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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Limo

  1. 5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    "I play with sine waves mostly and build my sounds from them;

    Right, and those sine waves are sampled. The colundi sequence is a sequence of frequencies and since those frequencies can't be played using regular sequencers, he creates samples sine waves at those specific frequencies. You can (or could, apparently) download those samples from colundi.net.

    5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    As @TubularCorporationpointed out, every version of Logic is on that list. As well, Cakewalk, Cubase/Nuendo are two other major sequencing environments/DAWs that are included in there.


    Logic can only do twelve tone scales. You can change which twelve tones those are made up of, but still, you'll have to make do with no more and no less than twelve tones. Useless.

    Cakewalk is not on that list, only some of its included instruments are. I don't see Cubase and Nuendo either. Are we looking at the same list?What does that have to do with anything?


    5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    Kontakt, Cycling74,  all the Native Instruments synthesizing environments, they all get plugged in to DAWs and can be tuned however you want. Sure I guess it takes some time and effort to do it, but I also guess everything worthwhile does?

    Well, yes, and that is exactly the point: with a lot of effort and additional tools, you can make it work but for plain MIDI sequencing DAWs will only let you use the standard Western 12 tone scale.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Himelstein said:

    I wish I could show you guys the video they sent me, it’s pretty scary.

    All wars are scary for people on the ground.

    I hear the "if you'd live in Israel you'd understand" argument thrown out a lot and it's absolute bullshit. If you'd live in South Lebanon, you'd understand Hezbollah. So?

  3. 18 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    I mean Aleksi has been pumping out Colundi records with some insane tuning in them non-stop for how many years now?

    Aleksi uses samples. Go to the Colundi site. You can download them,

    Proves the point. As does the list of microtuning capable software posted earlier:  there’s not a single major DAW on that list.

    Look, I find the tone in which accusations like these are made just as distasteful as everyone else here,  but the fact of the matter is the West has done a real number on the rest of the world and people have every right to point that out.

    • Like 6
  4. 15 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

    I just want to point out that Canada has been the largest single source of US oil imports since about 1998. Mexico's share has also steadily increased. Imports of oil overall to the US have declined in general, and in 2015 I think, the US became a net exporter of oil. The US is largely energy self-sufficient, and their foreign policy will be increasingly less focused on crude oil.

    Now, if you want to say that US foreign policy in the Middle East has been a clusterfuck, by all means. That's pretty obvious (all countries that are capable of it have had pretty fucked up foreign policy in the Middle East). But in the last 20 years the dead there have been less about oil and more about other things for the US (the "war on terror" primary among them - which is a proxy for sustaining the military-industrial complex which employs a lot of people in the US).

    Pretty sure the fighting for oil thing is to make sure countries in the Middle East don’t get too powerful. The US may not need their oil but the rest of he world certainly does.

    More of a divide and conquer thing, I suppose.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Thu Zaw said:

    I feel like we're about 6 months away from black Americans walking around with warpaint on their faces, repeating "oonga boonga choonga" in the belief that they're speaking "African" to each other. 

    It's embarrassing, America. Stop. 




    @bryt_alozy said:

    "African culture," really? Africa is a continent with 54 countries, >2000 languages, > 3000 ethnic groups spread across diverse, dynamic cultures. Ever wondered why South Africa alone is called the "Rainbow Nation?" Africa & it's people is not a monolith. Whoever advised this?"


    See also: Coming 2 America. Man that was some racist shit.


    That said, given what Black people in the US have lived through and continue to live through, I’m mostly content to just shrug this sort of stuff off.

    And snigger. A little.

    • Like 1
  6. < serious >

    Electro tends to have a different beat. Not four to the floor but like this:

    K . . S . . K . K . . S . . S .


    This is true for modern electro, anyway. CPU records and Cultivated Electronics and the like.

    With the older stuff, and with early Detroit, the boundaries are a bit more blurry.

    < / serious >

    Techno is when it’s boring.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    these days there's a million ways to skin a cat musically speaking.. all the tools are there and can be had on a laptop for however anyone wants to do anything. but it's not going to come out of the sky in a fully formed way.. i mean.. everyone has to sort of build their own system even in ableton.. for how they want to make music. 

