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Posts posted by lumpenprol

  1. Just that woody block stuff reminds me of Untilted. Haven't heard stuff like that since. The mixing is a whole new thing. Even different than Exai. Soupy, oceanic.


    My fav so far is M39 Diffain. Some fucked up sci fi skeletal hip hop and since it's a bit slower you can hear all the depth going on.

    yes on both. M39 Diffain is becoming my favorite too.

  2. this isn't music!












    interesting though. Right after dissing rulohead, I find myself kind of agreeing with him. This is pleasurable, but it does feel a bit thin. I don't mind the length of the tracks at all, but there doesn't seem to be as much to unpack or digest as with typical ae. I had a hunger to listen to exai after listening to it for a few times.


    tac Lacora does have some very similar sounding elements to gantz graf.


    overall the ep is very soundtrack-y imo, sounds like a soundtrack to a short film. I like the sense of space in it, sounds like looking over some vast futurescape, watching industrial waste bubble up and smokestacks belch periodic flame a la Blade Runner.


    Quite playful as well.


    It's an odd one...hmm....very wet.

  3. newbound is the only track in which I find they challenged themselves and they actually made an interesting tune. But it still loses all the magic at 2 minutes in. I find these songs way too long for what they are.


    Funny thing is I may even agree with you, but making this call literally minutes after the ep was released smacks of douchery


    This film fucked me up. I was shaking after I left. Hating on this film is like hating on your own favorite films just because you are too hipster to admit that you love anything. Fuck you Lopez, Zaphod and Lumpy.


    lol, leave me out of it, I was hoping for the best. I haven't even seen it yet.


    But you also thought that Nic Cage film "Knowing" was a classic, so your argument is invalid, your hair is a bird

  5. gravity


    well lumpy, i guess i'm a miserable cunt. i tried pretty hard to get into this, but i just wasn't feeling it at all. very pretty, effective use of 3d, awful score, bad dialogue, the barest sketch of character and motivation, and a lot of uninspired cliched writing. really expected more after seeing the ecstatic reviews this is getting, but it's a mediocre effects picture, nothing more. and mirezzi might have called it when he said children of men is like a video game, because the endless, unbroken takes in this actually felt like a video game cutscene, not a movie. didn't help when the film turned into a sort of mirror's edge in space, with first person camera views. it destroyed whatever tension the film could have had and constantly reminded me i was watching it. maybe cuaron is just too virtuosic for his own good, i don't know.

    it's ok, let's all join in a death spiral of wretchedness together. Gonna watch the Breaking Bad finale now, finally.


    I prefer to think of subtlety rather than complexity. There's a lot of "complex" stuff that I find really boring.


    I think Confield probably has more subtlety than Exai. But Exai has more generosity of spirit.


    I do think that Ae used to have a kind of "fucking with the audience" mentality (as Sean said in an interview), something they shared with RDJ, but that sort of cold reserve and standoffishness is almost completely absent now. It's clear they still want to experiment and surprise the audience, but I don't think there are as many unpleasant, atonal, cold and psychotic elements as there used to be, for sure. They seem like they're having quite a bit of fun.


    Good post I think that sums it up well. As you say some stuff that is complex is boring is fuck and likewise some really minimal stuff can have a real depth & subtely to it.


    Also agree about Exai sounding like they had lots of fun making it.... I also have loads of fun listening to it! but think for me personaly I probably prefer them when they are a bit more unpleasant atonal and cold. Still Exai is awesome and cant wait to hear what the new EP will bring



    yeah, I mean if I'm going to get all "artistic merit"-y about it, some of their earlier albums are probably more distinctive and groundbreaking and alien. But I've grown older with the band, so am actually liking their more open, weirder, druggier, and just-slightly-sloppier recent albums. I'm married with a kid now, and no longer feel like I need to go on some twisted or soul-numbing journey. This doesn't mean I'll accept crappy leftovers - I think MoT was really forgettable and even kind of embarrassingly derivative (that BoCalike track with the flutes, lol), and I thought Quaristice was a real drop in quality. But both Oversteps and Exai are still musically fascinating to me, while feeling more "open" and "accessible" in some ways.


