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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BaggerMcGuirk

  1. Hear hear. I never quite understood that rep, since alot of the stuff he says checks out. Well, most of it, haha.
  2. That hits the nail for me. I remember pouring over that aphex discog on hyperreal in 96 dreaming about hearing some of even those releases. This...is just so far beyond even that. I'll be listening to all these tracks for another 20 years.
  3. Serious pancake lizard vibes in 12 Rough Beat Tune. What a weird sentence to type.
  4. That would be my guess as well. But of what? I keep hearing Axel F in the bassline, haha.
  5. Feeling the same warm fuzzies here. Just upgraded my account, I'm ashamed to admit. This has been a hell of a day.
  6. so fuckin good The style of writing and the choice of instruments sounds like HAB era. I'd second this. Maybe just before HAB?
  7. donkey is from 93 (or possibly earlier) Yeah I'm going by release date, though even that's 95, haha. I'm happily having a slow day at work. I'd be in hell otherwise.
  8. So it looks like we're at 1996 at this point. Also, holy shit that Donkey Rhubarb remix.
  9. Yeah, it's fucking perfect Yeah. This is my number one so far.
  10. I have this strong desire to record some of these to a cassette. Would finish the job of transporting me back to the 90s when I made my own afx tapes.
  11. I'm honestly not holding my breath for any material from the RDJ album onward. He's said in interviews that it was taking him longer and longer to make tracks at that point, which leads me to believe it will be slim pickings. Stranger shit has happened, though. Like everything that's happened in the last 48 hours.
  12. Someone tell me I'm wrong, but do I really hear a Second Bad Vilbel sample in Dance2thebeat?
  13. Yeah I'm curious about the album info as well. I count 44 tracks though. Seems the same as my collection!
  14. The legit Aphex soundcloud account is what brought everyone to this account. I don't think he'd be quite so friendly if it were one of these scenarios. Also Farmer Magoo is an alright guy. You take that shit back.
  15. Follow the account on soundcloud. Or go back to a liked track and click the name.
  16. 4 ACH Sounds like 'On'/'Mindstream Remix' era stuff.
  17. 19 Ssnb is fucking amazing. Whatever the opposite of PTSD is, I'm going to have that after this.
  18. Update your bookmarks. We're through the looking glass here! Only the penitent will pass.
  19. Hard evidence aside(you can't remaster live stuff to sound like this. sorry.), just hearing these tracks leaves no doubt in my mind. You can hear lots of re-used elements from proper AFX, Caustic, etc. tracks.
  20. I keep thinking I'm going to sort these by the ones I 'like' on my google playlist. I've 'liked' just about all of them. First world problems. :)
  21. Yeah I'm still streaming from soundcloud. Just add the '1' to the username. Wooo!
  22. I actually hear a fair amount of Mike P in this track. Particularly the hi strings and the distortion on the hats. Lots of FM, I guess.
  23. Of course my favorite would be the one with a racial slur in the title. I'll just pretend it's about armor weaknesses. This was such a wonderful un-expected surprise.
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