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Posts posted by SR4

  1. yeah man, im trying to get all of them


    so far i have 06, 07, 08, soon 09, and 10.


    I have most of them on mp3 and I really love them


    did you buy the vinyl version? this does look very collectible



    yeah, all vinyl...i have just about all of them save for 2005 on mp3 because i wanted the bonus tracks.

  2. if you mean the track selection and the way each tracks sounds significantly different from each other, that makes sense. the flow of Oversteps from track to track seems to have a very encapsulated and specific flow


    but if you mean the individual tracks on Oversteps build up and develop a lot. i'm not hearing very much build up and disassembling on Oversteps, maybe im missing something. Most of the transitions seem to almost 'burst' into the mix and the album has almost an anti ambient quality to me where things seem very immediate and brisk. There are a lot of atmospheric more silent sections on this album but they don't really build up or slowly develop into something more dense like the stuff on for example Amber.


    Okay, now I think we're getting somewhere here...


    Cohesion. Its that simple. The reason why *I* for one appreciate this album is because one has to reflect on this album cohesively. Robbie, you remember when Queersauce came out and what my reaction was... about how Warp post-scripted their stance on the album, making these shortened bursts of ideas sound like some grand revelation for the band, and subsequently us as listeners. Remember how I said that if Autechre was "brilliant" or "hard core," instead of releasing 20+ songs on one album, they would release one album that was ONE song? IMHO, Oversteps is the closest we've gotten across an entire album, to it being a single body of work. For that alone, I appreciate this on another level. Given that, I cant help but look at this m4a file in a different light.


    Is it less beats? Sure. Does it cast less of a, dare I say, typical Autechre feel? Absolutely not. It actually is the opposite. To me, this album summarizes the disorienting mood at the heart of most of their songs, while cutting out the stuff that makes them "cool" and progressive. To that, I have to give them TONS of credit. They've retained their signature by evacuating their penmanship.


    well said. couldn't say it better myself.


    i guess i prefer oversteps due to its somewhat thematic presence...


    IMHO quaristice is like listening to drops of water, whereas untilted, draft, confield, etc are more like rivers or puddles

  3. known 1 aside, i like this album. a good bit.


    after draft i sorta fell off the wagon...untilted was cool but i only listened to it a handful of times, quaristice to me was horrible...it did sound like sketches, i didnt get any prolonged involvement or feel for the development of a track, which to me is why i listened to autechre in the first place.


    i think i shall order this in vinyl....is there a US distro?

  4. alright, on my first listen finally...ilander is fucking great, nice creepy pad in the background..the track after that is ungodly horrible though ugh.....now i think im on see on see...i like it?


    overall, a lot of fun on this album, and seeing as i couldnt stand quaristice, a welcome change for now.

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