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Posts posted by romanticdude

  1. not entirely sure what to make of this (yet), but I don't like the idea of them meddling with a nicely open end – deckard seems to be a replicant now, and a hunted one at that and I just don't want that kind of continuation. 

    I know they didn't stay too faithful to PKD's source material but I also dislike the idea that it's not based on his material. we need more PKD adaptions. 



    icehouse of t-painic at the disco


    can anyone fit more than 4 bands in a single name?

    I did Sean Paul Kelly Rowland S. Howard Jonestown Massacre a while ago but nobody got it


    lol that's brilliant. 


    Captain Silpho Smoothwax


    ok i don't think i got the rule of this thread

    it took me about a year to realise the point was to make puns n stuff on existing names, i just thought that was more something people were leaning towards rather than the whole point of the thread. 



    still makes a bad artist name, doesn't it

  3. So this 



    this was gleamed from a vape forum somewhere & emailed to a mate, not entirely sure of the specifics but Arizer Airs top off @210degrees:



    "Few vaporizer studies/reviews have really addressed the quality of the vapor extracted and delivered. Most studies/reviews have tended to focus on the mode of usage of the vaporizers and not the quality of the vapor extracted and delivered. When one considers that there are at least 60 pharmacologically-active compounds in cannabis and that the aromatic terpenoids begin to vaporize at 126 °C, but the more bio-active cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinol (CBN), and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) do not vaporize until near their respective flash points: CBD 206.3 °C[6], CBN 212.7 °C[7], THC 149.3 °C[8] then it becomes apparent that the only way to get a full spectrum vapor inhalation is to extract and deliver rapidly from a small sample at a time. Because most commercial vaporizers are slow in extraction and delivery, the vapor inhaled is first aromatic, but only minimally active; and then as the apparent temperature rises, the vapor becomes increasingly bio-active, but minimally aromatic as most of the aromatics already released."


    So this more or less confirms the simplified rule of thumb:

    below 175°C – more psychoactive high

    above 175°C – more of a physical high



  4. alright cannabis enthusiasts 


    I bought myself a vape (Mighty by Storz & Bickel, a company that is from the neighbourhood, no joke) and I've had a blast so far. Only gripe is that I get too high. Any tips regarding that? 

    I only used it twice now, the first time I idiotically pushed it up to 210°C, the second time I stayed a bit lower, at around 185°C, but I was still way too stoned.  

  5. You should never pay attention to anything on reddit to do with Food or Music.


    or jokes or movies or books or relationship advice or life tips or technical assistance

  6. I can see the vague outline of a concept, just like on SILY, which I always felt was about the process of dying and how the afterlife would be like an endless cruise on a big, joyful ocean liner. On Wildflower, it seems to be about…smoking weed and getting high, maybe? In any way, the album is quite cringeworthy in parts (Frankie Sinatra and The Noisy Eater are to blame), and I feel like it leaves a big, fat stain on the Avalanches' legacy, instead of serving as a proper follow-up to SILY.

  7. What's all this stuff about "operating" the Cheetah EP, and experimenting with the sounds they've made for us, and "have fun programming"? Is that just a joke?


    most likely a dig at cheesily written analog synth manuals

  8. Autechre were coming to my town to play a couple of live shows, not in normal venues but in public transport vehicles. Every vehicle they played in represented one of their albums. I missed a bus in which they probably played, so I ran to the tram station to catch the next show. When I got there I saw the tram coming to a halt while I heard Pro Radii playing at full blast as the doors opened. I tried my best to catch it but I had to cross an overpath first which I could only do at an insanely low speed. So of course I missed the tram and another live show and all that frustration woke me up.

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