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Posts posted by thebotmakes

  1. 39 minutes ago, jules said:

    The best part is that all of the clips they showed are simple facts 











    No I agree, those are facts.  This is just how fucked up things are that you can just pretend things aren’t facts if you don’t like those facts.  That clip is horrible, it’s like something off a bad dystopian future film.

  2. 2 hours ago, auxien said:

    it's not weirdcore, i wondered the same but the YT video description has the info: 

     and a full list of people who worked on it are included...oddly there's a MIDI Data Designer mentioned, so maybe some of the track's MIDI events were used in the timing/etc in the video?

    Would love to know more about this. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Funny, we were talking about this over dinner tonight. As in, it had only infected a statistically completely insignificant portion of the Chinese population but immediately it was known to be a new coronavirus. I'm no tinfoil hat man but I'd love to understand how this was known so quickly. 

    Autopsy? or wut?

    Was reading about this last night - it’s called a corona virus because the proteins around the virus make it look like a little crown.  So would have been obvious from a blood test that it was a corona virus.

    39 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    I’m not sure tbh. But iirc only 400 or so people died from SARS? Multitudes more die per year from the common flu. I understand part of this is the mortality rate (I think SARS was like 14%?) and they need to contain these things to prevent mutations etc etc etc. I totally don’t understand how this stuff works, why is anyone worried about it when 40ish old people are dying from this when literally 100s of thousands die from the common flu and pneumonia? ?‍♂️

    Just trying to gain a better understanding is all...

    Thing with these viruses is they evolve and fast.  They’ve already evolved to jump from bats to (they think) snakes to humans, and they combine with the host DNA and evolve.  So could get more deadly or less deadly and could start spreading more or less quickly.  Flu & pneumonia kill loads but there’s vaccinations in place already and we know how it works, this could get a lot worse a lot quicker ( or it could fizzle out to nothing).


    Standard Not a Doctor disclaimer ? 

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  4. 1 hour ago, 714681746476436 said:


    Exactly how does passion present its self in the development of electrical circuits? I've never had one of my designs refused because it 'lacked passion'.

    To give you an analogy, the man who designs the ECU for Fords (a mass market product) is likely just as passionate about his job as the guy who does it for Ferrari (the bespoke sector). But more over, the company who are committing to building tens of thousands of these units are doing so at a greater risk as their out lay is greater and their confidence in design and manufacturing quality must be higher.

    I am stunned that any company is committed to reproducing iconic instruments (and actually, forcing a lot of the industry to do so) is so looked down upon. Lots of snobbery here I think. Makes me think that the original manufacturers should have got off their ass and done it themselves.

    We need more pragmatism in this industry, less of the pseudo science

    100% agree with this.  They’re selling that 303 for £130-ish, and the reason they can sell it so cheap is because they’ve had to do no research on the circuit, it’s a tried, tested and abused circuit.  They’ll sell tons of these.  If they were charging £600 for this I’d feel different, but £130?  Bargain.

    I’ve made most of my own synths because I enjoy building stuff, the one thing I bought so far was a Waldorf Streichfett because there’s no way I could do a poly synth for that cheap.  This falls squarely into that same bracket.

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