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Posts posted by maitake

  1. I was working at my job when Trump came to down yesterday.. apparently a SS agent choke-slammed a reporter.



    looks like he might have provoked the thing.

    It was interesting seeing what a Donald Trump rally looks like in person.. This small town was way beyond it's traffic capacity and I was stuck dead in the middle of it. Insanely diverse group of people walking around..


    I spent most of my time checking out butts though. thanks donald



    What percentage of the clientele was overweight?


    That's a good question. I think the A.M. crowd was actually more overweight more oven than the P.M. crowd. They had ravenous hungry looks on their faces and usually aren't the types that skip breakfast anyway.


    If I had to guess, it was about 50%+.

    What's interesting is that despite the restarurant's many dishes loaded with flour and breading and maybe a little too much carb for comfort, the rest of the menu was mostly just southern style dishes made from whole ingredients. Their selections are usually pretty wholesome if you pick the right choices. Especially if you're a fat loving low carb person!




    thing i loved @ CB was on sundays after various churches had cleared out their services these folks of all races & cultures would descend on CB for collective munch attacks


    it'd be easy to dismiss with war, famine & pestilence in the world, but it was always good eating & good chilling, ideal for bone-jarringly ferocious hangovers too



    Haha yes, Cracker Barrel attracts a wide variety of people. I'm not really loyalty to the company, but i'm glad you enjoyed it. I took pride in my food I made there, and my buttermilk biscuits were absolute perfection. I slaved over those fuckers, all hundreds of them per night. There was a small list of elderly people who would come to cracker barrel just to order a large bag of them. lol


    Did you try the biscuits? I forget if British even have a name for these..

  3. What percentage of the clientele was overweight?


    That's a good question. I think the A.M. crowd was actually more overweight more oven than the P.M. crowd. They had ravenous hungry looks on their faces and usually aren't the types that skip breakfast anyway.


    If I had to guess, it was about 50%+.

    What's interesting is that despite the restarurant's many dishes loaded with flour and breading and maybe a little too much carb for comfort, the rest of the menu was mostly just southern style dishes made from whole ingredients. Their selections are usually pretty wholesome if you pick the right choices. Especially if you're a fat loving low carb person!


    The rhetoric around Trump has been so confusing. On the one hand I hear supporters saying Trump is more moderate than most republican candidates, on the other hand he gets support from legit racists and people taking the "Build the wall" meme seriously.


    yeah, Cruz is a far more frightening prospect in reality. not that Trump isn't a piece of shit, but Cruz has a principled belief in what he says (to some degree at least, for a politician). Trump will do/say anything to get there, so who knows what kind of shit he'd actually pull if he got there.



    Aha, glad you mentioned the fact that Trump will say anything. Great timing, because I discovered this Politifact page: http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/

    Hilarious reading the False and Pants on Fire false statements. 59% of the shit he says that was fact checked by Politifact was completely false? Is Politifact reputable?

  5. I had a very hopeful job interview on Tuesday, where the two interviewers actually spent more time presenting the company, the things I'd do, the tools I'd use, the various benefits of working there, etc than asking me questions. Sounded more like a formality meet up than a "test" to be honest, which I found surprising and confidence-boosting.


    Turns out I got the final answer today saying I didn't get the job.


    Damn. Way to work a guy up for nothing.

  6. Yeah it was very awkward at the time. I was at work and received a phone call from my parents telling me that he showed up at their house and told them everything. They actually already knew I had a habit though. My family just kinda went along with it and told me that his family insisted that I leave the apartment and never come back. Was the last I ever heard from him.. never even spoke to me.


    Needless to say I don't think I can bring myself to apply. :emb: Maybe just use this opportunity to rise above and continue studying for my CCNA -> CCNP.

  7. I was kicked out of an apartment by my roommate and childhood friend years ago, for smoking weed. Him and his parents found out and kicked me out of their life entirely. It's been probably 6-7 years now since i've seen him. It was totally my fault and was in the wrong for bringing the drug into the apartment.. Even though I still to this day would argue that the ganja isn't evil, that incident shamed me still..


    I lost my best friend I ever had then.

    Now he's the manager of the IT department I was about to apply at... and does the interviews.


    realize that time is experienced subjectively and that your buzzkill attitude is merely a pattern that your synapses are desperately clinging to in order to reinforce your fragile ego and sense of self that is hanging by a thread over a bottomless fractal of abstraction before plunging into a waterfall of love while your ancestors teach you how to start a fire on a floating island in the sky.






    not everyone needs drugs or wants drugs or really cares that much about drugs at all sometimes. it's all good!

  9. Watched this documentary the other night: http://mechoulamthescientist.com/

    The full thing is there on the site.


    I haven't any clue why it isn't getting more popular. It was actually a really good watch. I'm very much pro-cannabis but the usual sensationalist media drives me nuts with the "CANNABIS CURES EVERYTHING" and other obnoxious weedculture crap. This doc was good though and had none of that!


    It's getting very little publicity and I dunno why.

  10. Yeah that's been happening at prisons here too. Drones with little drug parcels. Reminds me of Brasseye with the balloons and the mandrill.


    Aha, I hadn't considered that drug dealers would start delivering drugs with drones. That's fucking hilarious.

    It also brilliantly keeps the police from discovering who is sending the drugs, unless they were clever enough to trace back through the drone's communication devices.


    Viacom just sent my girlfriend several threatening emails, one for each episode of Game of Thrones and Inside Amy Schumer on my computer. I thought this only happened to other people! Anyway, guess that'll teach me not to delete stuff immediately after watching.

    It's the downloading it in the first place that is the problem you silly egg. They're saying it's on your computer because they would have seen your IP in the torrent swarm, or been providing the seed or your service provider dobbed you in. There are ways of doing things on the net and ways of not, this is an example of not.


    nwae, immediately change your net behaviour cause you probably know all about what happens to people from slashdot, ars technica, torrentfreak, etcia.

    VPN homie. Small price to pay for not having to worry.
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