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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Rotwang

  1. I finally understand why ae gigs have to be completely dark. It's to facilitate all the booze and drugs. If it's really dark heavy use of those mind enhancing substances become legal.

    For this reason I wish they'd get invited to one of the small UK summer festivals like Noisily.

  2. I was an indie kid in the late 90's until Unkle's Psyence Fiction single-handedly turned me on to electronic music. Got into Aphex when Windowlicker was being hammered on the radio, and started buying a load of Warp stuff. I think the first Autechre track I heard was their Nightmares on Wax remix on the Warp 10th anniversary remix album. Didn't like it but nevertheless bought Amber on the strength of its cover art and became obsessed with it.


    Over time I lost interest in the other Warp artists (I buy more psytrance than anything else these days) but Autechre just keep getting better and better the more I listen to them.

  3. That said, consider the possibilty that calling that specific sequence equal temperament might be an error of the journalist. I mean, AP studied the theory for years so I doubt he wouldn't be aware of this? Or were there any direct quotes by AP you had in mind?

    It describes them as equal temperament on the Ovuca site.


    My dickishness aside though, Aleksi's scales sound much better than their ET equivalents.

  4. what do you mean exactly?

    Apart from the first one, those scales on his site aren't equal temperament. Equal temperament means that the ratios between any two successive frequencies are the same. So e.g. 2TET would have frequencies 33, 33*sqrt(2), 66, 66*sqrt(2) and so on. In general an nTET scale has frequencies of the form f*2^(p/n) with fixed f and integer p. The scales Aleksi gives have frequencies of the form f*2^q*(1 + p/n) with fixed f, integer q and integer p in [0, n).


    That's quite an arrogant statement.

    Yes, my pedantry got the better of me. Sorry.

  5. Only took about FIFTEEN albums but the colundi sequence is finally getting some well deserved press. Interview with Aleksi on RA:

    Perälä was keen to share his discoveries, demonstrating on his site how he constructed a series of equal temperament scales, dividing the octave into an increasing number of equally spaced steps.

    Sorry to be that guy, but I'd be able to take all the Colundi-talk more seriously if AP actually understood how equal temperament works.

  6. I listened to Krakow for the first time on the way to church yesterday. I went through the woods at dusk. It was so foggy I could barely see stuff 20 meters away. MFW:



  7. I'd say maybe about half of the parts I recognized in some form from the recent NA tour, but they were still different and at different points in the set. Listening to these might actually enhance your enjoyment of the show because you'll be able to hear more details since some of it will be in your head. Go for it man!

    Thanks breh.

  8. So has their live set changed much since these were recorded? If not I reckon I'll hold off on listening until after I've seen them in November.

  9. I find Quaristice to be weirdly inconsistent, not in terms of how the quality varies from track to track but in terms of how my reaction to it varies from listen to listen. Sometimes it really clicks with me and I find myself wondering how I never got into it before, then I'll listen again the following day and find it's unclicked again.

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  10. kek


    Also I like the way that there's clearly enough space for four of them on the one sofa, but they've made Rob sit on a different one (presumably because they're weirded out by his one freakishly long arm).

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