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Posts posted by ooqpoo

  1. The Curse. This was very interesting, intense! The way nothing much happens and it's slow yet every interaction has this air of subtle dread about it, it's not exactly funny but more kind of sad and tragic but in a totally captivating way, was on the edge of my seat like I was watching a good tense thriller flick, but like a bland persistent fear that's only vaguely sensed. Really weird. The score too was really uneasy reminded me of Popol Vuh and BoC and it managed to maintain that exquisite, torturous limbo for ten hours. Really fuckin well made stuff! 

  2. Don´t Worry He Won´t Get Far On Foot. A solid feel good type movie which I prob felt extra partial to due to having worked for a guy who´s situation was almost identical to that of the character played by Phoenix, who´s on total top form as usual. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Squee said:

    Timebomb Y2K

    Kinda disappointed by this documentary. Was expecting interviews and retrospective thoughts on the whole debacle but instead it's just old news clips.

    Yeah it wasn't the most insightful thing ever, but the nostalgia value of all that stock footage hit me hard, like a little love letter from a (seemingly) simpler time. 

  4. By the end of watching The Return I always have a bazillion tabs open where I've searched on this or that scene or character, or some perceived connection between things that crops up while watchin, I kind of know it's probably futile but it adds to the fun. But then there's sometimes things that are actually just editing mistakes (like the inconsistent way traffic is passing in the background while Ed Hurley ponders over a coffee in one of the credit scenes) that will also get obsessed over by certain fans. 

    That guy and his 4 hour youtube video was rough (think I only made it an hour in) but I did thoroughly enjoy John Thorne's book and am (still) waiting on my copy of Black Coffee Lightning to arrive. 

  5. How To Have Sex. This was a surprisingly good, sobering and engaging watch about the (mis)adventures of three gals partying it up somewhere in boozeville, Spain. Handled its subject matter well and decent performances, especially from the lead. 

    Rotting In The Sun. This one was pretty barmy, in a good way. Fresh and enjoyable stuff! 

  6. So, it popped up on HBO recently so I watched Barbie. First off, it looked great. Felt like I´d done a small line of charlie and eaten five balloons worth of candyfloss. Other than that I´m not quite sure what to make of it. Some weird hybrid of Zoolander, Idiocracy and Teletubbies. The social commentary elements felt jarring and at odds with the general vibe of the whole thing and I kept wishing it would just be a straight up OTT musical comedy deal. Maybe there´s something I´m not getting, but seemed like it was trying to make a grand statement based on a vapid set of lowest common denominators. 

    • Like 3
  7. On 12/5/2023 at 3:53 PM, Rubin Farr said:

    This was fascinating, a real Shakespearean drama. LHW came to my attention before Amy died, they were gaining attention on YouTube as an "anti-vax Q-Anon cult" during the lockdown before vaccines were available. It's such a bizarre story with such a colorful cast of low-life characters, that only Vince Gilligan or Noah Hawley could write something like this. They really were the prototypical 21st Century cult; media savvy, hucksters, live-streaming and recording everything on their phones and laptops, casual use of cannabis, THC products, mushrooms and alcohol. Trying to figure out what made each member tick becomes futile, as the overwhelming ridiculousness, and morbidity of the story becomes apparent. The third episode takes a turn into Weekend at Bernie's shenanigans, really cringe. The filmmakers here do take a few liberties though; first, they make it seem like law enforcement showed up at their house, and let everyone go except Mike, the borderline psychopath. Everyone in the household was arrested, and they had a child in their custody as well,with a 2 week old rotting corpse in the house, but Mike seems to be the only one that received legal punishment. Second, they paint Amy as a victim in the end, which she was, but she was also a seriously abusive alcoholic monster when she drank, and some of the other docs on YouTube have footage of her constantly berating everyone and threatening them, so maybe in the end her death was an overt or covert retribution from her own cult members. They are still online to this day shilling people out of their money. 




    I normally find cult leaders and cults in general pretty fascinating, and maybe it was the way in which it's presented, but there didn't seem to be much in the way of backstory or even half baked philosophy behind any of it, just a karen who likes to drink and be the center of attention and a small flock of heads glorifying her slow mo trainwreck. If anything Mike was the one who saw the writing on the wall and skipped town before shit hit the fan. A dick move to grab the cash, but I can't say I wouldn't have done the same in his place. I felt sorry for the old lady, she just seemed to be in her own world most of the time just chillin, i wonder if she's still with them. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:

    honestly I don't think he's playing a character, it's kind of an autobiography, he's basically playing a caricature of himself? someone back me up here... I've had a hard time as well getting into it, this guy is unbearable, but I kind of identify myself with him so I'll give it a chance... after a while it ended up paying off, no regrets... I little bit cringey but love it to bits and can easily understand that if you're not in the mood you won't get past trough the 1st episode... anyway I would recommend to stick with it for a while... there's not really much of a canon so just skim trough some episodes and choose one to your liking...

    Yeah I thought the whole point was that, not just Larry, but most of the famous actors involved play up certain angles of their personality to give a more intimate or whatever experience rather than the normal procedure of sitcoms. I was introduced to Curb by a very bubbly Texan gal who absolutely did not curb her enthusiasm for Curb so that helped lol, but I liked this kind of cringe comedy anyway.

    There is a Danish version of Curb called Klovn which you absouletely need to check out if you like Curb. It employs exactly the same approach as Curb, even basically ripping off the music, but it´s so funny all is forgiven.  It spawned a few movies too, but they´re very soso. Stick to the episodes and you´re in for a treat!

  9. ^ It's always a more relaxed day at work if I forget to take my phone with me in the morning. Not having this that dam device laying there threatening to ring at any moment is a huge booster to wellbeing. Gone too is the temptation to use it for entertainment/listening purposes, which, once over the initial annoyance at not having access to youtube/podcasts etc, also adds to to calmness and focus on here and now, and you pretty quickly get used the slower time flow that occurs outside of these devices. 

    • Like 2
  10. 20 hours ago, cruising for burgers said:


    Cuando acecha la maldad

    can't decide if it was ludicrous or horrendous... there's one scene particularly that I thought I wouldn't be able to stomach... but then there's several cringe silly faceplam scenes that outweight the horror ones so I made it to the end...



    edit: i also saw the last saw... 🤷‍♂️

    Yeah that Spanish flick was weird. The one brother kept reminding me of Mel Gibson, each time he appeared I was like oh here comes Mel Gibson's long lost brother. Something about the beard and surly demeanor. Acting was good and the idea was genuinely creepy, as was the execution of it until it dropped the ball and I lost interest around three quarters of the way through. The beginning was fantastic though. 

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  11. ^ just finished Flanegan´s Haunting of Bly Manor which was pretty good. It manages to have a kind of innocent fairy tale vibe, unashamedly whimsical sometimes while going straight for the heart strings using traditional even old fashioned ghost story telling. Either that or they were all just tripping on the gardener´s Moonflower...

    think I might give Usher a go, maybe even rewatch Doctor Sleep and Midnight Mass which were both good as I recall. tis the season🎃

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