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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Limo

  1. 22 hours ago, 714681746476436 said:

    Dirty, disorganised, smelly, with terrible food and hygiene. Genuine people, uninterested in improving their government. Some stunning scenery, great tea. Taiwan is the goof China, and even that's not great.

    I work in various parts of China at least once per month. Sucks.

    (emphasis mine)

    That settles it. You, sir, are an idiot.

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  2. 2 hours ago, beer badger said:

    Look everyone wants a healthy, juicy, Pembrokeshire lamb, grilled to perfection, with a freshly baked pitta bread, a beautiful bouquet of organically grown salad. Hmmm yes please.


    No we don’t. All British meat has BSE in it. Everyone knows that.

  3. 17 hours ago, BCM said:

    if you call perfunctorily turning a foot thick piece of questionable offal around in front of a 3 bar fire grilling, then yes, it's grilled.

    You only eat the charred outsides, so, yes.

    Also: go Angela

  4. 24 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    What are your thoughts RE how China has been handling the outbreak? (asking anyone). I'm quite impressed with how quick they've tried to lock things down and they seem to be communicating with the wider world on this.

    China does what China does: react harshly when it’s clear it’s a real problem, hesitates to do so because, hey, it’s Chinese New Year and half a billion people want to go visit their families, so let’s not do anything drastic unless we’re reasonably certain we have to.


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  5. 1 hour ago, beer badger said:

    I once witnessed a dirty white transit van pull outside of a kebab shop. Couple of right fucking foul bastard guttersnipes got out, opened the backdoors and just picked up one of those tubes of meat and took it round the back.

    No it wasn't wrapped in cling film.



    So what ... it gets grilled, doesn’t it?

  6. Seven pages before a thread about a megacorp leveraging economies of scale derailed into politics.

    I’m impressed.

    I also don’t think the market for analog synths is as large as Behringer seems to think it is, but then I’m “Frequently Wrong About Absolutely Everything”(tm), so ...

  7. 7 hours ago, auxien said:

    lol it would be someone who thought it was his weakest album who didn't get that it was a joke. 

    not a great joke, granted, but still. :duckhunt: 

    Yes. It turns out I can take three levels of meta in a joke just fine, but four or more becomes a problem. This was seven: way, way outta my league.

  8. 22 minutes ago, 714681746476436 said:

    That is the downside to all of this reproduction stuff. Now everyone with £400 can have an 808 and a 303 - YouTube is going to be choked with 45 minute long 'jams' of 4/4 kick and resonant bass. Bleh

    I only use Youtube to watch Borat video's so ... don't care.

  9. 13 hours ago, auxien said:

    Aphex made Druqks with nothing but an 808 and a 303, so I guess it’s possible 

    He made it with trackers, prepared pianos and goodness knows what else.

    It's also by far his weakest album, though, so the point still stands.

    • Facepalm 1
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    • Farnsworth 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, modey said:

    Is it really that hard to design basic generic modules rather than ripping off Roland ones though? 

    I thought the remakes were kinda cute at first but it's starting to get ridiculous. 

    Yeah, this annoys me to. It's not like these are super special designs or something. Just put out cheap mults, mixers, etc and put a generic design on them. No need to do this nudge nudge wink wink thing.

  11. System 100 (see Namm 2020 thread for video): awesome.

    Too bad they had do be dicks and rip off Roland but in principle: yay Behringer for bringing the price of stupidly simple basic modules down to less outrageous levels.

    Let Behringer do the boring stuff (cases, utilities) in bulk for cheap and let the boutique people do the fancy stuff.

    Only “boutique” manufacturer I kinda feel sorry for is Doepfer. They invented the format, sell basic modules for really not at all extortionate prices and now Behringer is going to eat their lunch. Ah well, such is progress, I guess.

  12. 1 hour ago, zkom said:

    It's Iskender kebap. They just served it so that the pita bread pieces are under the meat. It's the best döner style, imnsfho.

    Here's Iskender kebap I had while visiting Istanbul.




    For some reason that looks nowhere near as gross as the original photograph.

  13. Good question. Was going to ask this question myself but you beat me to it.

    What I’ve found so far:

    Limbik Frequencies : IDM. Mostly older / classic stuff.

    Soma FM cliqhop : IDM, I guess, but often of the non-threatening, background muzak variety.

    Some other Soma FM channels are decent, too. Sonic Universe does modern slick jazz (what used to be called “acid jazz”). Personally I’m rather partial to Illinois Street Lounge: 1950s easy listening and lounge. Fun for about thirty minutes.

    • Like 1
  14. It's also very inefficient. You wouldn't believe how energy dense a litre of diesel is compared to the energy it takes to produce it. Nothing else even comes close, unless you subsidise it.Which is what we're starting to do in the hopes that we'll figure out how to make the alternatives cost effective before we run out of oil. Most likely we should have started doing this sooner. 

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  15. Just watched Jojo Rabbit.

    Not sure what to make of it. The beginning is quite funny. It’s sort of what you expect if you’ve seen the trailer. That does not, however, make for a 108 minute film so after a while it gets more serious and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

    Oh well. Definitely worth seeing.


    It would’ve probably been better if they’d actually had Jojo betray the girl and , as a consequence, his mom. Probably too grim for Waititi, though, which is fair, but then maybe just stick to the lightness he does so well and keep the mother alive. The way it is now feels unsatisfying to me.

    Anyway, my 2cts.


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