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Posts posted by BOCfan

  1. Ulrich Schnauss will shortly be releasing Now Is A Timeless Present, a career retrospective boxset. 

    Having reaquired all of the rights to his catalogue a couple of years back, Ulrich set about remastering all of his albums to date, with quite substantial reworking done to his most recent two albums, 'A Long Way To Fall' and 'No Further Ahead Than Today'. Alongside his previously released albums there will be a new release, 'Now Is A Timeless Present,' featuring previously unreleased and disparate material. It wil be available to buy digitally from the 6th December with a physical release to follow in January. 

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    'The Magic In You' is the best one on here, IMO. It's really, really like his first album.


    The one-two punch of this into "Thoughtless Motion" is one of the best 10-minute stretches of an album this year.



    100% agreed, absolutely killer pairing of tracks.


    A little bit of info: for some reason Domino records are not going to be releasing the new album stateside like they were going to. This may have something to do with the apparent disappearance of a lot of Ulrich's material on Spotify for US listeners, but maybe there is some other rights issue at play.

  3. You guys doing leaks or streaming services? Is it out everywhere but the States? I'm getting a "not available in your country" on Bleep digital vinyls

    Try somewhere other than bleep maybe? I think it is available in America right now (at least I have American friends on Facebook who are listening to it and I don't think they've pirated it).


    I'm in the UK and it's available freely over here.

  4. German electronic wizard Ulrich Schnauss will be releasing his fifth solo album, No Further Ahead Than Today, on November 4th 2016.


    There are currently no samples available at the time of this posting but I'm given to understand that these will probably start going live soon. I was, however, at a gig during the UK tour he performed this year and though I am a dyed in the wool Schnauss megafan, this is hand on heart some of the best material he has produced yet, with one particular track being one of the most euphoric pieces of music I've yet heard.


    My most anticipated album of 2016 for sure.



  5. Only God Forgives.


    At times absolutely brutal (that torture scene!) and hallucinogenic, it's definitely one of the most beguiling and enigmatic films I've seen this year. It's immaculately framed and lit throughout with an excellent score from Cliff Martinez, and Kristen Scott Thomas is absolutely superb.


    It's one of those films that I think will benefit from a repeat viewing.





    I completely agree with the lack of any stand-out tracks, nothing rises to the level of Julie and Candy, Kid for Today, Dawn Chorus, Beach at Redpoint, Tears from the Compound Eye, 84 Pontiac Dream, etc...


    Whilst I see your point, isn't that purely a subjective thing? Perhaps nothing on this album touches those high watermarks for some/many, but I think Come To Dust and Split Your Infinities are stand-out tracks (at least, they stand out as having high quality to me).

  7. (Preface - apologies if a bit tl;dr)


    I'd agree that those who have come into this with insanely big expectations will inevitably come away with a feeling of disappointment. An 8 year hiatus is bound to have created an album in the minds of many fans that will never have been achieved.


    I think what cushioned me from any kind of preconceptions about this album is that over the years, if I'm honest, I'd kind of fallen out of love with BoC. It's not that I came to dislike them or their music, its just that I've been listening to so many other artists in the downtime between BoC albums that I only really listened to their albums occasionaly, or whenever tracks popped up on my mp3 player. What I mean is that whilst they've been away, I haven't been fetishing their music to a point that it turned them into some untouchable musical deities (and I'm not for a second insinuating that this is what those who dislike the album have done). BoC are one my favourite acts and they have been massively influential on a generation of artists and music lovers alike, but they were, for me at least, also a gateway act that opened up to the world of music that I currently listen to (pre MHTRTC I mostly listened to rap).


    With TH coming out, and with me now enjoying a huge number of other artists (and I guess I should point out that I didn't only ever listen to BoC only at any point), I feel like I'm revisting an old friend who I loved and got on immeasurably well with, but who I drifted apart from. TH reminds me of all of the things that I fell in love with BoC for in the first place. Perhaps to some, that in of itself could be seen as some kind if damning indictment, that BoC have regressed to the safety of their established sound, and that there's no progression (especially after so long a break). However, I fear in those regards that BoC would be damned if they do, damned if they don't, and that whatever they did, it would be unsatisfactory to a part of their audience.


    Some of the criticisms that I've read so far have been valid, some not so much. If there are those who feel genuinely let-down or lukewarm about this album that is of course their prerogative, and it's just as valid an opinion as those coming from the people who really love it (I especially feel it for you, oscillik. You've been quite level-headed in your anticipation and your commitment to remaining spoiler-free has been laudable, so to read that you feel underwhelmed, whilst getting the impression that you've been genuinely excited, is a shame. I hope the album opens up for you a bit). I feel nothing but genuine warmth at BoC's return as I tempered my expectations, and I'm quite delighted by the results.

  8. My brother gave this a listen through. He came at it as someone who's never listened to any Boards other than the occasional track he's heard me play.


    He enjoyed it overall, some parts more than others. Interestingly, he commented on how some of it sounded like a film score, and he hasn't read that interview where boc mention how they've been listening to and drawing inspiration from them.

  9. On the whole, one sublime package. This and Ulrich Schnauss' A Long Way To Fall are my fav albums of 2013 thus far.


    So many wonderful moments that it's difficult to pick an absolute fav. Palace Posy and Split Your Infinities are a lovely one-two punch, the latter of the two being one of boc's most beautiful tracks imo.


    I'm on my third listen to the album and it just gets better with every listen. I've lost count of the number of times I've sat grinning from ear to ear, or that I've got chills from a key change or sample.


    I'm sorry to read that this album isn't doing it for some on here, but I guess that's just the subjective nature of music. Personally, I think this probably the on a par with their greatest work, if not their best.


    Looking forward to trekking up Arthur's Seat or the Pentland hills whilst watching the sun going down to Sundown.

  10. i know alot of you guys are not from scotland, so i thought i would introduce you to limmy, debatably the funniest man ever.





    also he has his own tv series which i will allow you to find yourself.


    i leave you with this.






    discuss. or whatever.


    Man, I cried with laughter at this.


    Series 3 of Limmy's Show was definitely patchy, but when he's on, he's on.

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