that's just me / not that there's anything wrong with that etc
  9. So much thanks to manmower for the upload and the organisation - exactly as I would have labelled them :) This is/has been an amazing week. And catching up with this board and picking up on a few AFX/Possbly AFX/Definitely not AFX but great anyway things I'd missed or managed not to hear about has been magic. Thanks guys.
  10. I'm a huge Kraftwerk fan, but RDJ is just a whole other level. To my mind, he is to electronica what The Beatles are to pop, just an entirely different category and genre all of his own, untouchable by anybody else and I'm sure people will still be listening, discussing, remastering and rebooting his stuff fifty years from now.
  11. I got a lot of 'Content Not Available' messages in my attempts to download (new work laptop, IE, dreadful) so figured 'fuck it' and recorded it all realtime in my little studio. Enjoyed every second of it. Is there an SC downloader that works on IE? I've been a Firefox user for years but this new laptop doesn't seem to like it.
  12. Yo, I'm not really down with all of this kbs stuff, but is that the playback rate or just the download rate? Have been recording them all in realtime into Logic on my Mac at 96/24 and they all sound pretty dope. Will master them and tweak some ting when I get the chance. When my wife leaves me or whatever.
  13. Hey, long time browser, first time poster. Have been following and buying AFX for 21(ish) years, since 'Xylem Tube' and have to say this is what I always thought the future would be like. Other artists take note, drop it whilst its hot. Roll on, brother.
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