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Posts posted by droid

  1. Ive never really been able to find out exactly how the album was produced, but neither Tubby or Jammy were making a lot of dub when it came out, and it sounds a lot like Sherwood's other 80's dub excursions and it was released on century which was kind of a UK outlet for Sherman's releases. I reckon the tapes were shipped over to Sherwood after the others had done their magic and he dubbed them out. It was one of a trilogy of records with Changing Dub and Matrix Dub:

    There's something special going on with Ghetto Dub, but Sherwood definitely had the chops, especially when he was working with good source material:

    That said, despite it being a far more MOR record, I do have a huge soft spot for this other UK guy:


    • Like 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, chim said:

    Ok so is there any reliable info on this besides the massively politicized IPCC? Their models are pointless, it's all a bunch of ridiculously chaotic variables that just complicate exponentially with each year modeled. They have themselves admitted to skewing the figures towards the extreme. In the 80's NASA "predicted" that parts of NY would be underwater by now. The global temperature was hotter a couple thousand years ago, most countries' heat records from up to a century ago have not been broken in the last decades. Deserts have actually shrunk in modern times. Most industrial countries' CO2 footprints are no more than a few percent of the CO2 produced from worldwide human breathing. 

    While the IPCC panic porn is touring the western world, China is classified as a developing nation until 2060. During 2020 alone they built 50 GW's worth of coal plants, thrice the amount of the rest of the world, with another 74 GW's underway. Let's not forget the recent mass migrations from countries where the average person produces 500kg's of CO2/year, to a lifestyle of 5 tons. Good luck countering all this with paper straws and wind power... which is far more pollutive and destructive to the environment than nuclear energy, which all the panicky environmentalists are shutting down, not to mention that solar and wind power is ineffective to the point that you need to boot up the coal plants yet again to counter the dips. 

    At this point it might all just as well be the Rothschilds' plan to create artificial scarcity. No government will be complaining if they can squeeze more taxes on the way. 

    There is one correct point in this flaming garbage scow of nonsense, the IPCC is politicised, it is hamstrung by political governance from the people who have a vested interest in maintaining business as usual, a situation that has ensured that their reports always err on the the side of caution and make conservative predictions. This report is probably closest to verifiable reality than any we have seen previously. 

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  3. 31 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    Sure is but

    Pretty sure most gen x and millenials would find it more painful having to live without internet for one month than hearing about the biodiversity in their country being absolutely destroyed.


    I don't think we are that much better to be honest. We grew in an artificial techno-industrial bubble and we are feeding it. And it is ready to explode.

    In the end, i don't know if the blaming is of any use tho. This is a really chaotic and complex situation and both boomers and younger generations are in. The complex web of civilization became more and more complex. The system became toxic in itself beyond individual actions, because of the way it developed. Like, right now, even if i don't want to use plastic or internet or some fossil fuel im nearly forced to use them because of the circumstances. Boomers at large mostly didn't know the effects of fuel and were forced by circumstances to own a car or work in polluting industries. Can you blame a working class miner that wanted to feed his family? I guess you could, but he didn't know better, probably didn't have any other options. Everyone is in the same boat. Humanity didn't know better and fucked it up. The big structure got built up and built up.

    Comes down to the ignorance that what you inflict nature will also come back at you. We are not really separated from nature. There is not a separate environment in which we live in and that we can exploit to our own profit. You poison the air, you will be poisoned.

    Now what tho?

    That is indeed the question.


    That's not the case though. Exxon knew in 1978, suppressed their reports and spent millions lobbying to ensure this outcome. Shell did similar. In fact there's probably only about 10,000 people out there that have actively prevented action on this and continue to perpetrate ecocide; the lobbyists, the fossil and big-agri executives, the psychopathic industrialists and billionaires. This is a systemic problem, but there's a good reason why little progress has been made, and these are the people on whom the blame primarily rests. They knew exactly what they were doing. As the saying goes:

    “The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” 

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  4. AR6 doesn't really tell us anything we didn't already know. In some ways its comforting to see the IPCC align with less mediated predictions. At least it's all out in the open now. This is the doctor telling you that you're gonna lose the leg no matter what and if you don't change your lifestyle you'll be dead in 5 years.

    In short, we act now or we're fucked.


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  5. 58 minutes ago, usagi said:

    breaking news: entire nation of Ireland declared anti-semitic

    That happened a long time ago, back at least to the 50's when Erskine Childers exposed the myth that Arab nations called for the evacuation of Palestinians during the Nakba, or maybe when when we complained about Israel murdering our peacekeepers (repeatedly), or when we complained about them forging our passports for assassination squads... it's hard to keep track of all the anti-semitism.

  6. Chomsky made the point very well in Fateful triangle that those who oppose Israeli aggression in the region and the continued occupation are Israel's friends, and the real enemies are those who continue along the path to inevitable destruction. That was published nearly 40 years ago in the wake of the first Lebanese war and Sabra and Chatila, but it's something I think about a lot in relation to this conflict. The human cost on the Palestinian side is obvious, vile and unconscionable, a sustained crime against humanity, but there's also the cost to the occupier. Israel has more or less succeeded in their strategic aims, the complete destruction of Palestinian cultural, social, economic and political existence, and in the process their own society has become sick, evil and corrupted beyond recognition. We can look at zionism post WWII and of course we reject the ethnic cleansing and terrorism of the Nakba, the occupation of 67 and so on, but you can also see some good in Israeli society, Labour zionism, the Kibbutzim etc... but now, now there is just this twisted, fascistic revenant, a grotesque right wing militaristic parody, a rogue state that is doomed to eternal war and endless trauma for its victims and its citizens.

    Somebody once said that Israel can win as many wars as it likes but it can lose only once, and you have to wonder about the long term planning in Tel Aviv.  It's only a matter of time now before the US disengages with the middle east. They don't need the oil anymore, and climate pressure is going accelerate the shift away from fossils and also make the region less stable. The Saudis, Israel and the gulf states are all going to be dropped and left to fend for themselves, and after decades of atrocities who is going to sympathise with Israel when the shit really hits the fan and they face a real war?  

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  7. On 10/2/2020 at 5:22 PM, kakapo said:

    It's not possible for a band to produce ambient, least of all one with 30 members.  Ambient is produced by individual male auteurs, with occasional collaboration allowed, preferably other white men.  Please use the correct and preferred terms.

    Manbient can be substituted for ambient if the individual is particularly worthy of respect i.e. older than 40.  Otherwise:







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  8. 10 hours ago, goDel said:

    Some interesting info in this youtube on cop training. With some explanation about procedures and what goes on in peoples (including cops) minds. At points he is critical wrt current habits. Also note how he warns cops about bringing this stuff up in their unit. It's basically a guarantee to get another job.


    He's a solid dude that guy. Been watching him for a while. No nonsense.

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  9. 9 hours ago, auxien said:

    she was being a fucking entitled ass about it from the get-go so i understand the cop being annoyed but he definitely did the opposite of de-escalating the situation. i guess in some way it's good to see police taking things way too far with old white ladies and not just young persons of color? i guess? is this progress? is america great again? yes?

    Equal opportunity police brutality seems like the best we can hope for.

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  10. 10 hours ago, zoid said:

    jesus that is pretty crazy. i really hope italy gets this under control and you guys can go back to normal. here in ireland some people are worried, some are not... all the st patricks day big events are cancelled but smaller events are still going ahead... for now.

    We've had two drone gigs cancelled this week.

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