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Everything posted by Npoess

  1. I hope to god this turns out okay. I owned a copy of every single Tony Hawk game up until Proving Ground, then completely gave up on the series once they introduced that shitty board peripheral. The graphics on this new one are ugly indeed, but if they manage to nail the old-school THPS gameplay that I fell in love with, then we're onto a winner. It's just a shame that I won't have anything to fucking play it on. Me too, I always bought new TH games, Proving Grounds was the last one. I wouldn't mind getting into the series again, but this new one simply looks too bland. The Skate games are much better though, probably time for a new one of those.
  2. The only argument I've ever heard that From Software games should be good, is that they are hard, but how can difficulty be a quality in itself if everything else in them is uniteresting? It's like their games are not hold up to same standard as other games.
  3. My PC can run SimCity, so I guess I'll be able to play this as well. I always been into SimCity, but the series has always been majorly flawed. I want Cities to be a better version of SimCity, and that's also what I've heard from people. Anyway, just bought it, excited.
  4. Oh man, really want this game. Is it graphically demanding?
  5. Wolfenstein: The New Order This game is clearly made by a team of people with some kind of attention disturbances, it's all over the place, both the story and gameplay. Sensory overload every 2nd second, it's fucking exhausting to play. I guess it is intentional, but I really hope it get better, because I'm really not enjoying it so far. I think there's a reason why these ridiculous fast-paced old school shooters are not that popular anymore. And I have a bit hard time understanding what why got so much praise when it came out, because it also seems very repetitive and linear to me. But I'm not that far into it, so it might be a slightly hasty judgement of it. I kind of like the alternative history angle and setting though, also the reason I bought it, but the story is just so stupid. But it was probably just as stupid to expect anything else. Luckily it was cheap. But again, I might be overly-presumptuous right now.
  6. Completed the first episode of The Walking Dead season 2. Such emotion. (the whole season 50% off on PSN btw)
  7. Gotta love dem co-wokers. People you have to spend most of your everyday life and waking hours with, even though you kind of don't want to (or some of them at least)
  8. You know you where supposed to use the VATS system, right? That mechanic made the weapons feel really powerful and satisfying. Playing Fallout 3 like an ordinary shooter isn't the way to play that game. Oh I must have missed that part on the tutorial that said "please ignore the FPS aspects of this game we dunno how they got in there use VATS all the time thanks" I actually recall reading (long ago) that they made the FPS aspect very lackluster intentionally, to kind of force people to use the VATS system and play it more as an RPG rather than a shooter. Stupid? - kind of Did it make the game awful? - no (imohohohho), but only if you played it a certain way of course
  9. You know you where supposed to use the VATS system, right? That mechanic made the weapons feel really powerful and satisfying. Playing Fallout 3 like an ordinary shooter isn't the way to play that game.
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