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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. This is amazing not bad not bad at all Pretty cool garage beat tbh
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljQ17KJBQUk&spfreload=10
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3xgjpkcqpQ&spfreload=10
  4. Alright, cool :) Well, maybe you explain how the cooldown on "powers" work, it's pretty vague to me. Probably not that complicated, but is it tied to potions or is there just a timed limitation on them?
  5. This is so good that I have to post it in two threads:
  6. Yeah, that's how I felt. It takes a good... 7-8 hours before you get used to it. But just ignore all the info they dump on you to begin with and if there's anything you're in doubt about look it up online. If I was you I'd start out by doing all the secondary quests you might find scattered around the world. Visit towns and grab all the quests you can find on the bulletin boards. They'll ease you into the combat. But be careful not to start a mission that is way too difficult, because then you're fucked. I started a mission called "The Red Baron" way too early, which meant I had to load an old save game, which pushed me back a couple of hours. Oh man, what have I gotten myself into... Anyway... it seems promising so far, I'd just wish it a bit better at explaining stuff, I hate having to figure out everything on my own in a video game. Kind of takes you out of the experience having to look everything up online. Alright, will definitely do some side stuff first, not into that whole overly-punishing thing.
  7. Holy shit The Witcher 3 is confusing, I don't know what to hell to do in this game.
  8. If you also felt it was awful as an child, then it was genuinely awful.
  9. Fuck it, I like making lists 1. Half-Life 2 + episodes 2. Red Dead Redemption 3. GTA: San Andreas 4. Mass Effect 1 5. Limbo Honorable mention: Goldeneye, Unreal Tournament 99, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Red Alert, Tony Hawk's Underground, Bioshock, Fallout 3... could go on really. Not old enough to really be into 8-bit era, even though I played some good 8-bit games when I was really young. I didn't play a whole lot of good games on the PS2 and Sega Saturn (mostly because I was uninformed in those periods of some reason), so most of my favorite games are on the N64, Xbox 360 and a few PC games.
  10. Yeah, that's really silly I think. Who really knows 5 people that plays the same and one particular game all the time? But I don't do a whole of talking to strangers online these days either way though, got kind over that in the XBL days. Anyway, if any watmm people is up for Destiny some time, my PSN name is also Npoess,, feel free to add.
  11. Actually haven't played the raids, it's kind of hard to gather four people for it - there's no matchmaking for it, right?
  12. I dunno, I feel I have given Destiny so many chances at this point, it doesn't seem to get any better ever. I think this game is the prime example of a developer overselling their game and doesn't deliver on what was promised. Pretty entitled mentality, but they kind of built this game up as something potentially amazing. The pure shooting mechanics of the game are so good though, which is why I think so many people sticks with it, because the rest of the game is just average at best. But again, just as a shooter, it's some of the best of there. And the co-op stuff is quite well integrated. The biggest flaw of the game is that i tries to and be PvP shooter and an RPG, those two genres are kind of conflicting in the game. A PvP shooter requires a huge amount of balancing and a RPG kind of have to be bit unbalanced in parts in order to be fun. And by trying to both, it's not very good at either of them. I would for them in the inevitable sequel to: More story elements, and that game doesn't take itself too seriously, because it's quite a silly universe to begin with. Better and more interesting loot , I think it could learn a thing or two from Borderlands. Make the whole customization and unlocking system more easy and logical, it's some of the most convoluted I've ever tried in a game. More variety in missions and map design. It's kind of a huge budget game, so I don't think it's too much to ask for more enemy and weapon types. Better boss-battles, since most of the bosses are mostly just huge bullet sponges. I know all this thinking that I know better than the developer and listing improvements is kind of silly, but this game clearly has a lot of issues that are pretty transparent, and it has been a poorly received by many. Maybe The Taken King will make some of these improvement, I was stupid enough to buy the season pass when it was on sale, I'd like to get of my money's worth at some point. I have enjoyed the game at moments, but most of the time it has been kind of a drag. /overlylongnerdpost
  13. Actually don't think they're particular depressing, it actually don't looks as awful as you might think, most of the photos makes the place look kind of peaceful in a strange way. But the ones of desolated Pyongyang and propaganda stuff are pretty gloomy though. But I know what you mean of course, it's surely not a place anybody would want to live. These photos don't paint the whole picture though, they're really great anyway.
  14. Well, in the video they seem to understand the setting, time and place which makes me kind of excited for it. Mafia II was kind of boring though, it was really beautiful and I really wanted to love it, but the just open-world aspects were just boring and uninteresting, it felt really empty and there wasn't much to do outside of the story-missions, and the story-missions got a bit repetitive after a while and story and characters didn't really grab me. But they've had time for this, and many sequels tends to improve to a great degree, so I'll be cautiously optimistic for this - simply because Mafia II had a lot of unfilled potential.
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