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Posts posted by maitake

  1. Neil is so frustrating. He and his crew could make something really incredible with their talents, but for some reason most of it just feels kinda flat. If they could manage to pair a really great story and dialog with their incredible visual and audio effects it would be magical.District 9 was getting there, and still a fun movie I suppose. 

  2. I have a co-worker who sits around listening to angry anti-liberal talk shows and voted for Donald. He's a devout Christian guy and extremely anti-abortion. While personally I find him a relatively agreeable guy for the most part (even if a little obnoxious in some ways), his convictions bleed through occasionally and it's interesting to see.


    I asked him for his  thoughts on the state of American healthcare one day. During the conversation he confessed that both him and his wife don't pay for health insurance. He said this after blabbering on about obamacare and how it's a failure. He shared his excitement with me the day the GOP announced their repeal.


    He said his wife a few years ago ended up needing surgery for appendicitis after it burst. I asked him how they could afford it and he said the hospital ate the bill after they filled out paperwork for their charity/debt forgiveness program. The irony wasn't lost on me.


    A month ago he was bitten by a tick, and last week the doctor diagnosed him with lyme disease. He paid $100 dollars just for a 15 minute walk-in and a prescription for antibiotics. A part of me wonders what will happen to him if the treatment fails and it turns into a chronic lyme infection. 

  3. "The House just voted to wipe out the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections"




    House Republicans voted overwhelmingly Tuesday, by a margin of 215-205, to repeal a set of landmark privacy protections for Web users, issuing a sweeping rebuke of Internet policies enacted under the Obama administration. It also marks a sharp, partisan pivot toward letting Internet providers collect and sell their customers' Web browsing history, location information, health data and other personal details.


    The measure, which was approved by a 50-48 margin in the Senate last week, now heads to the White House, where President Trump is expected to sign it.


    Congress's joint resolution empowers Internet providers to enter the $83 billion market for online advertising now dominated by Google and Facebook. It is likely to lend momentum to a broader GOP rollback of Obama-era technology policies, and calls into question the fate of other tech regulations such as net neutrality, which was approved in 2015 over strident Republican objections and bans Internet providers from discriminating against websites. And it is a sign that companies such as AT&T, Comcast and Verizon will be treated more permissively at a time when conservatives control all three branches of government.



    Get a VPN!



    so after listening to this album: https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/by-syl-kouga i decided to purchase the entire schematic bandcamp discography for $39 and now i have to deal with dling/unzipping 65 albums to add them to my home digital collection (and subsequently google play music)


    but fuck that's a killer record and who knows what else is out there on schematic that i haven't heard before.


    goddam you bandcamp

     You made a good decision



    After reading juice's post I made the same decision.  No idea when I'm going to get around to hearing all this.  Goddamn you watmm.





  5. Nah dude, lauren southern is red pill as fuck bro. not that NAWALT exists but if NAWALT did exist it'd be her. she's a good old fashioned traditional conservative woman with some meat on her. man, if i only had the chance to father her children i'd be in Heaven by the grace of god. anyway, it's good to see these bitches respect a true alpha like trump. hopefully their reproductive rights will go away again so i can finally find me a decent woman to marry.

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