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Posts posted by Lianne

  1. This extended bladelores drone is for me not the most exciting thing we've heard (because it is so similar and doesn't seem to have done too much that the ending of that Exai track doesn't already do), but the rest has been so good it doesn't matter.

  2. This track is incredible too. I didn't recognise it from the onesix tour like others are saying for some reason. 


    So deep and alien. Beautiful unusual bass farts and star atmospheres with reverbs twisting into black holes. Brilliant plucky melodic flutterings going on along with the rest...So beautiful and strange.  


    Love the contrast so far of this session to the others..

  3. Yes, this music playing now is utterly gorgeous! 

    ​I feel really lucky to follow a group like Autechre, constantly producing a decent quantity of truly quality music. I was craving something 'Oversteps-ey' and plucky and melodic, and this is like that, but truly new too. A longer, deeper, more hypnotic view into that sequenced mallet-driven world.....

  4. i turned up the bass at 64 Hz in iTunes 12 dB for fLh and the bass drum sounded like it was at approximately Exai levels. i'm not sure why they have the bass mixed so low on some of these tracks but it detracts from my enjoyment of some of these tracks.

    Yeah, this is what I’ve been saying. I don’t like EQ-ing a release though as it feels like I’m messing with some official decisions lol. :D


    I understand not everything will have big bass (atho gotta admit I’m a sucker for it) but in these instances it seems the tracks could have benefitted greatly from it and it would have been there in the past? If a track is on the more hip hop banger-ey repetitive end especially it seems weird when it’s a bit bass-shy.

  5. I've been going on about how good these sessions are. They are. But I do still want more bass. There's some tracks where I'm really craving some deep bass frequencies that aren't happening....(but did happen  more often in Elseq/Exai, even though they also share the sharpness of these sessions...)


    That's why t1a1 still gets me and I am addicted to it. So much satisfying meat in the low end! Phwaaarr...


    To me the best track of all these sets is still the first of the first session. 't1a1' is simply incredibly satisfying to listen to; it sounds so meaty and thick, and though it seems minimal every 'thwack' is different and it has variety aplenty within its constraints. It didn't blow me away that much initially, but now remains my most listened to track. It is sonically so juicy, so heavy, so 'easy' on the ears and funky but as weird and wonky as any other Ae. The best hip hop track ever...


    Really underrated, I think! Anyone else love t1a1 ?? ?

    Yes, t1a1 is a very nice track that has a lot of subtle changes in it while it feels emptier than most of the other tracks but not in a bad way. Did you also like the first track of NTS 3 as much as I do? These gnarly sounds are so weird yet oddly funky. Damn, I love AE more than any other music. I could listen to it all day. All these variations and interesting atmospheres. AE manage to make outstanding music that surprises me with every listen, it is so fucking original it makes me cum
    Yeah, the first track of NTS 3 is really pleasing - in some similar way to t1a1 as it happens!


    Nice to read there’s other fans of these growling, creeping heavy monsters. When playing this music to others a track like t1a1 seems to hit home more often than not too...It’s clearly lush and satisfying stuff even if it has less obviously going on! :-)


    But yep, opening of NTS 3 fat and enjoyable !!! some of the others a bit long and puzzling at the moment but who knows how they’ll grow...


    (Really hoping for some onesix stuff in final episode as we haven’t heard too much of that so far!)

  7. To me the best track of all these sets is still the first of the first session. 't1a1' is simply incredibly satisfying to listen to; it sounds so meaty and thick, and though it seems minimal every 'thwack' is different and it has variety aplenty within its constraints. It didn't blow me away that much initially, but now remains my most listened to track. It is sonically so juicy, so heavy, so 'easy' on the ears and funky but as weird and wonky as any other Ae. The best hip hop track ever...


    Really underrated, I think! Anyone else love t1a1 ?? ?

  8. Ah, glad I’m not alone with this high frequency stuff! Absolutely LOVING the new NTS music, except I would be more comfortable with a little less treble (and more bass) in many of the tracks overall. A track like the first one of the first session sits nicely for me; I can have it loud and the bass pumps as satisfyingly as any great music and the high frequencies don’t hurt. But for me this ‘issue’ only started with ‘Exai’ (the same tracks coax listed in particular), occurred quite a bit in Elseq (particularly prt.2 and a bit of 4) and seems to be happening again now on this new stuff. I don’t know if it’s the high sounds per se, because like others have said a lot of their music has had mind-melting high frequencies in the past; it might be more to do with an overall ‘sheen’ or mastering with martial since Exai. I was amazed at how warm older releases sounded when I put them on again.


    This bright, rich, sound isn’t bad. It’s full of finesse and this amazing, dense 3D clarity or something. But say, with tracks like ‘debris_funk’,

    ‘l3 ctrl’ or gonk steady one (and a bunch of others) I can’t crank it as I would like to or as much as I could with other music because it feels a bit treble heavy and bass light...


