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Posts posted by Lianne

  1. Does anyone else think Chiastic Slide also sounds like it had the most work put into it out of all the albums Ae has released so far? I'm not saying that the longer something takes to construct, the better it is - and I know it's impossible to tell from the listener's side, really ... but do any of you musicians here agree?


    Actually, this or Draft 7.30 sound like the most anally worked at albums.

  2. To me Chiastic is the first truly brilliant ae album. And I think it's worlds better than LP5.


    I absolutely agree with this.


    I enjoy many moments of the first three albums, and the E.Ps from the same period even more, but Chiastic Slide was the first I heard from them that totally satisfied me. I find the first three either a bit cheesy or too repetitive in places (though they're still great, and Clipper is a masterpiece ) - but somehow the repetition in Chiastic works a whole lot better, and its just got more boldness and presence to it. It's beautiful, intricate and fragile, but it's also full of hard-hitting, industrial crunch. It really tells a story and it's so visual.


    LP5 is a very smart record, and I can't believe they were doing that kind of stuff in 1998, but I just find Chiastic Slide a much easier listen, as it's generally more obviously atmospheric, and it seems warmer and far less brittle than LP5. I know LP5 is supposed to sound super digital and brittle and FM-ridden or whatever, but my ears just prefer Chiastic's bit-crushed rusty machinery to Lp5's super sharp shards of hi-fi year 2050 computer stuff.

  3. I think the name of the album is also at complete odds with the music. I love the music now, but 'Oversteps' just doesn't fit it. Apart from Treale, maybe, which has got a bit more of a b-boy hip hop thing going on. 'Oversteps' would have fitted the last three albums far better... especially Untilted.


    A mysterious made up name like 'Confield', only less dark and not quite as mysterious sounding, would have been ideal for Oversteps.

  4. It's funny how often a new artist's album will make you love past albums more. It's because you grow to like the new album on its own terms, and start to listen to it obsessively (as you don't want want to fall into the silly practice of squaring everything new an artist does with something from their past). But then you go back and listen to older works, and they suddenly sound even more amazing then you remembered, because your ears had got used to the new one, its warts and all. I heard some of LP5 and Confield again, and they're really something else. Confield especially. Much more melodic than I remembered, too - but with amazing sound design and mind blowing percussive elements to go along with it.


    I guess the boys are older now, and they've done those albums already. Not so into ruthlessly pushing the envelope, perhaps. There is definitely a drier, looser, goofier, more stoned vibe to their (non live) stuff from Quaristice (a bits of Untilted) to Oversteps. Hearing Acroyear2, Eidetic Casein, and Lentic Catachresis after having got used to Oversteps was pretty shocking: so much ordered chaos, so many more dense, alien sounding layers evolving and fighting against each other in all kinds of funky ways. I've got Chiastic Slide on now, and even that 1997 album feels dangerously precise and sonically beyond most other electronic music after having been obsessed with Oversteps.


    Not that the new one is bad. It's enjoyable, and it's served a useful double purpose of making past albums seems even better (which i found Quaristice did to former albums also.)

  5. lol lianne


    Dear sir, I like jazz, but O=0 just isn't my bag. The melodic lines sound too automated and MIDI-like (or something), and I can't get used to that bloody synth bell sound. There's not much hidden in this track and it's not a difficult listen at all, so I can't see it growing on me. Not like Bine off Confield, which I disliked at first - but knew there was a lot going on 'beneath the surface'. :) :) :)


    Cheesier more obvious stuff is great, but O=0 is too dull and meandering to squeeze my cheese juices.

  6. O=0 is the worst track



    What do you like about it? I'm open and interested, darling.

    Abstract ambient, similar to Simmm can not be worse)


    Simmm is amazing.


    O=0 is nowhere near as good to my ears. I prefer the fake leaks I've heard of it. Especially the stupid melodies that start pissing around at the 3:40 mark. What's going on there? Nothing much is going on, that's what. I guess the title is funny.

  7. O=0 is the worst track, I have decided. I even like known (1) more than O=0. An uninspiring, obvious, aimless melody on a super cheesy bell sound rolling around with a weak, squidgy little drum loop thing. And some other elements which don't rescue it. How long could that track have taken to make?


    The rest are mostly great.

  8. Oversteps is moistly dry


    To be honest, it's really grown on me. I think the direction they've gone in is totally weird, but pretty wonderful. Even if I prefer the sound design in stuff like Draft or Confield, they've done that already - granted, I wouldn't want any more albums like Overtsteps, but it's a beautiful oddity to have in light of all else they've done. I didn't force myself to like it - I'm just ignoring the moments that piss me off ( like known(1) ) and enjoying the rest.

  9. I've realized what I waste of time it was moaning on this thread about the album all the time. There's no point in such negativity - and there are some fine, original and strangely beautiful moments on Oversteps, so it was totally over the top to blast it as I did. It's certainly not rubbish - and it's a lot more interesting than the output from other big name 'IDM' guys as of late. known(1) aside, no artist deserves such a swarm of negative words for their efforts. I take back what I said - not because the album is necessarily amazing, but because what I did was just dickish.

  10. tbh i fail to see the point of you going on about how you not like it.


    This is a good point. I think I said I'd stop a few pages back...


    Third apology. I was just so looking forward to this - especially as Plaid hasn't done anything in ages, nor Boards of Canada, nor Aphex Twin (Analord, apart from no.10, generally isn't my thing), Schematic are bust, because Squarepusher has descended into drudgery - etc. etc.


    I suppose new artists, who aren't so established, is where it's at. They have to fight for survival. I've honestly heard some stunning stuff off netlabels.


    Anyway, adios. Enough venting - I promise I'll keep away and allow those that love this new Autechre to do their loving (which I imagine will increase in number now that the leak is most definitely shown to be real.) :)

  11. Most haters aren't hating because we want to, though. Obviously, Autechre don't owe anyone anything, and I'd want them to always do what the hell they want - but this latest one just seems particularly lazy to me. I'd like nothing more than for the new Ae to totally blow away my expectations, maybe confuse me a little and make me go WTF? but ultimately be a quality product. This isn't quality.

  12. I don't mean to rinse this... but how on earth can people actually like known(1)? When I said it was horrible earlier, I didn't mean it was horrible in a frightening or confusing way. I meant it was horrible and ugly sounding because it is so, so amateurish. Apart from the detuned and stuttered main lead sound, it literally sounds like poorly sequenced MIDI game music (though I prefer most game music to this boring vomit of notes.) If I had a ten year old kid who was mucking about making his first sounds and multilayered pieces with a multitimbral synth - and known(1) was the result, I'd think, 'oh, that's pretty cute, that's pretty interesting...' I wouldn't be like, 'shit, what a weird racket - how the hell did he make that noisy mess?'


    I can say this with complete confidence: if a new poster put known(1) and claimed it was his/hers, they'd be shot down, or at least told to work at it a few more years. Autechre are having a laugh with this release. What was I thinking praising it before? Such a cynical, cynical album.

    Tremendous LOL. How can someone miss the point so comprehensively? Go and get your coat.


    How did I miss the point regarding known(1)? This piece isn't something you can get or not get according to how you listen. I wasn't being analytical with it - it's pretty upfront. It's obviously a joke. Well, ha ha Autechre, you made an obviously dire sounding track.


    I agree it was a bit strong calling the whole album cynical. I tried to go back to edit that to SOME of the album being so but it wouldn't let me.

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