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Posts posted by lumpenprol

  1. to me that flute is really laughable, should have asked them about it in the ama but was too starstruck, but it's tough to do when you're confronted with the fact that they're real people with (potentially) feelings and stuff


    One of theirs I still don't like is Move of Ten. Not sure what they were thinking of with that one, as several of the tracks sound like aping other artists or popular music, which to my mind Ae have never done before. Just thinking about that weird BoC-ish flute track makes me cringe. Only one I like on MoT is M62 (ok, cep puiq MX is pretty dang good too). Overall that ep (side-album?) just seems to be missing the Ae alien vibe, it's almost pop music.

    MoT is awesome, they are not aping anyone on these tracks lol can you give me an example?

    only rew(1) reminds me of green calx by the aphex twin cause of the talking robot

    come on almost pop music?? that is crazy talk, you are just not feeling it, it's swarmed with aelien vibes



    yeah I'm overstating it but yeah rew 1 is such straightforward funk, and the aforementioned "BoC flute track" n dafuserdb (sp?) and the opening track I think sounds weird too, like Ae parody, dunno...of course it's still not pop music, but actually since oversteps they do seem to be experimenting with more pop-like structures, they've certainly given us some of their most straightforward beats in this period, like Recks On, I don't know what Coil sounds like but that's a pretty straightforward pop-sounding track. Of course they layer some tasty ae goodness on top to raise above the average (and it could be said that tasty goodness is there to subvert and warp the simple beat) but still an interesting trend imo. I guess this could be traced back to Pro Radii, that was the first track where I thought "wow this is very cool but it almost sounds like an Amon Tobin jam, quite close to some popular electronic sounds. "


    Nevermind me though, mostly I'm just saying I like being transported to an alien sound world when I listen to their music so I tend to react whenever more familiar signposts appear.

  3. One of theirs I still don't like is Move of Ten. Not sure what they were thinking of with that one, as several of the tracks sound like aping other artists or popular music, which to my mind Ae have never done before. Just thinking about that weird BoC-ish flute track makes me cringe. Only one I like on MoT is M62 (ok, cep puiq MX is pretty dang good too). Overall that ep (side-album?) just seems to be missing the Ae alien vibe, it's almost pop music.

  4. yeah the part about m39 diffain (my fave track on the ep) is really cool, I like the way Rob talks about field testing their tracks (he mentioned something similar about testing Oversteps on train rides iirc).


    Also Rob may I suggest not reading too much watmm! Either that or please don't let our likes or dislikes influence future musical decisions in any way! We're a fickle argumentative bunch so please don't let us take up nesting space in your brain as an "inner critic". Now every time I write something critical on watmm I feel like I'm saying "hey Rob, your baby's kind of ugly". Don't pay us any mind :nacmat:

  5. IMO the "golden era" is LP5-EP7-Confield

    But I've seen numerous lists which either end with lp5 or start with Confiled

    Basically this. Personally I think the "most golden" period was Chiastic-EP7. If you want to extend it further could say Chiastic through Draft. I think there was a big break between EP7 and Confield, and between Draft and Untilted, though others probably don't see it that way. Prior to Confield I feel their music was more vulnerable sounding, then Confield became a heartless kung-fu robot of doom. And with Untilted I felt they underwent another shift - prior to Untilted I felt their music was pretty damn serious (as in, we are trying hard as artists to make "art"), but Untilted seemed to be more bizarre and tongue-in-cheek. Quaristice took this shift to its logical conclusion, being almost entirely tongue-in-cheek musical vignettes with no real overall binding feel or concept (big IMO here). From Quaristice on their stuff has seemed looser and wilder, like they're mostly fucking around (still in quite an impressive way), but less concerned with radically changing music or having some sort of "high concept". Which, tbh, is fine with me as long as they keep making quality experimental music.

  6. it really is interesting how divergent people's opinions are on Ae's body of work. Can't think of any other artist where that seems as true.


