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Posts posted by BOCfan

  1. From bladerunner2-movie.com:


    While scouting out film locations in the Canary Islands, Ridley Scott spoke about the Blade Runner 2 script to the heads of the Gran Canaria Film Commission.


    "Yesterday I read the script for Blade Runner 2, we have been working on it for six or seven weeks now with the original author. It includes some of the original characters. Everything is still in it's early stages, but this draft is really good. "






  2. I'm not going to approach the kind of depression that psychiatrists call a chemical imbalance. You are a human being and are never broken, you are just the way nature made you. Don't underestimate your ability to change your attention. This includes changing your habits. it's good to start there.


    Do a lot less drugs, primarily alcohol but also caffeine and nicotine. Maybe change your diet. Then start looking into doing new things with your life.


    The difficult part is always finding the motivation and energy for doing new things when the old negative habits have sapped you of all of that. The prime pitfall is wanting immediate results, it doesn't work that way. If your depression is worth calling depression, you're gonna struggle with alot of bad shit. Anyway, before you know it you're going to feel alive again. The hard part, then, is not going back into the familiar and negative habits because you feel safer with yourself, because otherwise you're going to go back to feeling shit for long periods.


    The key here is not looking to just fix your broken brain so you don't have to feel sad, but carefully finding out, through trial and error, how you actually work. What takes you into hopeless mode, what takes you into happy and relaxed mode, and so forth.


    Most of the time I believe depression is a symptom that you're stuck with self image issues that don't fit the self image that you want, but you're afraid of actually being the person you want to be because the world is a scary place. There's no good, easy answer to that, except that the whole "self vs. other" philosophical conundrum is an illusion, we are all one and there's nothing to worry about. Maybe you won't cure your depression altogether but you might find it easier to cope with.


    QFT. Wise words, sir.

  3. only showing 3D presentations of films is a dodgy practice purely done to reap as much revenue from ticket sales as possible


    And of course to try and regain some of the expenses of having the 3D equipment installed in the first place


    That's a pretty naive perspective on it, I think. No-one held a gun to their head and forced them to install 3D projection equipment. Lets face it - 3D is a big money spinner at the moment, and that's undeniable.


    I'm pretty sure that if it's a reasonably well patronised cinema, a cinema recoups the cost of installing 3D equipment pretty quickly, after that it's all profits for everyone involved. Arguements such as that are used by cinemas to justify the very overpriced ticket costs of 3D.


    For the record thgouh, I'm getting thoroughly pissed off at cinemas putting 2D presentations of movies on the backburner to promote the more lucrative 3D showings. I know it's in their best interests economically, but it would be nice of cinema chains to recognise that if the option is there, not all audience members want to see a film in 3D. The cineworld in Edinburgh is really bad for doing this; they show the 2D version of a movie once a day in the middle of the afternoon when most people might not be able to make it along, but have multiple showings a day of the 3D version.

  4. this album totally blows fi out of the water, folk-guitar lushness




    Stephen Wilkonson seems to have taken all of those excellent BoC interludes and stretched them out into an absolutely sublime collection of music.


    Favourites thus far are Cherry Go Round, and Maroon Lagoon.

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