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Posts posted by Polytrix

  1. I LOVE this thread. Thank you. This stuff inspires me to make/work on tracks.


    I've actually watched some that DESTROY everything I believe to me fun or interesting about music making but if we post all the great ones like the Nathan Fake one then this will be a source of inspiration.


    I really like the Four Tet one with the MJ sample..it's a good method in Ableton. Good just for messing and making melodies.


    i didn't like this album at first but goddamn, it's now years later, MANY years later and it's become one of my rare gems

    if you want some clever and crazy hyperspeed death metal destruction torrent or buy INTERNECINE: the book of lambs!!

    my absolute favorite track:


    Also one of my treasured albums from back in the day! That track and the last track especially, oh man... I always loved that overly ridiculous intro before the last track too, one minute of overlapping shouting ( https://youtu.be/Wm2l_jcQum4?t=29m26s )


    Related (for me, I listened these two in the same period a lot), the part around 2:33 - 3:33 is still one of my fave metal bits in history:




    That last one is SO GOOD! Cheers

  3. haha, yeah, I can see people doing that...but equally, there's a lot of good discussion in that when the tracks are accompanied by videos like this!!!



    That was the first Tool track I heard actually. Still mind blowingly good.

    Kinda makes sense when you're high...hahahah

  4. Yeah, I like King Crimson but mainly the obvious stuff. I expect they would a major influence on Tool yeah...I try to make guitar riffs like tool and get quite close sometimes...it's not really that complex really...just atmospheric. I think Tool deserve a lot more respect actually...accessible but still very special.

  5. I'm rather obsessive about Tool....which is kinda metal I suppose.


    The guitar tone and weirdness of it all is so good. I even love the bass sound. I remember watching this video, let's say, under the influence...total brain fuck.


  6. Haha great. Yeah I'm not surprised it's popular...the chain gun is so ridiculously fun in a closed hall with loads of men.....brains slowly slopping onto the ground.


    I love the fact you don't need a super computer to play it either. I respect that.


    Will be all over the new version when it comes out.

  7. Or is it laziness? I think it's very,very easy to just get locked up in the web. Anything you want to see or listen to is pretty much instantly available for free.


    I've been making tunes for the past few days and went out for a walk in the woods today and it was fucking lovely...was listening to Actress too. There used to be a time where I was almost always outside no matter the weather. That's really changed in the last 10 years.




    I'd imagine if your in your mid-thirties plus, it's a bit easier to disregard the whole thing. It's just not really important or essential in your sphere of life. Most people in this age group I know, see it very cynically, though wives and girlfriends use it to gossip on.

    Probably a whole different ball game for the younger generation.


    Definitely. It's pretty much incomprehensible to not be on every single social media site to all the 21-year-olds I know. They don't have the perspective of how much more chill (for better or worse) life was before it, I guess.



    I'd say the above is very true. I've been a teacher for a few years and I see first hand how glued to smart phones kids are now. NOT good.

  8. Also, if you get angry when people post pics of themselves being generally happy, then maybe the problem isn't them, it's you. Again, I'm guilty of that.


    I'd say that's true too but the other point about you being a PR agent for yourself is perhaps more the factor that pisses people off rather than their own insecurities. But there's a thin line between the two right. Example, a friend posts a picture of their new car - a non FB based reaction in a pub would be ''ah that's cool'' followed by questions to show further interest..whereas on FB I instantly just resent the fact that they are sharing something to make others feel lesser which is more than likely not their intention..but that's the affect it tends to have.

  9. I think it's like what you said though, if you have people on Facebook who genuinely are your friends and care for you and your family, then they probably enjoy seeing the photos. Passive aggressive behaviour from a 'friend' isn't an amicable quality. This is why I find all this so fucked up, it totally degrades friendship and the important qualities that you should possess to fulfil that role for someone. It's so divisive and I found that I was behaving that way too, I'll friend this girl in the hope that one day I can date her rather than actually fostering a friendship which doesn't really exist.

  10. Well put! I seriously HATE that what you said ''it might be unreasonable to expect someone's full attention in this day and age'' is TOTALLY true.


    Sadly, I think that's really true. I pride myself in having really good conversations with people..I'm gonna look you in the eye and I'm gonna listen attentively to what is being said and what is left for interpretation...so much communication is non-verbal and simply resorting to staring at a phone is making this almost a lost-art. I don't have a smart phone and I doubt I ever will.


    They are incredibly useful though!

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