    I've really got my fingers crossed that Ae can age gracefully, and so far it seems like they are. And by gracefully I mean maybe getting a bit looser, jammier, and goofier, but still bringing a high level of craftsmanship. I thought they might be slipping with MoT, but Exai shows me they can still "bring it" when it comes to their full lengthers. Imo.

  7. I'm more peeved at his disliking exai.


    okay, there is something slightly unlikeable about exai, some cheese factor that really hampers my enjoyment of cloudline, for example


    but it's still a beast of an album, and the sound design is so lush. It's groovy. It's like saying you don't like a friendly puppy.


    I'd be happy if the ep were something in the vein of 6852. Or just something totally insane, like remixes of known(1).

  8. I prefer to think of subtlety rather than complexity. There's a lot of "complex" stuff that I find really boring.


    I think Confield probably has more subtlety than Exai. But Exai has more generosity of spirit.


    I do think that Ae used to have a kind of "fucking with the audience" mentality (as Sean said in an interview), something they shared with RDJ, but that sort of cold reserve and standoffishness is almost completely absent now. It's clear they still want to experiment and surprise the audience, but I don't think there are as many unpleasant, atonal, cold and psychotic elements as there used to be, for sure. They seem like they're having quite a bit of fun.

  9. those double negatives make my brain hurt


    so...I saw Pain & Gain last night. About 1/2 of the way into the movie I was ready to say it was surprisingly entertaining and Michael Bay's best flick (not a very high bar, admittedly). Then it became really implausible and wore out its welcome.


    Worth watching, but the lols diminish the further you get into it. The Rock was surprisingly good as a simpleminded, Jesus-loving meathead. His transition to coke fiend had a few nice lols.


    If it was edited tighter and the more ridiculous moments were cut out (eg., the Rock getting his toe shot off, somehow finding it at the bottom of a canal and picking it up, then feeding it to a dog later) it would be a much stronger film. Bay is still his own worst enemy when it comes to overdoing things.


    5/10 but recommended viewing for shits and giggles.

  10. I think he meant War of the Worlds


    Flight - wtf? Started out pretty great, kept my interest for a while although it felt overlong, then nosedived into schmaltz at the end. Although I have to admit, up until that point, I would never have suspected it was Robert Zimekis. When I saw his name it all made sense. He's a weird director, he's got the childlike "Back to the Future" side, but then you recall the parts in Back to the Future about almost sleeping with your mom, or the part about child sexual abuse in Forrest Gump, and you realize he's always shoehorned a bit of uncomfortable-ness into his feel-good dramas. This just had a bit more of that, but the same tidy moral at the end.


    Movie could have been 1/2 hr shorter, at least.

  11. world war z: the ho-hum, workmanlike-but-rarely-inspired direction made me look up the director. He has Monster's Ball, Finding Neverland, Stranger than Fiction, The Kite Runner, and Quantum of Solace to his credit. Well, add another one to his string of half-successes. At least he hasn't gone downhill, I guess.


    Film was "just fine", although it's very hard to make over-the-top cgi suspenseful. I'm not sure there was a single moment in the first 2/3 of the movie where I was on the edge of my seat. I thought the "twist" ending was fine, too (better than, say, I Am Legend), and I didn't mind the transition from epic-scale to corridor-scale as much as some other wattmers. Like zaphod, I enjoyed the unexplained nuke explosion.


    The premise was preposterous though, unless I missed the part where a virus that infects you in 10 seconds could be spread via air travel. Wouldn't all the planes crash en route?


    I think it's safe to say this flick represents the logical suicide of the latest zombie craze. I wouldn't be investing in zombie-stocks after this.



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