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Everything posted by Squee

  1. There's a Sprite in my fridge but I'm sitting so far away right now. Damn you, jedi force pull! Work!
  2. I've got some banana cake right in front of me, so I think I'll make myself a great latté and watch a movie. Coffee + Cake + Movies = WIN. Screw everything else.
  3. Squee started with a Medium Latte. Grande Latté!
  4. After enough cups of coffee I go into bullet time
  5. Hey, one can NEVER drink enough coffee!
  6. My dinner was a huge, huuuuge salmon sandwich with avacado, salt, pepper and garlic...
  7. Yeah, well unfortunately I've acquired the habit of going to bed way too late (usually around 6 am) and if I try going to bed any earlier I can't fall asleep. This also means that I don't get up earlier than 2-3 pm, so I eat lunch around 9-10 pm and therefore dinner is around 3 am. I sicken myself.
  8. It's 3:24 am here. I had some bananas lying around and they were getting brown, so I thought a nice and healthy smoothie would do me some good. And it did. Now my burps are cold. Feels weird.
  9. I just made myself a smoothie (one banana, a bunch of wild berries, some cinnamon, some vanilla, milk and some orange juice), then I had a bowl of müsli and now I'm having a cup of tea.
  10. Squee

    Bogdan love

    Thinking of You is almost perfect in every single way. I bought it one winter night a loooong time ago. It was just before closing time and I knew I just had to buy a CD, so I ran around my local electronic music shop and suddenly bumped into Thinking of You. I only listened to the first 3 tracks and then I bought it. Man, that was a great day!
  11. *looks at picture, looks at your avatar... looks at picture again, looks at your avatar again*
  12. I just had some rice with peanut butter, soy, and mango chutney. I could have prepared some fish to go with the rice but I was lazy.
  13. Well, I've got plenty of coffee and milk so I'll survive, but my stomach is starting to eat itself. i decided to do some groceries, went to the only shop still open. the place was in meltdown, the fridges and freezers were all broken (i guess for a while because the smell wasn't great) and they weren't selling anything from within them. so i've ordered Indonesian take-away. I wish I had a job so I could buy take-away :(
  14. Well, I've got plenty of coffee and milk so I'll survive, but my stomach is starting to eat itself.
  15. Haven't had anything to eat all day. Haven't got anything of interest in my fridge.
  16. This thread needs more Caspa
  17. My first coffee in almost 48 hours...
  18. I've just had 3 lattés and way too many cookies.
  19. How many hot dogs have you had so far?
  20. Why don't you start out with not drinking at all?
  21. If your head hurts, don't use Vanilla essence, it's made with alcohol. No no no, vanilla powder, man
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