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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. Couldn't get into Alice Isn't Dead, going to try Archive 81.


    Archive 81 was going well until they included a rat that the main bloke occasionally speaks with which replies in squeaks. On a podcast that is trying to be creepy. 



    Thomas Jane on the upcoming "The Predator". Had to post due to the plot.


    “We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we’re all fucking crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We’re all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers. We’re at the VA hospital and we’re in group therapy and of course, somebody flips out…this is backstory, I don’t think we really see this…somebody flips out and we all get arrested and get thrown onto the bus to go down to the hospital and they throw this other guy on the bus too.
    And he’s a guy they’ve actually marked to kill him because he’s seen a UFO, he’s seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They’re going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy. But, of course, we take the bus over and we’re all like “fuck that man, let’s go kill these fucking Predators ourselves” and we’re just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there’s these aliens out there. So that’s kinda cool!”





    I hope the movie can live up to that description.



    Fred Dekker being attached helps. 

  3. This poster suggests Luke does indeed get Anakin's lightsaber back, I'm wondering how he will react to learning Ren killed Han, or did he feel it when Leia did? I'm still chuffed we'll never see the original trio together again, that was half of my interest in these sequels.



    If Luke dies they could all be stood together as ghosts like at the end of ROTJ?

  4. Under the Shadow - I've never been more terrified of a bedsheet. Also first movie in like 10 years that's given me a full-body chill. Nice


    Honeymoon - this was fine? Perfectly inoffensive thriller that has more going for it in style than substance. Also Rose Leslie.


    Hush - I liked this but I also kind of wish the producers had stuck with their idea of doing this as a silent movie. Nice to see slasher characters acting smart for a change though.

    In Honeymoon did you not think the way the two leads spoke to each other was kind of sickening and offensive, babe?


    sorry, Honeymoon was rubbish, at least I thought it was, you may like The Monster too though, it has a similar vibe.

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