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Posts posted by Key

  1. Liked his mu albums but he dropped off my radar after that. Nice to see him on CPU... they have a certain aesthetic that the artists normally bend to when releasing on there, hard to describe but its sort of like sci-fi inspired electro. The preview track seems to be in that vein.

  2. Some classics from the last 10 years that have more or less stayed in my regular rotation...

    CN - Nu [2014]

    Shinichi Atobe - Butterfly Effect [2014]

    Kassem Mosse - Workshop 19 [2014]

    Huerco S - For Those Of You Who Have Never... [2016]

    Terreke - Improvisational Loops [2018]

    Metasplice - Mirvariates [2018]

    Tribe of Colin  - Age of Aquarius [2019]

    CS & Kreme - Snoopy [2020]


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  3. Cursory 1st listen, its good stuff - the blending of classical elements, the string quartet, Glass' trademark frilly piano arpeggios are handled with the skill you'd expect, weaving in and out of the hectic beats. If anything I'd have liked a bit more of that stuff, theres plenty of tracks on here that wouldve fit on her previous records and it couldve been something that totally stands alone, no disappointment tho I well enjoyed it.

    • Like 2
  4. Yeah I can't see any reason why they would do a physical release for Quadrange seeing as they didn't at the time and the whole idea behind it was taking advantage of the rise in popularity of downloads to reveal a load of additional material they previously wouldn't have bothered with. Versions reissue is slightly more realistic but still pretty damn unlikely. 

    They must be selling well tho, to keep going at this pace, theres plenty of older Aphex/Squarepusher records that are desperately in need of a new edition. Maybe its something to do with their contract, dont Ae have some clause that stipulates their stuff needs to be kept in print? Maybe that includes different formats as well.

  5. The Analogue Bubblebath 6 tracks are wild.  excoriating, lots of raw meandering synthlines, weird modulations, not much in the way of comforting pads or melodies. Sound like its the same setup/studio on them all. I wonder when they were made? Presumably it was before the decision to shitcan ABB5.

    • Like 3
  6. Duneray seems like a spiritual successor to something like I Wish You Could Talk or Planetarium. More of a d'n'b approach to the rhythm, the breaks are more looped than chopped. Probably one of the more easy to digest tracks and even then it's still a total monster.

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  7. If Be Up A Hello was a partial revisiting of the Big Loada sound, this one recalls Ultravisitor. The sombre solo guitar pieces surrounded by these dense apocalyptic breakbeak assaults & epic reverb-soaked 303 lines.


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  8. I agree its one of my favorites on TH, after the first few opening tracks that are sort of subtle slow burners and quite tense and unresolved- its the first track to really feel like a new direction and give you that floaty emotional release they do so well.

  9. I think its a bit of a fools errand trying to compile a best of because there arent really any obvious standout tracks, or stinkers for that matter. And each series of albums has a very interrelated sound palate and removing a track from its context does it a disservice.

    The compilations on Clone are great and Im glad we got them (and hope for more) but I would argue that theyre not particularly any stronger than any other randomly selected album hes put out over the last 10 years.

    • Like 1
  10. According to Aleksi he does 14 hour days in the studio virtually every day, and it is recorded live with few edits so its no wonder he ends up with a huge amount of material. I imagine it all just goes straight up on the internet. Sifting through it all and selecting tracks for presentation would take precious time away from making more of it.

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  11. Its great techno, but it does feel like cult music. Not music with a narrow audience, but music you might hear being played in the halls of some secluded ashram that you cannot escape from. It has this sense of calm austerity and almost a complete absense of emotion. I feel like I am being programmed against my will just listening to it (and I suppose that is partly the appeal.)

    I too dropped out of buying his stuff once I begun to lack the ability to discern one album from another. If he manages to surprise me or catch my attention again I might tune back into the Colundi frequency. It seems like many here are feeling the same, I wonder if this might have some impact on Aleksi's release approach? I noticed he has stopped putting the new stuff up on streaming. Tbh he's probably still getting enough cash from the dozens of albums he releases each year, there has to be some completists out there.



  12. I suppose its difficult to attract younger members cause social media has superceded the forum format. The general banter/community side of watmm is nowhere near what it was pre-facebook, and the aphex/autechre/boc subreddits have also stolen potential members. The reason I still watmm after all these years is because it aggregates a few different things together well: its got the new and upcoming releases forum which alerts me to a lot of smaller labels/bandcamp releases, the music production subforums, and the artist subforums that have the often wacky and entertaining deep dive discussions.

    I suppose watmm's general health and prosperity are relative to that of the various subgenres of electronic music that it covers which like everything else are going through a fractured and balkanised period, which might be permanent.

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  13. Sounds great, heavier than usual and a bit dancehall. Almost reminds me of the Bug a little bit.

    I wouldn't expect this is something from an upcoming album, I would guess this 7" series is gonna all be one-offs and outlier tracks from Modern Love's roster of artists. Don't quote me on that but its just a feeling.

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