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Posts posted by SR4


    I just got given a PS2.


    Don't have a tv so am in the process of securing a 2nd hand monitor.


    Recommend me some decent/classic PS2 games WATMM.


    Seconding the Shadow of the Colossus and Silent Hill 2 recommendations.

    The Jak and Daxter games

    Metal Gear Solid games







    Seriously I cannot recommend this game enough, though I haven't had a single person on here actually talk about playing it. It should be 20 bucks or less now.


    Its a mixture of RPG, strategy, and sort-of-an action/fighting game?


    You play Nobunaga Oda and his retainers(vassals) as he tries to unite Japan. It's completely ahistorical, but the story is pretty awesome for a KOEI game. You fight individual battles as your armies, each of which are led by your different retainers. You can switch between them in live time and issue orders to the others. The big difference between Kessen III and the other two Kessens is that this occurs in real time, not turn-by-turn, which makes it amazingly fluid.


    As you progress you get new characters, including some mythical ones (Hanzo Hattori, Goemon the Ninja, etc.). You also get exp in the field depending on how you fought, the exp gives you larger troop numbers and allows access to commander orders and spells. You also get gold from raids which you can use to hire new troops and weaponry, faster horses for your commanders, and spell books.


    To top it all off, the game is soundtracked by a full orchestra, and it is fucking AWESOME. There is nothing more epic than using your riflemen and defensive spearmen to box in a numerically superior enemy, and hold them off until your cavalry descends from a hill and fucking TRAMPLES ALL OF THEM then the trumpets in the music hit the high peak of the song and your ninjas summon a dragon to set the battered enemy remnants on fire MUAHAHAHAHA GOD FUCK I LOVE THIS GAME>


    Seriously, at least try this game out. Its fucking awesome and I wish it was more popular. I think the Kessen name sorta ruined its reputation.


    By far my most-played game on my PS2 (ahead of Rez and the Silent Hill games).


    I've just been fired.



    Damn, man. :/



    My oat meal is cold.



    yeah man my sympathies as well. ive never been fired before, but I have left one job thinking that I was going to be fired (i later found out I was a great salesman, but my immediate supervisor didn't like me for whatever reason).


    was it because of office politics? If so, you can at least console yourself with the fact that you did a good job and you got fucked over in spite of it by some shallow assholes.

  3. the room my current class is in is a large-ish room, and there are probably 75 people in the class. so the prof insists on using a mic so she can be heard, but she has no idea how to set it up, so it feeds back CONSTANTLY. "a blend of polytheism WEEEEEEEEEEEEE sorry. a blend of, um, polytheism and animisWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE um animism" also she says um all the fucking time.



    LOL i hate that problem.



    Ive noticed that i end most of my statements with "right?" or "ok?" I really need to get out of that habit.



    I basically sound like this:


  4. My close friend was murdered about a year back.... (see... fwp thread). They've finally laid charges. I knew it was this stupid piece of shit the whole time but they've finally laid charges.


    I doubt the guy lives to see his trial.




    jesus christ how could I miss this post....shows how self-obsessed we are at times.



    Im fucking happy as shit that this is happening for you and I hope the POS goes to jail.


    This is coming from a man who had a friend murdered.



    You know, looking at the first world problems thread, it seems like you and me have a LOT of similar life situations Stephen. We should talk.

  5. LOL



    i poured dish soap all over the floor...gonna leave it there for a day or two, wipe it up and see if anything else happens. I think I killed the majority of them, and the dish soap "blocks" them from going around to find any other microbes of food that lie around. Washing my bedsheets out of paranoia.

    One time in my undergrad dorm, my roommate had friends over for popcorn and a movie. Apparently a piece of the popcorn got lodged into one of my floor speakers and sat there over the spring break. When we returned, I was spending weeks killing ants on my desk with a quarter while trying to write papers. Finally figured out that it was the popcorn, and I ended up having to throw out my speaker because it was so infested.


    God I fucking hate ants.

  6. Living on a tight budget is driving me fucking crazy. I still have yet to get settled into this new program, and just spent a ridiculous amount of money on books, which will take me months to earn back, at which point I spend it again on books. One class required over 30 books, and I could only grab 4 in the library system. Christ.



    But figured out somehow to get on a food budget of 80 bucks a month, and its working so far.



    fucking lol, i can't believe these people actually exist




    America has boatloads of them. Read american news site messageboards. Massive LOLs. like this one: http://www.mlive.com/

    pick a story with a black dude or something political or gun related.



    Excuse my huge assumptions and stereotyping, but I swear most of these open carry gun nuts would piss themselves and start rocking back and forth on the ground crying if they were thrown into actual combat.


    It's nice to see a level-headed and friendly cop too. I know they exist and all but lately I can't escape all the stories of trigger happy militarized police forces doing whatever the fuck they want in most parts of the U.S.



    yeah I can't believe I'm actually seeing a well spoken cop knowledgeable and without the high school bully authoritarian streak. good on him.

  8. Just finished the entire Sopranos series. Overall a pretty awesome show, though I couldn't help but feel that the quality of the show declined rather quickly (to me s1 and 2 were by far the strongest, s4 seemed to be a marked decline). Tony's philandering and psychiatry meets just seemed too repetitive (fucking go to the shrink or don't you fucking moron).



    The cast did a phenomenal job. My personal favorites were Adrianna, Christopher (im guessing hes a fan favorite?) and Junior (when he shoots Tony is such a perfect mixture of shock and comedy....LOL grandpa flippin out....wait....wait a minute he just shot a guy!)



    Lastly, and I think this is probably because Im so detatched from the series as it actually ran on TV....I thought the ending was pretty fantastic. I'm pretty sure it's meant to mean Tony died, hence our viewpoint was cut off from Tony's sensory perception (his brain penetrated by a bullet). I haven't really read up on it though...are there conflicting opinions?


    so the point of this video is that all the cast are apparently super-drunk and this is what happens when you film with drunk actors... can't tell if they actually are drunk or just acting drunk


    still funny though




    Daniel Radcliff said he filmed the last 3 films of Harry Potter drunk.



    the main guy is either clearly faking/overexaggerating his drunkeness, or he is a violent sociopathic alcoholic. Something just suggests this.

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