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producer snafu

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Posts posted by producer snafu

  1. bit unorthodox this one due to the cheese being underneath the burger rather than on top, but have just had a bbq and did burgers amongst other things...




    do I eat too many burgers?



    got damn, that shit look crunchy, for some reason my brain is assuming that ketchup is Siracha sauce.


    i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

    Lol, i thought you meant you would be getting paid 75 dollars for every minute you worked on music not 1 minute of completed music.


    hahha! i suppose i should have been more specific


    Seems about right. I just did about 5 min of music for an ad that amounted to $400 pay (I have a friend that does music for ads and docs for a living, so occasionally he sends the overflow my way).


    FWP: I keep putting off work to skim watmm and play 2048... like, way too much every day.

    that's fucking rad of him, what kind of music do you mainly find yourself composing?


    also, have you beat 2048 at all? there is a technique to beat it.

  3. i just got hip to Broad city, i love it, just finished the first season in one day the other day.


    this is one of those series that is well directed and shit, they got it riht the first time and i hope to see it evolve in the future with more interesting story lines.


    it's like an more interesting workaholics set in NYC with two chicks that actually get laid.

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