    (None of even the most extreme examples of these are anywnere near as bad as Squarepusher’s new stuff, however. I don’t know what happened with the mixing/mastering there, and it doesn’t seem as deliberate as in Autechre’s case. Ufabulum especially is just not fun on my ears. Like I said, even the ‘worst’ offenders in these Ae examples still sound like amazing electronic music and there is a ‘hyper reality’ to the overall sound which is pretty interesting...)

  9. After listening to the two sessions again, I’m convinced we’re in a golden age for the Autechres. Sure, there was a kind of detail and distillation in their earlier music that was amazing, but this stuff is just so euphoric and baddass and hyper detailed in its own way. And it’s mindblowing how much varied, event-ful musically imaginative material their system can produce. I mean, here we suddenly have hours and hours of content over a short period, most of which is far more interesting and pure spirited and uncompromisingly playful and fierce than anything most other main guards are doing at the moment! How cool is that? I love the labyrinthine nature of all of this; the sheer amount of deep content is a positive thing, not negative. I love how it’s gone from 2, to 4 to 8 hours now - like an endless pit of interesting sonic organisms. I don’t like every track or sound approach on the collection, but overall this Ae era totally oozes invention and quality.

  10. I am liking the less reverby, 'drier' sound of this musics more than some of their recent material (as great as that was), and find many of the tones to be a very cool development of sounds from the last batch of releases. Most of this first set seems not as densely layered as the Elseq material, however; it's a more minimal approach... 


    I am hoping for some of the later sessions to be weirder and more mind-bending, like the feeling I got when I heard Autechre in the early days and felt like I didn't know what the heck was happening. I put on 'Confield' again today for the first time in ages, and it struck me how warm and mysterious it sounded after all the new stuff. The mastering seemed totally different. I guess it was a different period and different process. The new stuff is still banging, thrilling, really interesting, however.....Like the best classiest, most imaginative dance music ever.  


    Anyway - every track on this first session is really great, except I can't get into the second one yet. 

  11. I've preordered this and am really liking the first release, but I'm surprised people are saying it seems more focused than Elseq. To me this stuff seems even more like long captures from the same world as the live sets/Elseq - captures that almost seem they could have been taken from anywhere within a patch's output. I'm happy with this very 'generated' sounding, meandering longform jammy stuff, but I wouldn't go in expecting a big deviation from the last release if you haven't heard it yet. If anything there's even less 'moments' or switches than on Elseq. The tracks kind of just mostly go. Luckily it's the kind of 'going' I like! :-) 

  12. People often seem to respond to those not digging this release by saying that not everything needs to be innovative, Aphex doesn't need to always reinvent the wheel, etc...(or something in that vein.)


    'Reinventing the wheel' or innovation isn't really even the issue for me - I so love Plaid's last album, and that one seems more a continuation of what they do best. The issue for me is that this E.P is just SO raw and bare-bones and seemingly basic (to these ears) that I can't really hold on to anything. There is a good kind of simplicity and minimalism, and some of this does touch that zone, but not quite enough or quite often enough for me. Honestly, if anyone else played this to me, or rather if I heard it in another context, I would assume the tracks were at the most half finished or a lot was missing from them.


    Perhaps it's very special how he programmed this synthesiser or something. I am just struggling to see anything exciting here.... I suppose it has groove. It could still have a bit more content and musical interest and have groove for me.


    And also, as a side point - about the innovation stuff - why no release some stuff like that now? There's lots of producers out there making good, solid tunes that aren't pushing things. That's great for what it is. There's only one Aphex Twin. I'd love to hear something that makes me go 'wow'!


    Whatever... Each into his own!

  13. I'm not really feeling the new Cheetah track that is available ahead of time and I don't hear what is interesting or special about it - but please don't attack me Aphex fans, I am trying and keep listening to it in the hope it will appeal. Over and over again.


    Actually nothing has worked for me of his current era stuff except the opening few tracks on Syro. It all sounds a bit empty and raw for me and buying it has all felt like a waste of money. Never mind - at least the new Plaid and Autechre are wonderful escapades.


    But really, I am trying to like the new stuffs. Druqks and The Tuss were works of musical genius. And I can understand why people would adore Syro. It is very good. I guess if you like the dry, simpler, more minimalist reverb-less old school analog thing you will be in heaven with the new AFX release and from the sounds of it this release also. And Computer Controlled Acoustic Experiments had some very interesting and cool sounding ideas.


    He does what he wants.

  14. I just watched that review.


    This obsession with them having 'melody' (as in a super narrow definition of that word) and writing off tracks because there is no 'melody' and only liking tracks where there is 'melody' is really strange. Why must music have such a component? Would you criticise certain kinds of traditional rhythmic African music or gamelan or whatever for not having that component?


    I think the the first volume is a masterpiece from

    beginning to end. Feed1 is a totally fiercely enthralling ride from beginning to end. It's so wonderfully intense. Same with the track that follows. How would these benefit with some overt top-line melodies following conventional harmonies? They wouldn't at all. They're not about that are they? - but they're totally invigorate nonetheless and are full of musical interest and sonic events that give just as generously (if not more generously to my ears) than any conventional melody or 'musical notes' would.


