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hello spiral

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hello spiral last won the day on August 23 2023

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About hello spiral

  • Birthday 11/23/1982

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    The Greater London
  • Interests
    Being smooth

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    United Kingdom

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Community Answers

  1. hold up, did someone in this thread just say they were putting shit up their dick?
  2. Live in Leeds this saturday just gone
  3. I think I mentioned it somewhere else on the forum but not here that I had an album of a selection of my youtube material put out by falsch in Marsh. The label originally set up by Florian Hecker and Oswald Berthold (I think it's just run by Berthold now) We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various Day before yesterday I did a dry run of what I think my live set will resemble, which is next week
  4. Absolutely fucking love Mouthus. Have about 6 of their releases on vinyl. Personal fave is Slow Globes. We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various in other news this noise tape came out packaged as its own shakerbox lol We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various
  5. The guy in my local area that organises all the artsy basement venue gigs near me came over on Sunday to drop off a mixer he said he'd loan me for the gig I am playing up north in June. And we had a little jam too
  6. I went to this installation back in 2009 or 2010. It was free entry so I went back like 4 times over 2 weeks. They would perch on your shoulders too while you walked around. I have the poster advertising it too somewhere, which I stole from a tube station. It's in the never ending, years old pile of things waiting to be framed.
  7. It's very nice for what it is. I too do not care for the cover.
  8. This is the most recent 'trilogy' btw There will be physical copies at some point, mainly to sell at a gig I will be playing in Leeds in June We Are The Music Makers | Volume One by VariousWe Are The Music Makers | Volume One by VariousWe Are The Music Makers | Volume One by Various
  9. This is my pal Got him for £1 from a bootsale in 2002 or 03. The guy I bought him from said he hadn't been tuned in ten years, so that's now 30+yrs of not touching those pegs. 3/4 acoustic that somebody strung with steel strings, so the whole body is now banana shaped. Am missing both a string and a fret. His tone is gorgeous, like dusty, woody, vibrating walnuts.
  10. yeah I got his tape that was recorded in a cave full of bats with organ and shit on it, was part of boomkat's white tape series thing vgood shit
  11. Thanks m8. Yeah that is currently my favourite of my own releases. At this point considering it the best thing I have done. DM to remind me and I will see if I've got some spare BC codes btw
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