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Everything posted by Capsaicin

  1. Caustic Window - Cordialatron lol I spelled it wrong like 3 times
  2. Ulrich Schnauss - Between Us and Them
  3. VCV - The Star of the King of the Dead
  4. Ryoji Ikeda - Test Pattern #0000 Earrr fuuuuck » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « but what a wonderful ear fuck
  5. Nirvana - Gallons of Rubbing Alcohol Flow Through the Strip
  6. YEah? and i will shove your mother up your hairy vagina

  7. pod im gonna beat yo cracka ass, bring it bitch

  8. fukken sick of your shit

  9. pod im gunna break yo mother then come after you next you mofo

  10. Deadweight by Beck I forgot how much I like his music
  11. I just finished Restitution of Decayed Intelligence parts 1 and 2 by Coil for the first time
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