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Frank Poole

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Posts posted by Frank Poole

  1. 1 hour ago, BobDobalina said:



    Yeah I still cane (kaen) lego feet on the regular, love this proto-ae lofi alien hiphop fuckery era. OMG I can't waaaai

    Same here. Been listening to lego feet like crazy lately and even changed my psn name to lego_feet lol. Definitely stoked to hear this.

  2. Guess I’ll be listening to the EP starting from 1st 44, skipping T69 because durichroma is so much better. It is a 5 track EP for me.

    What the heck are you talking about?


    I don't mind listening to it twice in the space of 35 minutes either. Not sure about the first segment that was cut, I think the more direct transition in the edit works perfectly. But the second extra bit is sweet.



    I agree, the collapsey bit that was cut sounds good in isolation, but the transition in the original definitely works better. The extended ending is better tho.

    What the heck are you guys talking about?


    I cracked and I don't regret it.

    I do. I little.

    "Sometimes...it is a relief and even a delight to shriek wildly and throw oneself voluntarily along with the hideous vortex of dream-doom into whatever bottomless gulf may yawn."

  4. I have only ever been officially diagnosed with depression but I have social anxiety as well. It's hard for me to make new friends. I keep myself pretty guarded. Even on the internet where I tend to just lurk in online communities without getting involved too much. Shit, I've been here for years and still don't know a single one of you.


    It sucks because I get lonely sometimes but I just can't get over the hurdle and out of my comfort zone. I tried once to become active with an online community but literally after my first topic (which was sort of cheeky but was all in good fun) I was called a cunt and ridiculed. Ever since then I sort of shut the door and view things from a distance. I've come a long way since then and I'm much less sensitive now but I still have a long way to go.


    One of these days I'll get sick of being this way but not until I'm ready. This post probably comes across as whiny but it felt good to get it out.

  5. yaaaaawn ffs man, it's just the same MaxMSP noodling as elseq and the live shows ... can I get some actually new Ae please

    I kind of agree. Elseq, live, and now this just don't excite me as much. There are some good moments here and there but I'm finding most of it pretty boring.





    I beat the final boss in Dark Souls 2 and this is a very good game.


    Weakest of the series imo.
    Only one I've played (for realsies) besides Bloodborne. Hella worth it imo. Good vidja.

    I really disliked DS2, but It's only bad in comparison to the first one. I reckon if you haven't played DS1 first and come with no expectations it's pretty good

    2 was the last one i played, I loved 1-3, and Bloodborne, but after playing all 3 of those DS2: SotFS just felt like a steaming pile of shit, I didn't bother finishing, the difficulty felt artificially ramped by just having more enemies everywhere, and the combat just felt off compared to 1 and 3. I absolutely love 3 though and I'm looking forward to the remaster of 1 as I've only finished it once.


    Enjoying the hell out of Monster Hunter World lately, but Bazelgeuse can fuck right off, that fucker pops up in high rank at the absolute worst times and just ruins everything.

    I wouldn't call DkS2 a steaming pile of shit but it was definitely the weakest entry in the series. My biggest gripe was the changes to combat, mainly the nerf to pivoting attacks. In every other Souls game (including BB), you can pivot attacks in any direction if they follow a roll/backstep. For example, I love dodging then following up with a light attack. The light attack after a dodge can be aimed (pivoted) in any direction (as long as you're unlocked from the target). This led to a lot of options for unlocked play and even created a lot of depth in PvP.


    In Dks 2 however, you could only pivot ~45 degrees in each direction from where you're facing as opposed to the complete freedom to aim your attack in any direction offered by all of the other games in the series.


    It really chapped my ass.


    Edit: Dks 2 and 3 both allow the player to change the way they're facing while locked on. However, my point still stands.

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