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Posts posted by apriorion

  1. if they can keep what theyre upto a secret for 8 years, im sure they can keep the album from leaking for a month.

    I'd imagine that this month will be the hardest in terms of keeping it under wraps. As the physical disks become distributed to sellers, retailers and warehouses, there is more likelihood that someone will bring home a copy and burn copies for friends, etc.

  2. That "Sick Times" post could be real. As someone already mentioned, all the promo material has been beatless and drone-y. But here's another reason: it doesn't sound like the stereotypical boards output. Even though that seems like a reason against believing it, consider this: everyone who tries to make a BOC fake does it in all the usual expected ways (warbley synths, slowed down beats, samples of children laughing, etc.). However, this track avoids all of that. It actually sounds more in the vein of Emeralds or OPN, which isn't a bad thing. As a matter of fact, I kinda like this track. Don't get me wrong, if it's a faker, I won't go out and buy that person's tracks: I hold grudges for that sort of lying shit. However, if it is boards and they are aiming for this style of drone/noise music, that would be great by me. Bring it on.

  3. Lets all take a few seconds and remember all of the BoC fans that have died since the last release.

    That is a morbid thought, but I must admit, I've had it a few times myself already. I keep thinking "Of course, it will be my luck that I'll die in something stupid like a car accident the day before this arrives." Upon reflection, I still assent to the stupidity of such a turn of events. Therefore, it's likely to happen to me.

  4. I have to say, the more time I spend with this album, the more it rewards me. I'm *really* into it. The physical artwork is also quite good--the digital images don't do justice to it. I've noticed that that's in keeping with previous albums--even the artwork for "Chiastic Slide" has some subtlety that doesn't show up on a digital scan.


    Wait, what is up with the title "keyosc"? Is that why some of you were guessing that the album was going to be called "kiosk" back when there was the "predict album art thread"? Or did that name come out afterward? Is that a reference to the old thread?

    No, this came out afterward and we consider their choice of this name to be their way of giving a nod to us.

    That's pretty cool, if true.

  6. I took it that the name was attached as a clear indication that the mock-review was referring to a real-life terrible review that happened to be by that person. I didn't think anyone was making fun of that person for his name. Maybe I missed something, though--this thread is growing faster than Tetsuo's amoeba-arm. In any event, for the record, I was endowed with a name for which I endured much mockery for most of my childhood, so I'm (somewhat) sensitive to the issue of being picked on, etc. But that review sucked, and I still loll at the "new" one for Exai. That was genius.


    The existence of the "untilted" review is now justified, just because it led to the birth of the Exai review.

  7. *cringes*


    Whats wrong with treating people with respect? A critic simply is another opinion of the ocean of opinions. No need to make fun of his name or laugh at images of him on the internet.

    Oh Jesus Fucking Waaah! That "Untilted" review was SO obnoxious. What's more, it's the worst sort of obnoxious, indicative of a person who was trying to show off that he read a "hot" book in some undergraduate intellectual circles. It's exactly the sort of thing that if I wrote it, I would be embarrassed of it; I would admit (maybe with the buffer of a few years) that I would deserve mockery for it. It doesn't need to be personal--if the author has grown and isn't writing such immature reviews, then the author deserves respect. But that review deserves all the mockery it's getting, and more. (I say this not because I liked "Untilted" so much--it's not my favorite Autechre album--but because the review was so embarrassing.)

  8. I listened to the album a few times now, and I must say, I don't really hear Richard so much as I hear Tom in it. And it's not just the drum sounds: often the atmosphere is "Do You Know...", and there isn't an AFX element at all, to my mind.


    Speaking of the record, I didn't see if anyone else had this issue, but the third track on my copy was blocked off from the first two. There's no hairline track going across it at all, so I had to pick up the needle and put it on the third track in order to hear it. Was anyone else's copy like that? Was it made that way on purpose, or was my copy (which I ordered from Bleep) just a fuck up? I copied an MP3 recording of it, so I likely won't use the physical medium again for a long time, but that "feature" kind of bugged me. It seemed like the jerky kind of thing I'd expect rephlex to do, if it was done on purpose.

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