    Same with the rest of the volumes, whether conventional structures are referenced or not. This is a wonderful release. And he wasn't too critical, so that's nice. It's silly I am spending time discussing that review ...


    I don't know, I know this music isn't for everyone, I obviously get that, but this thing of choosing to only like tracks that happen to have some notes that go 'do-doo-doo' in a more conventional way and this constant complaint of 'no melody' thing is really weird. There's so much excitement in the textures and the musical organisations of sounds in this release (and all their newer releases) that's it's arbitrary to me whether a track has a 'straighter' melody or not.


    PS - I know Feed1 has some 'tunes' that pop in on that growling synth sound. They are beautifully metallic and sound almaot like crazy improv jazz stuff.

  15. The first Elseq is definitely ended up my favourite.


    I know the sounds in this release are very three dimensional and it sounds great on headphones, and can hear that the sonics are constantly shapeshifting, but part of me is pining a few more layers in many of the tracks on the later collections or something. (I don't mean no.5...I get that minimalism is the whole point of the first few tracks of that one....I mean other numbers.) Though an album like 'Untilted' sounds initially more 'dry', it seems a little more packed with refinement and detail to these ears.


    'feed1' is a great example of what really satisfies for me. It's thick with many layers and textures, it just feels so good to journey with.


    c7b2​ is one that frustrates at the moment, because it has such great elements (especially towards the end) but I don't get those simple loud noise bursts. I usually love aggression like that, so I'm not sure what it is.


    spaces how V is beautiful. It seems to share key elements with ​runrepik off Exai.

  16. It's really great to have this much new Autechre. I seem to recognise quite a few aspects from the live set - and some of those ideas I prefer as they are expressed in the live set.


    It's interesting people are calling out 'latentcall' as a favourite. I initially found it pretty cool, but for me Autechre aren't at their strongest when doing 'straighter' stuff like that and it's definitely not one of the stronger tracks for me. I find something about the rhythms/beat in first half a bit annoying for some reason, but do love the chordal breakdown section.


    feed1 is definitely a highlight to me, along with pendulu hv moda, mesh cinereaL and spaces how V. Possily eastre also.


    I am thankful for this much material for sure, but would it if there was also a new album far removed from the world of Exai and the live set's sonics!

  17. This release is bringing up aftesh some things on social media / other forums I often hear about the music I like (or am apparently 'pretending' to like!) - that it is 'lazy', 'had no melody', it's just random noise, etc. But what if I don't feel like hearing some main lead line (like most most music has) to enjoy music? I'm apparently a 'hipster' (whatever that means now) for not finding that so interesting any more? And what is inherently 'lazy' about music that doesn't derive its excitement primarily from traditional approaches to melody or harmony? From watching musicians churning out a 'good old choon' on guitar or piano or whatever, that seems it can be even lazier. I don't get it.

  18. I just re-listened to TH in its entirety with some new speakers for the first time in ages, and I was blown away. I wasn't expecting to be blown away or even to make it all the way through the entire album - and I didn't have to 'try' to get into it. I was just sucked in, and the music seemed far more layered and detailed than I remembered it. Actually, it's interesting to me that I used to find the album too minimalistic in comparison to their previous works and somewhat sonically/musically tame, because during this listen many of the tracks came across as ridiculously detailed and full of clever nuances. The album's structure seemed pitched brilliantly and the atmosphere was wonderfully potent. I love it when albums 'click' like this!



    People were asking about freshness. What is fresh sounding? The amazing opening two tracks of this album! (I hadn't heard the live versions.)


    What doesn't sound fresh at all? (As in, sounds a bit boring, for various reasons)... Most of the rest of the tracks, what with their retro-fetishism and kitschy melodies and sounds. Everyone is going down this sound route and I've heard those old drum machines and acid squiggles too many times, and done better. All the tracks except the first three pale in comparison to The Tuss, which shares some characteristics but seems far deeper.

    I'm sure I remember in the Exai thread you were talking about Exai not being as deep as the likes of Confield and Draft, and I disagreed with you? I'm going to say the same here, I definitely think that tracks like the CIRCLONTs, Syro and Earth Portal are lot deeper (as in more layered, more going on, more subtelty, more complex) than anything by The Tuss.


    Maybe I'm easier to please with new releases. I always seem to think these guys keep improving :)

    I think that was 'Oversteps' - unless I'm remembering wrong! But I admit I was very wrong on that count.


    I guess my tastes just don't gel so well with those old vintage drum machine sounds and blatantly synthy-synth lines. I should just enjoy what I can enjoy about the album and move on. I do hope this bent towards nostalgia and analog noodling lessens soon, but even if it doesn't I understand artists are free to do wha they want, and there's still plenty of amazing music to enjoy. :)

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