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Posts posted by hma

  1. Really wanted to like it, been listening for two days almost non-stop. Channel orange had a lot of great tracks, but this is pretty bland, almost no distinct melodies, very similar tempos, voice mostly just following chords, good production but that`s about it...maybe it`s mostly about lyrics but I almost never cared about them when I`m listening to music. So..meh.


    5/channel orange for me

  2. Yeah, I haven't even installed v3 yet. To be honest though, Renoise never really seemed ideal for live performance. Maybe I'll just boot into Windows and use Buzz.

    That`s true, it would take quite a planning and practice to work everything out to the level where you would feel comfortable enough to use such a system live. But the results could be quite interesting and working around the limitations of Renoise can give you some rewarding eureka moments. I`ve always been very obsessive in carefully sequencing my stuff but in the last few months I just prepare a some phrases with variations in Renoise and then record it with windows recorder while jamming around, works wonderfully for me, should have done it much sooner, getting a lot of ideas this way, a lot of happy accidents too....But yeah, on windows to create generative stuff is much simpler IMO, at least for free, there are some great plugins for that, like xoxos stuff http://www.xoxos.net/vst/vst.html#midi ,tonecarver stuf- for example this one http://tonecarver.wordpress.com/nova3-generative-sequencer-vst/ and other interesting midi plugins, like http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=389803 and all the Piz`s tools http://www.thepiz.org/plugins/ etc etc...but numerology looks great though, wish it was n windows too....


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