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Everything posted by oscillik

  1. Okay, then surely there must at least one research study out there where someone has successfully distinguished a 16- vs. 24-bit recording in an ABX test. Care to find one? Until then I cordially invite you to shut the fuck up. You also can go on all you want about the theory, but it's a matter of human audio perception, and yeah 16 bits are quite enough for any human being. But fuck it, if you think it's better, go enjoy it! your logic is as follows: "i'm right, you're wrong." i'm glad that your hearing is digital, and not analogue. i was under the assumption that humans had analogue hearing, but i see that you have strong evidence to the contrary.
  2. i dont get it. if it's the music that counts, and you definitely have an officially purchased full length new autechre album purchased off bleep, why would you wait for the physical copy :S:S:S because i'm an ae fanboy!
  3. easy solution to all this you know. don't bother spreading bullshit, don't bother listening to "leaks", and wait for the real thing. i'm such a hardcore ae fanboy that when i receive my digital file downloads i'm still going to wait until i receive the vinyl to listen to it. i'm that fucking harcore. yes. boyeeee
  4. i'd say it was more of a fashionable merkin, quite fetching really. this season's colours too
  5. 16 bit: 720,000,000 bytes (*8) = 5,760,000,000 bits (/44100) = 130612 (/16) = 8163 (/2) = 4082 seconds (/60) = 68 minutes 24 bit: 1,060,000,000 bytes (*8) = 8,480,000,000 bits (/44100) = 192,290 (/24) = 8012 (/2) = 4006 seconds (/60) = 67 minutes Sad or what? or...you could've just read the bleep announcement that it's an album on one cd, and on two records that would equate to around about that kind of length :p
  6. Bleep gave us digital release with the Warp20 (Box Set) for the (unheard) records :) i am pleased that we're being given high quality digital downloads, hopefully this will set a precedent for future releases (not just from autechre) on a side note, if you can afford to get the vinyl, go for it - even if you don't have a turntable, you'll still have the digital files to listen to and you'll have something that will only increase in collectability.
  7. oh and also, i shalln't be listening to the album until i have the vinyl in my hands. it's gonna be tough, but worth it i think. unless they play the new album, in it's entirety, at BLOC
  8. They said they'd continue operations on a smaller level. I can't remember when - trust me on that though. yeah i remember seeing words to the effect of "we will be back, somehow". i'm really glad tDR is back, and i'm really amped about BLOC FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (but the good kind of ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu)
  9. just got the warpbot email. and yes, it's preordered. on vinyl. also, artwork by tDR??? are they back??!!!
  10. dude you should really check out confield i knew i'd forget one :/ i do have Confield, just on CD
  11. Vinyl Cavity Job Incunabula (ltd edition) Amber Chiastic Slide LP5 (promo) LP5 (white label) EP7.1 Gantz Graf Draft 7.30 Untilted Quaristice CD/DVD/FLAC Incunabula Amber Chiastic Slide LP5 Gantz Graf (CD/DVD) Gantz Graf (CD/DVD promo) Draft 7.30 Untilted Quaristice (ltd edition) Quaristice.quadrange.ep.ae Minidisc GESCOM - Minidisc (first pressing)
  12. this any better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR2bhQCFgGk i had a similar problem on my iPod touch 2nd gen 32GB, whereby it wouldn't display album art in cover flow. just black squares. yeah, it's kinda Quaristice-like...but no. i had to completely reflash it to get it to work again. that particular MD recorder is still pretty good :) it has a radio on it, if you listen to radio (i don't to be fair). can you record the radio actually onboard? Hi-MD is pretty good because of the additional recording time available to you, and also (with the MZ-RH1) you can upload any recordings you've made to the computer, regardless of whether you recorded using optical in, line-in, or mic-in....whether you're using an MDLP disc, SP disc, or whether you transferred files using NetMD. if you're happy with your current MD walkman then there's no need to change :D Sony shouldn't have killed the format - it's much better than CD-R in my opinion
  13. couldn't disagree with you more there, i'm afraid. of course my opinion is subjective, as is yours. and i have always used good quality headphones.
  14. hmmm, i'm no expert on the English language, but i believe that would be bad grammatical syntax, regardless of what context it's used in. i'm trying to formulate a sentence that would use "all the more deep" and still sound right, but i can't. "balls...all the more deep....?" hmm let me have a try at it. "I was fucking her all the more deeply that she was crying like a tortured baby" touché, although there is an added "ly" there :p i thought the Zens were supposed to be pretty decent too?
  15. hmmm, i'm no expert on the English language, but i believe that would be bad grammatical syntax, regardless of what context it's used in. i'm trying to formulate a sentence that would use "all the more deep" and still sound right, but i can't. "balls...all the more deep....?"
  16. you don't want to carry an iPod nano and an iPhone at the same time? do you wear skin-tight pants, or are you just extremely emaciated and weak? i could understand your argument if it was based on a matter of the iPhone kind of making the iPod nano redundant, but your argument over not carrying both seems to be solely based upon the perceived practicality of carrying them both i've heard very very good things about the Cowon players. just the fact that they support FLAC playback is awesome, but personally if i want to listen to lossless audio i'll just put a record on my turntable. for portable music needs i don't mind sacrificing certain things. ATRAC3plus encoding is great sounding...there are a few occasions where i can hear artefacts, and that is mostly when i'm listening to later autechre releases (it's quite noticeable on Draft 7.30)
  17. ah. says it all really :p maybe you could try using a virtual machine and Windows XP just to sort out your Minidisc needs?
  18. yes, the sound output is very transparent. for example, i've noticed that when you listen to music on an iPod at low volumes the sound gets muddied up. whereas i can listen to the MZ-RH1 at really low volumes and still hear everything perfectly. as such i no longer listen to music at full volume, like i always used to with an iPod. so i'm saving a few years of my hearing too. mine wasn't too expensive, i managed to get mine for £198 through Amazon brand new in September. with regards to the software, are you using the latest SonicStage? i've not encountered any problems whatsoever with it (running on Windows XP and then through Windows 7 64bit)
  19. nope, i don't have a headphone amp as i believe that the built-in amp should be sufficient. if a built-in amp isn't sufficient, then what's the point? i see what you're saying about a big library of music, but i can actually fit 7 hours of Hi-SP recorded audio on a single Hi-MD so i'm ok :)
  20. mine is the Sony MZ-RH1 Hi-MD Recorder 1. it has the best quality audio output i have ever heard on a portable music player - easily trumps the iPod (any model) 2. it has multiple methods of input for recording (optical, line in, mic in) with variable gain and mic sensitivity selector 3. can record MDs in the new Hi-MD spec which gives better sounding ATRAC3plus compression, along with Linear PCM recording and records onto the new 1GB MDs 4. media is VERY cheap, can be found on eBay for a bargain 5. battery is user replaceable i love my Hi-MD recorder
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