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Posts posted by SR4

  1. I watched about a minute (from the 17 min mark) (I have little to do with KW, a couple of his tunes are good)


    Wether he's joking, being ironic or being serious, I cant tell. One thing I can tell is that he's a total cunt.


    Something gives me the impression that he is being genuine and is coping with some severe mental problems.


    Remember, he lost his mother at the arguably peak of his popularity, and wasn't really allowed to grieve in private. That combination can create some seriously traumatic experiences.



    and yeah, that Bound 2 track is one of the worst tracks Ive ever heard....it sounds like two completely different songs interrupting each other...not to mention the absolutely retarded lyrics.

  2. Okami HD. Holy shit, It's been a while since I played a game like this. Its so pretty!! The soundtrack is immense.


    It's a LOT like zelda, which is a very good thing. Every time I play it, I usually end up doing 6 hour sessions.


    ive always been super tempted to give this one a try...the graphic design looked absolutely extraordinary.

  3. played some assassin's creed 4 - it's a good demonstration for a potential engine for pirate simulator in the future, the environments are very pretty and the ship battles can be fun (though extremely simplistic in its current form).

    the game as it is typical console wank: repetitive, pointless chasing for shiny objects for some achievements; primitive stealth mechanics with cheat-o-vision; boring unchallenging combat on the land; too much reliance for upgrades and customization instead of actual gameplay; a gameworld that feels like a playground with carefully planted objects (that help you in already easy stealthplay) instead of an actual world and that fucking idiotic immersion breaking metagame, probably the most idiotic idea i've ever seen in any game.


    on that note, would you say its better or worse than ACII?


    I haven't played anything after Brotherhood, which I loved, but it did almost have TOO much to do. Plus im missing one percent on renovating the city and its driving me nuts. I searched for hours one day trying to find whatever it is that i needed to fix but couldn't find it on the map.

  4. i hate term papers...i was just starting to get good again at Dark Souls.




    At least against the normal game. I still get completely destroyed by absolutely every PvPer.


    I think over my two playthroughs my PvP record has to be something like 3-58. Its ridiculous and I am tempted to hack/cheat just to get those assholes off my back. There have been at least 5 times I can think of where I get invaded LITERALLY right after I revert to human form. Not even time to kindle the fire, which is why I used the goddamn humanity in the first place. So frustrating.




    It's freaking me out how many people there are on these online gaming teamspeak servers all of the time. I thought this was a 2003-thing but it's still going, and it's always the same ... it's like they're all stuck in some kind of purgatory, carrying out monotonous, meaningless tasks ... and why is there always so many people on there who sound ~5 years old? The African Drug Lord is the only thing in this video that gives me a sense of security.



    no joke if i was one of those people it would scare the shit out of me.....then I would remember that my IP address was visible.

  6. The whole Catacombs is confusing as hell....and it doesn't help that my only divine weapon doesn't really hit that hard.



    its like in NG+ literally EVERYTHING can kill you in two hits or less. And here I was hoping it would be easier.


    do you have any general tips to help me out? Im pretty much just a STR/DEX guy....i did really well against Ornstein and Smough, but I seem to get obliterated by a lot of the normal enemies (read: Skeletons) I don't remember being this horrible at the game.

  7. just spent my afternoon prepping for a tutoring session (im the tutor) a student asked to set up at a new time, so i was cleaning the apt, taking notes and organizing things on my blackboard, re-reading her textbook to make sure i got it all, preparing what i was gonna say...


    and she cancelled the meeting by calling five minutes before i was expecting her. :dry:


    as an added fwp, the hours this woman is asking me to meet for are kinda getting out of hand, and she has it in her head that i'm available to do on-call homework problems (i typically deny or ignore those - for instance the frantic homework Q's that i received in my inbox at 8:30pm on halloween)... it's quickly becoming clear that i'm gonna be paid $4/hr if i don't renegotiate the quarterly payments we worked out. :dry::dry:


    edit: and i coulda been reading the AAA thread all afternoon ffs!



    hey luke, first off, congrats on tutoring...it can have its rewards.


    Might I suggest some advice? and feel free to reject it. But if I were in your position, I'd lay down some ground rules from here on out and make it very clear they are non-negotiable. I understand they are paying you, but they aren't paying you enough money to respond 24/7 and be "on call".

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