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hello spiral

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Posts posted by hello spiral

  1. Inexplicably gave up reading this halfway through a few years back so thought I'd give it another go.




    Inexplicably because I can remember enjoying it and large parts of it are very clear in my mind. For some reason I just....stopped reading it.


    Clicked on the links for the candy game and Ginormo Sword and 6hrs later I'm still playing.


    Ginormo Sword: any way to save the fucking thing?

    It writes a cookie to your machine so when you go to the page at a later date it remembers where you got to. Hope your index finger isn't too fatigued yet !


    EDIT: Damnit, I'm really tempted to play it again but fuck the final battles took forever to get through ...



    Yeah found that out cheers.


    Both my index's (apostrophe?) feel very weird.


    Two days in and I'm at the false god boss who apparently isn't the final boss.


    This is very addicitve.

  3. Yeah, not sure how I felt about the Homes when I finished it. I kinda get the feeling I'd like it more if it was a neglected and unheard of book, but I don't really get it's popularity (oh, it's a Richard & Judy choice, duh!)


    It's well written, in that I empathised with the stinking rich main character despite myself. But I'm not really sure what the author's intentions were.

    And she is trying to say something with this book as the structure is pleasingly open ended and wonky, I'm just not sure what.



    Just finished this:



    Was wary due to the favorable quotes from the Telegraph and Mail (shudder) on the cover. Also, there's a gimmick GOING on inside where seemingly RANDOM words are CAPITALISED.


    Never mind all that though as this was incredibly enjoyable and entertaining read.

    Darkly funny, cartoonishly satiric, cynical and misanthropically angry.

  4. I drunkenly decided I wanted BMX last night when out walking with my girlfriend so looked on Gumtree when we got in. Found there was one person selling a brand new one near us and met up with him today and bought it for £80(!)


    Now I can't wait to zoom around on my new bike on my next day off while listening to ae and boc.

  5. 291213_180x180_1.jpg


    Slowly but surely buying back from charity shops all the stephen king books I got rid of when I moved out of my parents years ago. They are my comfort blankets. Reading one between each book in my 'to read' pile.


    Want to read Infinite Jest but my girlfriend won't let me until she's read it, and she's already given up once.....

  6. lol


    You kidding me? If you're in greater london and not thinking this is shorts weather I don't know what to tell you!


    I actually left work yesterday in shorts and flip-flops but had to make sure I was on the sunny side of the road. If you were on the shady side it was still chilly, everyone was hoodied up and you felt a bit silly.


    Today is glorious though.

  7. Just connected my new ipod to my computer after spending the last week ripping roughly half my record collection.


    A box pops up and tells me that this ipod (which is indistinguishable from the now broken one bought in 2010) is not compatible with my version of itunes.


    The earliest version of itunes it is compatible with is not compatible with my OS.


    There's a chance I may be able to blag a copy of a slightly more up to date OS, but don't know if my 8yr old laptop will baulk at running it.


    It's looking like I'm gonna be stuck with a discman and a shit ton of cdrs for quite a lot longer than I imagined.


    I am full of frustrated, seething, resentful, butt-hurt anger.




    Was like a mashup between Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer and a Ken Loach film, but grimmer.


    Based on true events, haven't researched that yet.


    Fuck. I bought this off a bloke a few months ago at a boot sale and asked him if it was as bad as I'd heard, he said he no longer wanted it in his house. I've not had the bottle to watch it yet.


    edit - Incidentally if you like horror they are going over this on the bloodygoodhorror.com podcast this week, it's one of the better film podcasts I've heard.



    Cool, will check that out.


    Yeah, this was very unpleasant. It's the kind of movie that A Serbian Film thinks it is/ wishes it was.

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