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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. As a citizen of the US, it's laughable to think we have produced any of the genius of the featured artists (UK) here, within electronic music. Even if we provided some of the roots, those are the big beautiful, obnoxious, complex flowers up top. Same thing with rock music. And you did it with 1/5 the population. Cheers. But you couldn't find a way to improve on Nirvana. At least the US has that one.

    The Quo piss on Nirvana.



    The day an american is added to the watmm featured artists subforum is the day I delete my account forever

    Yeah cos yanks are literally incapable of producing intelligent music. How dare they even consider tarnishing the holy IDM


    i went to america once. it was terrible.

    I went to America once. I saw a lot of fat people.

  3. I bought a copy of his book with a picture drawn on a post-it note which he planted in various bookstores. Awesome. 

    This isn't really hauntology-related at all but it seems a better fit to post it here than in the six-years-old Belbury Poly thread. Found this in a Radio Fenriz podcast and was struck by the thought that it sounds like what Belbury Poly would sound like if they'd somehow morphed into a metal band:




    Just a stray observation of a Thursday afternoon


    This is cool, thanks. 


    Have you guys heard about Danielewski's new 27-part novel called The Familiar? Each book will be 800 pages, and is made to resembled a TV series in structure (each book has an intro, advert breaks, credit sequence, etc). I like the idea of it, but bugger if I'm reading all that.


    Sometimes, the idea is more interesting than executing it.


    Alan Moore's Jerusalem. 100 pages in, this will not take me long to read at all. Come and step into Northampton with a guided tour by the man with a magic stick.


    Have fun! I spent two months last year reading it, and loved it (even the Lydia Joyce chapter). Book 2 is my favourite, and I was sad when it ended.


    edit: also lol:



    Since the release of The Familiar, Volume 1, Danielewski has been doing small tours for the release of each volume[16] and releasing merchandise related to House of Leaves and The Familiar on his website.[18] He has also not been seen publicly without donning a cat shirt since at least 2010



    I found the first volume in a charity shop for cheap, I'm fairly sure that like Only Revolutions it will sit on my shelf gathering dust. 

  5. Just finished Johnny Marr's autobiography, despite the cringe there's a reason why Morrissey will always get more attention. Dull.


    October is horror month so I will finally be reading me some Clive Barker. Beginning with The Book of Blood. 

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