    I have no idea under the sun how someone could prefer quaristice to chiastic, for example.


    it wasn't even the destruction i had a problem with, it was the bizarre pacing editing and story arc they chose to go with for the actual present-time part of the film. I thought most of the flashbacks in the beginning were very well done until it got to the whole tornado thing. It was such a movie ruiner esque scene on it's own honestly. I got that they wanted to create this emotional pa kent scene but it came off as totally comical. Just the sheer amount of cgi was strange too, people make fun of the MAtrix Reloaded because of the clone Agent Smith fight scene or Peter Jackson because of the dinosaur chase in King Kong,

    don't forget the most recent addition to the "we took on too many shots" syndrome - the rabbit sled sequence in the Hobbit. Most embarrassing last-minute-slapped-together sequence I've seen in a feature film in a while...


    yeah obsessions are still pretty locked (i think u can tell really)

    now, but only with the benefit of hindsight



    really glad to hear, I just hit 40 and feel pretty burnt out tbh, glad you guys still feel the power of the force


    and all joking aside, many many thanks for this Q&A, never thought something like this would happen. You've been my favorite electronic artists since...well since LP5, pretty much. Though I had purchased Incunabula and Tri Rep when they came out (for some reason didn't get Amber til later), it was LP5 that radically redefined how I saw music. Have been fascinated with your musical journey from then til now. As I said in another thread, I think you are the most consistently innovative, and consistently quality act I know of. It's actually really reassuring to know that another Ae album will come along at a pretty regular interval, full of fresh new tunes to mull over and digest. With so many of the big names retreating into near-obscurity, it's very welcome to have you guys make yourselves so available to your fans. Unprecedented, in my experience.


    Live long and prosper! (did anyone ask if you are/were Trekkies/ers?)


    wait, you named someone's left nut Hitler, but shied away from proposing baby names? Clearly you don't fully appreciate the solemn, terrible responsibility inherent in naming someone's balls. Next to that, naming a kid is a walk in the park...



    true dude. christ, u got me. its just that yeah easy to be silly with ppl s testicles, but yr offspring?

    what if the kid sues me in 30 yrs time or whatever ? can u sign something to make it all safe


    hahah, "ppls testicles", that could be a track name with a few more vowels taken out - ppls tstclmx


    maybe just toss out a few girl and boy names you like, then? No harm no foul?


    edit: lol, I waited to hit post, and didn't see your replies above :D


    This one is probably difficult so just whatever comes to the fore of your minds at first: What are some of your favourite pieces of euphoria inducing music (considering that different things are euphoric for different heads)?


    'now this is fun' by depeche mode always gets me in a really up state, but it's not really euphoric in the way most people mean (i.e. 'too many fizzy synths')

    wait, you named someone's left nut Hitler, but shied away from proposing baby names? Clearly you don't fully appreciate the solemn, terrible responsibility inherent in naming someone's balls. Next to that, naming a kid is a walk in the park...


    i know and hitler? how lazy


    you could have called it bobby


    cool, bobby it is, let's hope it's not a girl then. Will let you know in 6 mos :nacmat:


    Fuuu, finally caught up with this thread again.


    Given that Quaristice Special Edition was limited to 1000 copies, do you guys get peeved that pretty much everyone has a ripped digital copy?




    BTW, this thread should be watmm's most IDM 2014. Jus' sayin


    nah obv we knew that was gonna happen, but only 1000 people get the nice metalwork and hopefully they'll look after them


    sadly, mine came from warp with a bunch of clear glue stuck on the second disc, rendering it unreadable. Was so pissed off about that...


    still have the case of course

  12. lol, knee jerk much?


    I read the book years ago, it's quite fuzzy but I remember liking it.


    I think the sequel Speaker for the Dead deals more with the aliens. Quite a weird book actually from what I recall, but also interesting. By the way he had the idea for Speaker for the Dead first, apparently, then did Enders Game as a lead-up to it.


    Card seems a bit wacky but you should probably, you know, read the book before saying it should be banned from schools.

  13. *coughs* so about that baby name :emotawesomepm9:



    sure it's an odd request, but most names don't mean anything any more anyway...and in an era where we can date online before even meeting someone, I think naming a kid over the internet is not so beyond the pale...


    one girl and one boy name?


    (and no, if you pick something like Fanny or Dilbert, I'm not so far gone that I'd use them, heh....consider it helping me to brainstorm?)



    yeah tons of our tracks are solo tracks, usually trying to one up each other

    about 1/3 of it is non-solo, as a really approximate guess


    i dunno we just compete a lot, that seems to work for us, ymmv of course


    that's fascinating, I thought the number I had heard before was 1/3 were solo tracks...but actually most of it is solo? Amazing you can integrate them so closely style-wise into a cohesive album.


    It also makes it all the more interesting that you're loathe to tell who did what. After all if it's 60% solo work, you'd finally get to learn which of you the fans would call Ae's "John", and which "Paul" :-)


    Edit: and can you comment as to whether or not you've seen this competitive spirit with other duos, eg., BoC?

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