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producer snafu

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Posts posted by producer snafu


    i'm having a stupid problem with Syro. Like a good % on this board, I try my hand at IDM. Of course I'm not very talented and dont have the scratch for decent gear, but I try, I try. It's all slightly embarrassing.


    Anyway, I can't stop trying to figure out tracks on Syro. This leads me to looping one measure at a time and breaking it down and trying to rebuild it Reason or something like that. I wake up in the middle of the night with basslines in my head like a fever dream. I imagine others here have encountered this problem-- should i take a few days off from Syro? I realize this all sounds silly but it's making it hard for me to just enjoy this thing.


    your avatar is a perfect companion to your post. just stop it and you are good to go. if there's one thing that syro is all about is being yourself artistically, so there's no use in trying to replicate that. Enjoy yourself, fall in love, feel good. Music will follow.





    well can't say i'm surprised. but I was getting hopeful because rephlex had a good 2013. go out with a bang I guess!!


    SO DOES THIS MEAN NO MORE BOGDAN?????????? boggy i need u

    i wish i knew of a way to guilt bogan into making us a new album, i have mentioned doing a self release on bandcamp and he said he'd think about it.


    he takes forever to think =/



    I believe it was on Bogdans facebook in february that he was working on a new album?


    he posted a video of him opening a gate or a dorr on instagram and said it was the new intro to his album.

  3. well can't say i'm surprised. but I was getting hopeful because rephlex had a good 2013. go out with a bang I guess!!


    SO DOES THIS MEAN NO MORE BOGDAN?????????? boggy i need u

    i wish i knew of a way to guilt bogan into making us a new album, i have mentioned doing a self release on bandcamp and he said he'd think about it.


    he takes forever to think =/

  4. So, is anyone attending a listening party or have a nice plan as to how they will enjoy the record?



    how will you be listening to hit?

    club speakers, headphones, studio monitors, home entertainment system, desktop speakers, laptop speakers?


    i'm curious and i would really like to know.



    Haha I just took this picture a couple hours ago and it's been posted on here before I even get home


    They had like 20 of these but refused to sell me one


    i'm sorry, i didn't mean to steal your glory. =/

  6. 10544210_343572045801964_356977341_n.jpg


    i caught on to the stencils about 3 or 4 days ago, i just thought it was a fan who stenciled the first siting at the radio music city hall.


    this guy was caught in Brooklyn stenciling the Aphex logo on the street.

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