    Right, but none of those million ways seems to be “use a scale other than the western one”. For that, the best you can do is samples.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 50 minutes ago, dcom said:

    That's what I meant when I wrote that "It's of course easy to argue that creating a DAW with a Western base tuning system starts with an assumption that it's what people will and want to use" - which you did, but I also wrote that "and such an absolute assumption is by default wrong and it should be checked." I agree with you, but you responded like I didn't address the issue.

    Ah, ok, must’ve misread, then. It seems to me like you wrote that DAWs *aren’t* a form of oppression whereas the point I tried to make, not very well, it turns out, was that they might as well be.

    28 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

    now it feels compelled to cover its tracks by making a concerted effort to shorn itself of any aspect that speaks of western ideological centrality, in order to put forward the illusion that globalist society is a natural+universal phenomenon

    Interesting take. It’s possible, but considering that the non-Western world has been on the ascendancy for a while now, and making increasingly bold claims to its rights to deal with the world on its own terms, the alternative interpretation, that the formerly colonized are genuinely pissed, seems to me more likely.

  9. 5 hours ago, dcom said:

    Even DAWs need to be woke these days; it's a welcome progress, but I'm getting a bit tired with the ever-fragmenting inclusivity rhetoric. Change starts with language and checking assumptions, but DAWs using Western tuning systems are not a form of oppression or colonization. It's of course easy to argue that creating a DAW with a Western base tuning system starts with an assumption that it's what people will and want to use, and such an absolute assumption is by default wrong and it should be checked - it's not like DAW software companies are forcing anyone to use them. Makes clickable headlines and copy, though.

    All the major DAWs, yes, all of them, use western tuning systems and have no provisions at all for using different ones. To the people who make them the 90% of the world that doesn’t use these tuning systems simply don’t exist. By itself that may not be oppression but it’s certainly a symptom of an extremely unequal world.

  10. Au service de la France / A very secret service


    A French Netflix show poking fun at the bureaucratic ineptitude of the French secret service and more generally at French history. Very funny. 

    Also does the Mad Men schtick were they ridicule 1960s attitudes about women, people of color and smoking except that they do it well, without any of the cringe worthy smugness that made Mad Men unwatchable.


  11. 14 hours ago, ignatius said:

    black fungus sounds awful. 



    Of course :facepalm:

    With so many people with now compromised immune systems around something like this was bound to happen. I wonder what other rare conditions suddenly aren't going to be rare anymore.


    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Himelstein said:

    DJs always said 133 was the best for actual dancing, but who knows.

    128 is what I’ve heard. :shrug:

    It’s definitely nice and bouncy. 126 if you want to be chill out a little.

    Old school techno and house was a lot faster, though. It begat gabba, after all.

  13. 1 hour ago, thawkins said:

    Unless they get their kick from a spectral analyser, the set up better include some good monitors or headphones too. Not to mention a good computer to run all the janky M4L.

    And plain light wood, of course.

    • Like 1
  14. All of West Africa continues to get fucked over by France (the formerly French bits, anyway). They do not get to set their own monetary policy, French corporations own all their resources and French soldiers run around telling everyone what to do. Very little has changed since the 1960s.

    Amazingly, however, Senegal is a fairly reasonably functioning state despite all this. Wonder how they managed that.


  15. 18 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    Right. Which this very Wikipedia article itself says is not he same thing as “regular” genocide.

    At least read the Wikipedia stuff you link to.

    Edit: for your convenience I’ll quote the official definition of genocide for you:


    The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such" including the killing of its members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to "bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. Victims have to be deliberately, not randomly, targeted because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups outlined in the above definition.[4][5][6][7]

    Nothing cultural about it.

  16. 3 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    genocide includes things like destruction of culture and forced assimilation

    No it doesn’t. It has a very precise definition: the willful destruction of a people by murder. It was conceived by a legal scholar for the express purpose of describing the crime that was committed by the Turks against the Armenians, which was not driving them from their land or forbidding them to express themselves culturally but plain and simple murder.


    3 minutes ago, cyanobacteria said:

    also im not sure how to comprehend or reply to that last sentence

    Israel doesn’t care if the Palestinians were to pack up their stuff and move to Lebanon or Jordan. It just doesn’t want them living on the land it’s decided is its own.

    6 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    "sorry, i know this is your ancestral home and you currently live here and take care of this thousand year old olive orchard but you've got one hour to pack and leave. You had plenty of time to file a complaint. the plans for this change have been in the basement of the UN for quite some time. it's you're own fault really."

    Yes. It’s absolutely bonkers.

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