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Posts posted by demo

  1. 3 minutes ago, hijexx said:

    Oh it just showed up for preorder on Blerp now.

    $549.99, yeah that's gonna be a no. Was hoping t would just be same price as BS2.

    It's $459 on the focusrite store, I really want to know why there is a $110 difference?

    Also, I think the price is pretty good for what it is

  2. 2 minutes ago, thumbass said:

    This was tweeted in October 5th?

    oh, nevermind then... Just been on top of google and this poped up as recent.
    I've been trying to figure out where the information will drop but I guess I'll just pay attention to Novation's social media.


    EDIT: But the fact it's advertised in a record shop I think is a good sign

  3. 4 minutes ago, psn said:

    That's not the case on the Cheetah EP though, is it?

    /pedantic peace out

    I swear I read that the whole ep was made using that one cheetah machine, I could be wrong though...

    • Like 1
  4. Less than 24 hours until we get the deets, any final prodictions?


    My bet is that the product is a simple re-skinned Bass Station ii, but all the presets are made by Aphex Twin.


    Also, my prodiction is that we are just getting the 1 new track... however, I am only saying that so I don't set myself up to be let down. My TRUE hope is that we get an EP is the style of Cheetah, every track having been made on this one machine.

  5. 2 hours ago, Berk said:

    Got some jamie oliver frying pans that are p great tho

    If you're passionate about cooking I think this is cool


    I find this comparable to getting a signed instrument, kind of, it's a product I can make music with, investment into my passion

  6. It was 2017, so not too long ago.

    I was getting into Aphex Twin and Squarepusher when I discovered Chris Cunningham's fantastic videos. The first ae track I can ever recall listening to was...

    I LOVED the harshness of it, the fast drums and (video aside) how alien the music was.
    I was listening to a lot of music at the time so I really didnt delve into too much autechre, that was until Warp posted their brand new track on social media.

    spl47 was the track that hooked me, this was the 2nd autechre track I ever heard and made me want more! Words can not explain how I felt when I first heard this, but I fell in love. (Although I really didn't understand jnsn code gl16)
    Around this same time I was in my early days of collecting records, I believe Warp had just repressed Tri Repetae. Some article stated "most influential electtronic album of the 90's" or something, I bought into it big time. Bought the vinyl and ta-da....
    Tri Repetae on vinyl was the first autechre album I listened to... my life changed that day.

    • Like 2
  7. After my 2nd listen, this is where I stand on the tracklisting from my favourite to least favourite, but I really don't dislike any tracks from SIGN

    1. th red a
    2. r cazt
    3. psin AM
    4. Metaz form8
    5. F7
    6. au14
    7. si00
    8. esc desc
    9. M4 Lema
    10. gr4
    11. sch.mefd 2


    PS. I still don't think the artwork is shit at all, I think it fits perfectly.

  8. 1 hour ago, Boris de Vries said:


    This isnt what the announcment is. This is the Bass Station II AFX update. The product that will be shown off on the 20th ia called The AFX Station and I'm guessing is an entirely new product, unless it's just a reskinned Bass Station II, I would be very dissapointed if that was the case, that also wouldnt make sense with all the promo.


    A hardware reveal is almost MORE exciting than a new album for me, a new instrument in my home always changes everything, it becomes personal, I really hope this AFX Station wows me.

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